Goddess of the Week - Francheska Medina

Name: Francheska Medina
Location: Harlem, NYC
Astrological Sign/rising: I'm a Taurus with a Cancer rising. But i'm aging well. Not as much of a sensitive-stubborn bull like I used to be. So many of my exes are side-eyeing this response.
Occupation: After healing myself from a chronic illness, a few years back, I became a major health enthusiast. It was such an empowering time in my life and i've been learning as much as possible and passing on the information ever since. I am now a full-time Lifestyle YouTuber/Blogger.
Which Goddess or Goddess Archetype do you most identify with and why?
I would have to go with Oshun, since she's known for watching over the poor, healing the sick and bringing her people prosperity. I'm someone who grew up in the projects of Harlem but went to expensive, predominantly white private schools. Complete class and culture shock for me but I made sure to use the advantages wisely. And with every "upward" chess move, I've continued to think of those around me.
How do you get in touch with/unleash your inner goddess?
I'm always taking long baths to wash the week off. I throw in rose petals and herbs. Drops of my favorite essential oils, like Lavender. I turn off the light and light a few candles. Grab a plate of my favorite fruit, chopped and drizzled in melted chocolate or honey (when i'm feeling indulgent, as most Taurus folks usually are). Throw on some Miles Davis and let everything go. I'm such a scene from Love Jones.
What is your Goddess superpower?
I have a pretty calm speaking voice and have found it to be pretty useful in disarming people. It's helpful when I want to get to know someone.
Will You join us in the sacred twerk circle?
Have you seen my booty?
Check out more about this Goddess at:
Hey Fran Hey Youtube Channel
About Goddess of the Week
“A Goddess is the form that a feminine archetype may take. Goddess types represent models of ways of being and behaving that we women all share and recognize from the collective unconscious. In fairy tales this archetype may be revealed to us as a queen, a princess or a witch. Goddesses, as a feminine archetype, remain alive to this day in the psychology of women; and, depending upon which energies are more pronounced, influence her personality with a distinct character, a way of being, a way of relating in the world a way of offering her special gifts.” - N. Bennett
The Goddess manifests in many different forms, some of which shatter the stereotypes that are commonly associated with womanhood. Goddess Of The Week was created as a means to showcase in a down to earth manner women from many spiritual practices and all walks of life that are truly inspiring. Creatives making a difference in our world utilizing their gifts by tapping into the divine and sharing their skills with others. You can find more info about our featured Goddesses by following their links.