Written By Amelia Quint
Moon Void of Course Times (Eastern Time Zone)
Friday, December 16, 8:15 am, Moon enters Leo
Sunday, December 18, 11:55 am, Moon void in Leo
Sunday, December 18, 12:52 pm, Moon enters Virgo
Tuesday, December 20, 8:56 pm, Moon void in Virgo
Tuesday, December 20, 9:40 pm, Moon enters Libra
Thursday, December 22, 2:31 pm, Moon void in Libra
Moon Phase: Waning
Under the waning moon, work magick to diminish that which you no longer desire, to conceal that which you wish to keep secret, or to wrap up loose ends. Banishing and binding rituals are powerful now, as are uncrossing and protection spells.
During these signs, work magick for the following:
Leo- visibility/raising awareness/being seen, courage
Virgo- preparations for Mercury retrograde
Libra- love, beauty, harmony
I know, Aries: You don’t like people playing around when it comes to your career, but for the next few weeks, you’ll have to play the game, so to speak. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your publicity sector starting Monday. While you might have to suffer a few fools, you do it with professionalism. On the bright side, use this time to do a little reconnaissance on your business reputation and fine tune accordingly. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so projects from around that time should be handled delicately. You’ll get a glimpse of a promising publishing or travel on January 4 when Mercury slips into Sagittarius, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to commit. By January 12, you’ll know what your next move will be.
Astrology profiles always talk about how down-to-earth you are, but for the next few weeks, all that gets turned upside down. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your exploration sector starting Monday. This part of your chart rules your personal philosophy, long distance travel, and world religions, so your mind is going to be far away from what’s in front of you. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so you probably felt an inkling of this around that time. The vibe intensifies on January 4 when Mercury slips into Sagittarius, your intuition sector, but you come back to your body after Mercury direct on the 8th. By January 12, you’ll know how to integrate the discoveries you made while traveling, either astrally or in real life. For best results, write everything down. It’s good advice anytime, but especially for the foreseeable future.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but your sign has a better handle on Mercury retrograde than others. You and your cosmic cousin, Virgo, are ruled by Mercury, and share a certain familiarity with his movements. It’s no surprise, then, that when Mercury retrograde stirs up your eighth house of intimacy on Monday, you’re hit with a desire get familiar―both with yourself and others. Remember that intimacy has many forms. Sharing ideas, space, and money are could all be in play, though my sense is that the traditional meaning of sex definitely applies. What can I say, Gemini, you’ve got needs! Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so you can trace this back to around then. Well-meaning signals could get crossed when Mercury slips into Sagittarius, your relationship zone, on January 4, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to react. By January 12, the stars clear the air.
As the zodiac’s mom, you go above and beyond in all your relationships, but for the next few weeks, that tendency could get you into trouble. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your opposite sign of Capricorn starting Monday, playing tricks on the people you interact with. It’s harmless, but annoying. Think texts that won’t send, words that don’t come out the way you intended, or misinterpreted body language. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so you may have gotten a taste of this around then. By the time Mercury slips into your daily grind sector on January 4, you have to triage some drama with the people you see most often, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th before you judge them for it. By January 12, you’re able to let your crew know how much you love them, and everything works itself out.
I know, Leo: you’d rather be on the red carpet, on stage, or in the VIP section, but for the next few weeks, the details of how you conduct your business day-to-day need a little TLC. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your health and habits zone starting Monday. It’s not your comfort zone, but think of it like this: excellence in the details leads to excellence in the grand spectacles you crave. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so that’s when this vibe really started to kick in. You’ll get a glimpse of the finish line on January 4 when Mercury slips into your pleasure sector, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to let up on any new diet or fitness regimes. By January 12, you’ll your hard work will have paid off.
It may seem counterintuitive, but your sign has a better handle on Mercury retrograde than others. You and your cosmic cousin, Virgo, are ruled by Mercury, and share a certain familiarity with his movements. It’s no surprise, then, that when Mercury retrograde shakes up your sensual fifth house on Monday, that you take a perverse sort of pleasure in this upside-down sensibility. You’re learning how to find enjoyment in unexpected places. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so you may have noticed pricks of amusement in dark places beginning to pop up around that date. You’ll get a glimpse of the emotional impetus behind this shift on January 4 when Mercury slips into your psyche sector, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to act on any breakthroughs. By January 12, you’ll know what inspirations you’re meant to take (or leave behind) from this strange period
You’re the one we can count on for sound advice or a loving embrace, but where’s your emotional rescue? Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your emotions sector starting Monday. While Mercury retrograde typically has negative connotations, this can be extremely positive if you do it right. Pour yourself into therapy, spiritual practice, and/or art, and you’ll come out the other end a more self-actualized you. The only drawback is the inevitable bouts of moodiness and irritability, but know you don’t have to go it alone. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so you may have started feeling triggered around then. You’ll get a glimpse of your new, improved thought processes on January 4 when Mercury slips into Sagittarius, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to express them. By January 12, you’ll know what to say.
Your precision is one of your best qualities, but for the next few weeks, you’ll have to do without it, for better or for worse. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your third house of connection starting Monday. Mercury rules the third house, so you get a double dose of his antics. All the ways in which you connect with the world are up for review, including your thought processes, manner of speaking, writing style, social media presence, and IRL network. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so you probably started feeling this as far back as that date. You might feel like you’re under attack, but try to reframe the experience. You’re finding your voice. You’ll see how clearly how your connections are affecting you on January 4, when Mercury slips into your self-worth sector, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to act. By January 12, you’ll know what ties to tighten and which to cut.
No one wants to hear that money is going to be source of stress over the holidays, but unfortunately, Sagittarius, it’s better to know and prepare. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your value sector starting Monday. There’s a few ways this can play out. It could manifest as literal financial strain, caused by miscommunications with your bank, employer, or others who pay your bills. Or, it could be your mind spiraling about your self-worth, which, can be too tied up in your bank balance. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so really, you’ve been feeling this build since then. Saturn in your sign is holding the purse strings extremely tight, so ask yourself: Are you doing absolutely everything you can to make ends meet? Keep grinding, but take care of you. That’s all you can do. You’ll get a glimpse of the finish line on January 4 when Mercury slips into your sign, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to let up on your pace. By January 12, you’ll know how to solve your money woes. Until then, a prosperity candle couldn’t hurt.
You have a reputation as the most serious zodiac sign, but what most people don’t know is that you’ve got a killer sense of humor. Capricorns are famous for their sarcasm as a defense mechanism, which comes forward with a vengeance over the next few weeks. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your sign starting Monday. Mercury retrograde is nothing major, but minor irritations pile up, so settle into having your routine disrupted. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so this has been building since then, if you’re honest. This is all happening in your first house of self, so the way your react to these challenges is a litmus test. You’re adept at handling crises, but you’ll need more TLC than usual to weather this storm. You’ll get a glimpse of the cosmic lesson behind this bullshit, if there is one, on January 4 when Mercury slips into your spirituality sector, but you’re not out of the woods until Mercury direct on the 8th. By January 12, you emerge a phoenix from the flames.
Remember that quote about demons from Friedrich Nietzsche? “Be careful,” he said, “lest in casting out your demon you exorcise the best thing in you.” That’s where you find yourself during the next few weeks. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your secrets and spirituality zone starting Monday. He’ll be in Capricorn, the sign of lusty goat god Pan, who was later demonized by Christianity and turned into the Devil. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so something has been trying to get your attention since then. Besides the divine masculine making a very obvious appearance, this is where you ask yourself if you really want to exorcise your inner demons, or whether you just feel like society says you have to. Everyone has a shadow, and yours is beautiful. You’ll get a glimpse of how society reacts to your fully integrated self on January 4 when Mercury slips into Sagittarius, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to really flaunt it. By January 12, you’ll know how to walk between the dark and the light.
As a Pisces, you have the uncanny ability to morph into whatever people want you to be. It can be pleasurable to embody someone else’s fantasy, but it’s not worth losing sight of your own aspirations. Here’s the situation: Mercury, trickster god and patron planet of communication, moves backwards through your eleventh house of long-term plans starting Monday. Mercury entered Capricorn on December 2, so if you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve felt reality gnawing at the back of your mind since then. This part of your horoscope is also associated with hopes and fears, so if you start to feel overly excited or sad about your prospects, Mercury’s probably playing mind games with you. Focus on the mundane aspects of your situation for best results. The more real you can get, the better. You’ll get a glimpse of how this plays into your career on January 4 when Mercury slips into Sagittarius, but wait until Mercury direct on the 8th to act on that inkling. By January 12, you’ll know for sure what your strategy will be. Whatever path you choose, you’re in it for the long haul.