The Dark New SuperMoon: A last minute ritual.

Happy  Super New moon in Aquarius-Pisces.

Unlike the full super moon, you won't see this one in the sky. However, you will feel it's powerful energy. This moon is unique and potent with it's transition from the last degree of Aquarius into the first degree of Pisces to help guide you through any transitions that may be taking place in your own life. New Moon energy is always a useful time for creation or for the releasing of habits, and patterns which are holding you back from being your most authentic self, and living to your full potential. There will be a series of six super moons that we will have in 2015, the first happened back in January, and our next will fall on March 20, 2015  the same date as the spring equinox, how exciting is that?

As with all super moons we've noticed that there is an added sense of pressure to "utilize the potency" to go all out and celebrate! ideally, this would be wonderful but what happens when circumstance prevents that elaborate ritual you had planned? don't fret! It's important to surrender to what is. We have shared more elaborate New moon rituals on our site as well as our Instagram page: How to manifest, How to Release, if time and circumstance permits, utilize them and see what magic unfolds from New to Full Moon.

Here  is a a simple last minute new moon ritual: let go of any expectation or feeling that you blew it with what you intended to do.  Align yourself with the moment and get centered and quiet. Close your eyes, and say an affirmative prayer regarding your new moon desires, and know that it is done! Give thanks. Remember, it's all about your intentions and with intention you can't get it wrong.

 Be open and receptive to the forms in which your manifestations may appear. The Universe often has it's own ideas of how to bless us. If you petitioned for a romantic new love and received a sweet new pet, if you invoked for a raise but managed to receive help in clearing your financial debt, be grateful! Positive developments always lead us in the right direction, but even the seemingly negative events can clear the way for our good fortune to come through. Be grateful for whatever results your rituals produce. What is meant for you, will be yours.

More New Moon Rituals