"Neptune rules the imagination, dreams and visions and their expression through art, dance, music, poetry, etc. In a personal chart, Neptune can point to areas where a person may have problems seeing through illusion as well as where someone will find their best creative expression. Those who have a strong Neptune influence may have a spiritual calling or be drawn toward mysticism.
Neptune takes about 14 years to complete its journey through any one sign and is thus considered a "generational planet", exerting its force on an entire generation. Since Neptune rules imagination and its expression, the fashionable movies, music, art, etc. of a generation can be influenced by what sign Neptune is in. Neptune also affects a generations idealist attitudes and points to areas where a generation will find dissatisfaction with the status quo."~ Witchipedia
Moon Void of Course Times
Friday, November 18, 10:14 PM Moon enters Leo
Monday, November 21, 3:33 AM Moon void in Leo
Monday, November 21, 4:43 AM Moon enters Virgo
Tuesday, November 22, 12:41 PM Moon void in Virgo
Wednesday, November 23, 2:42 PM Moon enters Libra
Moon Phase: Waning
Under the waning moon, work magick to diminish that which you no longer desire, to conceal that which you wish to keep secret, or to wrap up loose ends. Banishing and binding rituals are powerful now, as are uncrossing and protection spells.
During these signs, work magick around the following:
Leo- creativity, confidence, visibility
Virgo- service, devotion, purifying
Libra- love, beauty, truth
As an Aries, you you’re comfortable in your body, interacting directly with the world around you through flesh and blood; however, the last five months have pulled you into the spirit realm. That’s because Neptune retrograde has been passing through your twelfth house of magick. On Saturday, Neptune direct sends you a message that will leave your psychic senses tingling for a few days. Put that divine inspiration to work on Monday, when the sun enters Sagittarius, your spiritual study zone.
On Thursday, the first in a series of three alignments between Jupiter and Pluto sparks tension between your relationships and your career. It’s not comfortable, but it’s a necessary shift. Jupiter will be in Libra, the sign of love, and Pluto in Capricorn, the sign of ambition. Essentially, your heart and mind are split on which way to go. Whatever you choose, know that this aspect is known as both “mogul” and “king-maker.” If you play your cards right at this moment, you’ll be wearing a crown soon enough.
No matter how much you pretend that you love stability above all else, we all know you crave romance. Your long-term vision for your life is a rose-tinted one, and while there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, Neptune retrograde through your hopes and dreams sector may have caused things to get a bit foggy along the way. Are there any friendships or connections that aren’t serving you anymore? You’ll know for sure with Neptune direct on Saturday. Wait until Monday to take action, when the sun’s entry into your boundaries sector will protect you from haters.
You know better than any sign that nothing grows without structure, and the first in a series of alignments between Jupiter and Pluto arrives on Thursday to remind you of just that. The houses of your horoscope ruling everyday details and big ideas clash, challenging you to find more sustainable ways to grow your empire. Jupiter will be in the sign of beauty, and Pluto in the sign of order. For best results, find ways to make any new routines a part of your aesthetic. That’s when you really shine.
You’re the storyteller of the zodiac, but what do you do when your fiction starts to mix with your reality? As Neptune retrograde passed through your career sector since mid-June, the lines between your dreams and your real life may have faltered, leaving you in a haze. Fortunately, this Saturday brings a moment of clarity, with Neptune direct illuminating a path forward. Take it, without hesitation. You’ll feel even better on Monday, when the sun’s entry into Sagittarius brings the warm comfort of close friends for the holidays.
Later, on Thursday, Jupiter in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn in the first of three major alignments that will set the tone for your next several months. They’ll highlight your houses of creativity and boundaries, respectively. Libra supports artistic expression, and Capricorn the protection of your creative endeavors, so you’ve got the stars on your side. Resist any attempts by desperate people at false friendship to get close to your art. You’ll know who wants to see the real you.
If you’ve felt like the last few months have been one long trip, you may be right. Mystical Neptune retrograde has been swimming through your ninth house of exploration since mid-June, exposing you to philosophies and ideals you may have thought were impossible until now. On Saturday, Neptune direct shows you which spiritual aphorisms to keep and which to shed. By Monday, the sun’s entry into Sagittarius helps to incorporate your newfound bliss into your daily grind.
On Thursday, the first in a series of alignments between Jupiter and Pluto asks you, “Is home really where the heart is?” Jupiter will be in your home sector, and Pluto in your relationship zone. Your sign rules family (both biological and chosen), living situations, and emotions, so this inquiry is especially important to you. As these two planets square off, channel that tension into creating a sanctuary for yourself. Once you do that, everything else falls into place.
You’re not one for keeping secrets, but for the last few months, you may have had to keep quiet about your feelings more than you’d prefer. With Neptune retrograde in your boundaries sector, you likely dealt with nebulous situations around sex, other people’s money, or other things that put you in an awkward position. Luckily, Neptune direct on Saturday smooths things over and helps you set the record straight. On Monday, use the sun’s entry into your pleasure zone to treat yourself once it’s all behind you.
As the zodiac’s performer, you live for the lights and the grandeur, not the fine details. On Thursday, the first of three alignments between Jupiter and Pluto see to it that you learn the value of the story behind your work and the daily grind it takes to create it. Jupiter will be in Libra, the sign of balance, and Pluto will be in Capricorn, the sign of hard work. Ask yourself if you’re doing more or less than your share of the work, and adjust accordingly. No matter what, she show will go on.
Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, the last few months may have set you adrift on a sea of confusing emotions about your closest companions. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your SO: thanks to Neptune retrograde in your partnership sector since mid-June, this may have manifested as fog between you and dear friends or business partners. Take heart! Neptune direct on Saturday clears the air, and the sun into your emotions zone on Monday warms your soul.
All Virgos have impossibly high standards: It’s a blessing and a curse. What if I told you those standards were holding you back? On Thursday, Jupiter in your value sector squares off Pluto in your creativity zone, activating the first of three alignments that will totally reshape the way you feel about your own artistic worth. Jupiter will be in Libra, the sign of art, and Pluto in Capricorn, the sign of hidden lucre, so there’s money to be made here if you dig deep. Find your vein of gold, Virgo.
As a Libra, your rational mind is one of your best qualities—so what do you do when your thoughts start to get cloudy? Since mid-June, Neptune retrograde has passed through your sixth house of health and habits, slowing down your ability to do everyday tasks and blurring the lines between sleep and waking life. On Saturday, Neptune direct boosts your vitality by showing you how to walk between worlds more effectively. Later, on Monday, the sun’s entry into your writing sector sends the muse to visit.
On Thursday, Jupiter in your sign squares off with Pluto at the base of your chart, churning up old demons around where you live, your origin story, and other things you prefer to keep hidden deep within your psyche. Pluto will be in Capricorn, the sign of control, so consider that power dynamics may be off in the situation you’re dealing with. This aspect is one in a series of three that will completely reshape the way you view yourself in relation to where you came from. If you do it right, you master your heritage.
There’s a special kind of magic to the creative act, and no one knows that better than you, Scorpio. One of your sign’s primary emblems is the snake, symbolizing the regeneration in which you’re so well versed. You’ve been shedding your skin since mid-June, as Neptune retrograde passed through your fifth house of kundalini energy. On Saturday, Neptune direct completes your rebirth. By Monday, the sun entry into your wealth sector rewards you for a job well done.
It’s true that you’re no stranger to other planes of existence, but sometimes you have difficulty expressing what you find there. On Thursday, Jupiter squares off with Pluto in the first of three alignments between your spirituality and communication houses. Over the next year, these will give you a new vocabulary with which to speak, write, and otherwise share your magical experiences. If there was to be a problem here, it would be people trying to deceive you, but you’ve got an excellent bullshit detector already.
When faced with a difficult emotional conundrum, your fight-or-flight response will choose to flee almost every time. Indeed, since mid-June, Neptune retrograde through your fourth house of origins may have encouraged you to avoid the emotional roots of what’s ailing you. On Saturday, Neptune direct digs in and shows you where you need nourishment. By Monday, the sun’s entry into your sign has you feeling more like yourself already. You’re radiant.
Consider this: If you’re the sum of the people with whom you spend your time, then who are you really? On Thursday, the first of three alignments between Jupiter and Pluto gives you the answer. It’s activating your houses of groups and value, respectively, so know that the people, places, things, and ideas with whom you spend your time are an investment in your future. You’re an idealist at heart, but Saturn in your sign until late next year urges you to take a more pragmatic approach—at least for now.
It’s true you love to work, and there’s no question that you’re great at it—but when all the voices in your world begin to blend, you’ve got to take a break. Since mid-June, Neptune retrograde through your communication sector has been playing tricks on your ability to speak your mind. Luckily, on Saturday, Neptune direct in Pisces cuts through the noise. By Monday, the sun’s entry into your sleepy twelfth house helps you score the rest you sorely need.
It’s easy to say you won’t change when you get what you want, but the reality might not be so simple, Capricorn. On Thursday, Jupiter in your fame sector squares off with Pluto in your identity zone in the first of three serious alignments that will set the tone for the next year to come. Jupiter will be in Libra, the sign of diplomacy, and Pluto will be in Capricorn, the sign of control, so make this work by keeping a tight rein on your public image. Your private life will thank you.
As the zodiac’s visionary, one of your biggest struggles is that you always think about what’s far ahead, not what’s right in front of you. That’s been especially true since mid-June, as Neptune retrograde passed through your house of empire-building. Yes, you need a long-term plan, but you’ve also need the cash to fund it. On Saturday, Neptune direct lets you know exactly how to get the resources you require. By Monday, the sun’s entry into your networking house brings you a connection that can make it happen.
On Thursday, everything you thought you knew about the universe begins to shift beneath, around, and above you as Jupiter and Pluto align. It’s the first of three aspects that set the tone for the next year, activating your houses of personal philosophy and spirituality. Jupiter will be in Libra, the sign of beauty, and Pluto will be in Capricorn, the sign of power, so consider how these themes show up in your dreams and magickal practice. Your intuition will be a valuable resource now. Use it.
As a natural medium, you know how to let tidal waves of emotion, inspiration, and spirit to wash over you at any given moment. Imagine, then, how intense it must be when you’re pulled underwater entirely. That’s what’s happened since mid-June, as Neptune retrograde trudged ever-so-slowly through your sign. On Saturday, Neptune direct brings you up for air and back to reality. By Monday, the sun’s entry into Sagittarius brings you recognition for your efforts.
The hard work isn’t over yet thought: On Thursday, Jupiter squares off with Pluto, activating your houses of secrets and groups, respectively. Again, boundaries aren’t your strong suit, but in your situation, know that a good vessel needs clear lines of demarcation. This will be the first in a series of three aspects that set the tone for the upcoming year, so know that it won’t happen overnight. Still, it will happen. Silence can be a magical act, an offering to your favorite spirits.