The Annual Solar Eclipse in Gemini


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

June 10th brings the annual solar eclipse, also known as “the ring of fire eclipse” in Gemini. The annual solar eclipse occurs from the Sun and Moon’s alignment with the Earth permeating a sliver of light around the Dark Moon. 

This luminary aligns with Mercury retrograde (who is the planetary ruler of the Gemini Sun and Moon). Elusive Neptune, who’s also in relation to Mercury retrograde, is making us emotional, paranoid, sensitive, and unable to see things clearly. Take a breath. Relax. Then, analyze the facts of the matter. 

The tense energy is contagious and intense, we are all projecting our feelings. Like the game of Dominos, it’s making us all take out our moods on others until the last piece (or in this case person) falls. Instead of spreading drama and negativity, channel the energy differently and offer compassion to others. 

This eclipse will awaken the argument between our heads and hearts. Which do you want to follow? Chances are, we’ll spend days debating whether to lead with intellect or emotions. The winner will be our hearts, as love always trumps all and wins.

*The annual solar eclipse in Gemini occurs on a June 10th at 3:52 AM PDT and 6:52AM EDT.

Solar Eclipse Ritual

Reflection and meditation is key. Mercury’s moonwalk will allow us to look back and take note about what we would like to change in our lives. This may give us the opportunity to forgive and heal our past. 

Clearing the mind of negativity is hard. Disengaging with self-doubt and fear isn’t easy. Once we get to a place where we can think rationally without the outside chatter, we can make our innermost dreams come true. 

Meditate on what energy you want to bring in. Now that you have let go, what do you want to add into your life? You can manifest anything you want as long as you are honest and truthful about your desires. 

Think about former desires or old goals that have been on the back burner for years. They have the ability to come to life and become a reality at the moment. Getting clear on the vision will take reflection and meditation, but will come from the heart (which is why it will have the light and power to move forward).