The Hoodwitch

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Written by Lisa Stardust

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 28th utilizes both earth and water elements, making it a great time to diligently nurture a new dream while letting go of an old vision that no longer suits you. The Capricorn Full Moon is a time of death, rebirth, and change through hard work. These energies all work together as long as we commit to our higher selves.

The following simple spell blends the elements of the watery Cancer sun and its opposing earthy Moon. This symbolic activity of nurturance will inspire your growth in the moon cycles to come. 

The recipe that follows incorporates many elemental ingredients. Moon water is water that has been charged with the energy of the Moon, connecting us to the lunar power and energy from the Full Moon which can add magic and power to any intention and spell. Capricorn, being an earth element is related to growth and earthy ventures. The snake plant is the plant represented by Capricorn for its independence, requiring water only every 2-3 weeks. This is good because it will help you can conserve the Moon water month to month. Writing a letter of intention with a clear mind, while visualizing your dreams, and connecting to both elements will help you to truly bring in the new and release the things that no longer serve you.



Snake Plant seeds or any seeds for plants you identify with


Handwritten letter of intention

How to make Moon Water:

Take a glass container or cups filled with water.

Set your intention while holding the water, to get your energy on it.

Under the Full Moon, visualize your intentions and let the light of the Moon radiate its energy in the water.

Let the water sit near the window or outside, so it consumes the lunar energy.

Directions for nourishing your plant:

Make Moon Water to use to make the plants grow throughout the upcoming months.

Write a letter of intention.

Place the letter at bottom of soul in pot or outside.

Place Snake Plant seeds in soil or in earth outside, above or to the side of the letter. Note that you can use any type of seed! Feel free to be creative and find the plant or flower you connect with the most.

Water the seedling as needed, using the moon water to nourish your dreams, and give life to your new hopes while letting go of the past. Allow quiet time to meditate and restructure your visions as you move step by step towards them.

Remember to speak to your plant while you water it and even throughout the day as you do your daily activities. You can even discuss your intentions aloud with the plant as you work to manifest your next big dream!