Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

September 14th brings the  New Moon in Virgo, which urges us to heal old wounds and move forward. The Virgo Sun and Uranus retrograde in Taurus harmonize on September 15th, pushing us to embrace our most authentic selves. The same day, Mercury turns direct in Virgo, clearing up miscommunications and issues that occurred over the past several weeks. Venus in Leo squares Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on September 17th, making us take risks in matters of the heart and money. The Sun opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on September 19th, Evoking our dreams and intuition. 


Self-care is essential this week, which is why we should take on an activity that makes us feel good about ourselves. You can take a relaxing bath, book a massage, go for a walk, or meditate at the park. The time has come for us to connect and honor ourselves with a dosage of tender love and kindness.  


It’s important to stay in your lane and focus on yourself — even though you want to help in defending others because of the triangular situations at play. There are secret alliances, which is why you shouldn’t step on anyone’s toes and only give good energy towards healing the situation.


Now’s the time to plant the seeds for the goals you wish to attain in the upcoming weeks. No matter how big or small your dreams are, you’ll have to take a risk and chance on yourself because you will never know how victorious you can be if you try.


You don’t have to focus on the minute details in order to complete every task you undertake. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You’ll find that thinking from a larger perspective helps you visualize and accomplish matters concisely and effortlessly. Your understanding and creativity will blossom.


Words have power, which is why it’s important to think about what you say in the moment you’re expressing yourself. You never know who’ll take your sentiments to heart, so be careful in what you share and only state the truth in order to be honest in all you do. 


Your professional goals are shifting, allowing you to see the peripheral aspects of your career. In order to conquer your goals and hopes, it’s essential to journal your aspirations. Manifesting this way will bring your dream job to you, as you’ll be clear in what you want for the future. 


You’re wanting to cut people loose this week — especially those who aren’t giving you the attention and affection you deserve. Before making decisions, contemplate what kind of break you need. If it’s a moment of calm then let that be known before assumptions are made and feelings are hurt. 


Although the short game might be appealing this week, you’re finding that it’s best to play your hand out and take the long route toward resolving your objectives. The more energy you give to making your dreams a reality — the sweeter it’ll be when it actually happens for you. 


You might feel somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of chatter going on in your various circles and communities. Pay careful attention to what is happening around you, as well as what’s going on on the news with events swirling around especially since this playful energy can take an unexpected turn. 


The week ahead releases pain and allows you to take steps forward into a life-changing journey. The New Moon is helping you to release fear through the zone of spirituality. It is important to honor your ancestral roots, and appreciate the intuitive guidance being given to you right now.


There are many challenges presented that require careful analysis. In fact, you might just be too hard on yourself — especially as trickster Mercury turns direct and encourages you to weigh out every situation making it tough to make a final decision. Remember, that you alone know what is best for you.


Your energy is heightening and expanding, giving you the opportunity to see beyond this world. The more you engage in using and understanding your power, the greater it’ll be when you need it most — it is coming sooner than you think, which is why it’s best to prepare yourself. 


You’re turning over a new leaf in relationships, which is helping you heal the past and live a better life in the present with others. This won’t be easy. Expect tears, highs, and lows, as well as a bevy of emotions while navigating through existing problems to a kinder place.

Manifesting With The Cancer New Moon

The first New Moon of the summer occurs today, on July 9th in Cancer. This luminary is asking us to embrace our amazingness and to own our power. The caveat is that we have to heal the past in order to create the present and future that we want. 


This lumnation directly aspects the planet Uranus, which is currently in the sign Taurus. Emotions will be excitable, yet tender — particularly towards the way we care for ourselves. The fixed star Wasat aligns with the New Moon and pushes us to augment our pessimistic attitudes or feelings, due to the presence of Uranus, who serves as a transformative source of energies. 


Chiron, the healing centaur,  who is in Aries, will also lend its energy to the New Moon. This will bring unexpected and exciting emotions to the forefront of our hearts. It will urge us to discuss our sentiments with others, as well as make positive changes towards aligning ourselves with a higher vibration that can mend past wounds — even our emotional hurts that are ever present. 


The days surrounding the New Moon heighten the Venusian energy in the sky. Saturn, Uranus, and Mars (in that order) will set off tender Venus. This will motivate us to understand that we can create the loving environments and relationships that we want. But, it starts with the relationship we have with ourselves.


The first step to attaining your dreams is believing in yourself. Without the confidence and affection we feel for ourselves, then we can hinder our desires from taking flight out of fear. Letting go of 


*The Cancer New Moon occurs on July 9 at 6:16 PM PDT and 9:16 PM EDT. 



New Moon Ritual


Doing this luminary, it’s important to boost our self-esteem. Stating a positive affirmation in front of a mirror will allow us to inspire ourselves to believe that these sentiments are true (which they are). On a piece of paper, write down 5 positive and affirming statements about yourself. Repeat them twice a day at the same time for the next week while gazing at yourself in the mirror. The mirror will reflect the energy back to you and give you the strength you craze to create the positive mindset and confidence that we need to boost and heighten our inner vibration. Exhale and inhale between stating the affirmations out loud. You are exhaling the negative thoughts you have about yourself and inhaling the beautiful sentiments about yourself. Compliment yourself. Love yourself. Give yourself a smile. 




Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Aries New Moon is asking us to be bold. Standing face to face with our deepest fears will require us to act boldly. If we are willing to be honest with ourselves, then we can squash the talk and doubt in our heads that’s been holding us back and attain our best lives. 

The New Moon and Venus share an opening square with Pluto, allowing us to make changes that will be the beginning of the journey we’re committing to. The caveat is that we may let the negative vibes of Pluto stand in the way of attaining our goals, as we are scared of evolving and moving forward. Change is hard. After all, we are creatures of comfort. However, it’s essential to move towards newness and allow ourselves to feel new emotions, passions, and desires. 

The opposite sentiment can lead to stagnation, which can make us feel stuck and frustrated. Don’t fight or rush the process. Move in flow of the cosmos. But, take your time towards achieving growth. The other side of this aspect can lead to a deep healing and to an attainment of spiritual transformation.

 Jupiter and Mars lend a helping hand to this energy, by allowing us to discuss our plans for the future. Mercury and Mars, who are in mutual reception, are giving us the motivation to resolve the past by moving into the next vision and committing to a new journey. A new cycle is beginning. Are you ready? 

*The Aries New Moon occurs on April 11th at 7:31PM PST and 10:31PM EST. 

New Moon Ritual

This luminary will force us to embrace our shadow side in order to move forward without fear. In order to do so, we’ll have to do glamour magic to encourage confidence and power (both are descriptions and elements of Pluto) to attain our desires. 


Take a mirror and lay it by the windowsill under the New Moon. Let the moon’s energy radiate and ignite the mirror with passion. After you’ve meditated on your personal affirmation and when you’re feeling ready, write down your mantra on a piece of paper. Affix it to the mirror. State the affirmation five times while staring at yourself in the mirror. When you’re done, state one thing, habit, or phobia that you would like to rid yourself of. Then, write it on a piece of paper and bury it in the dirt, flush it down the toilet, or burn it to ensure that you never hold onto that sentiment again. Practice your affirmations every morning and night to make sure that your visions come to fruition swiftly. 



Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The New Moon in Pisces occurs on March 13th. This lunar event is tender, romantic, and sentimental. It will set the mood for the next six months and will bring emotional abundance our way. This is a magicident and magical moment in time, as long as we allow ourselves to feel our feels. 

The New Moon connects with Venus, Neptune, and Pluto which will inspire us to take a leap of faith in love and push us to dive into the depths of emotions. It’s a super romantic time to fully embrace our innermost dreams and visions. Venus and Neptune connect later in the day, adding a sense of unconditional love and bonds to the overall vibe. 

The caveat is that our auric fields will pick up the energies of others, which may not be aligned with ours. This will affect our moods and feelings. Therefore, it’s important that we detox our energy with crystals before setting our intentions. Listening to soft music and singing will aid in separating funky sentiments from our positive outlook. 

The fixed star Markab (a vibrant star who rests on the wing of the constellation Pegasus) is active in this luminary, which will add a fortunate energy. It’s best to go with the flow during this New Moon. Good things are coming if we let it happen naturally without force. 

The Sabian Symbol represents the following sentiment: “On A Small Island Surrounded By The Vast Expanse Of The Sea, People Are Seen Living In Close Interaction.” This means that the chance to bond with others is high, especially those we are “close” with. It also represents hope, for a moment in time in which we can meld into one with another. 

*The New Moon in Pisces occurs on March 13th at 2:21AM PDT and 5:21AM EDT. 

New Moon in Pisces Ritual:

Place an amethyst and clear quartz crystal next to you. Amethyst is ideal for spirituality and protection. Clear quartz will aid in concentration and healing. Both crystals will help mellow out the cosmic energies at play. Also, they will allow us to release negativity, cleanse the auric field, and bring in positive vibes. 

Meditate on your truest vision. What is your innermost dream? It’s ok to vocalize things that sound ridiculous in your mind. Odds are, they are not. If you can think of a goal that sings to your heart, then it’s time to set it in motion. Now is the time to make any sentiment possible. 

Start a rhythm by clapping your hands to a unique beat. Then chant your intention over and over again while you are clapping your hands. Start saying your desires louder and louder to your own tune. After a minute of chanting, you can stomp your feet along with your intention and clapping. Do this fast and then faster for a minute. It will ensure that the universe and you are in sync to manifest your visions into reality.

Accessing the Third Eye Under the Pisces New Moon

Artwork Muzli design

Artwork Muzli design

Astrology by Lisa Stardust for The Hoodwitch

The Pisces New Moon on February 23rd is a wonderful time to embrace our past dreams, intuition, and selves. It’s important to reconnect with the parts of ourselves that we’ve forgotten, in order to find out what our truest passions are and what our deepest desires are for the future. 

Mercury, who’s currently retrograde in a Pisces, will connect with the Moon shortly after the luminary occurs. This means that it’s time to dive deep within and awaken  our subconscious. Old visions that we’ve put on the back burner are more prone to take flight now, if we let them. Also, it’s a great time to make amends with those who we’ve recently got into arguments with — or we may decide to cut them loose permanently. Mercury is allowing us to see matters from an emotional perspective, rather than an analytical viewpoint. Mars activates the New Moon by adding action. We all want to move forward and take control of matters and relationships, even if it’s hard. Uranus sprinkles in a grounding energy, which will make us ask ourselves if we are valued and respected by others with whom we are making decisions about. The Nodes of Destiny give today a fated vibe. Venus and Jupiter (who is the planetary ruler of Pisces) square off today, making us open to all possibilities. If we have a clear mind and access to our clairvoyance skills, then we can move in the best direction possible with an open heart and mind. 

With all this cosmic action happening during the Pisces New Moon, it’s important to trust our intuition. Evoking and embracing the third eye chakra may be difficult for some (due to Mercury’s current moonwalk), which is why it’s imperative that we listen to the visions our dreams bring to us. Igniting the third eye will open us up to all possibilities, as we will be able to see and understand the right choices that should be made. We will also be inspired to move forward and make clear decisions that will bring us a bright future. 

*The New Moon occurs on February 23rd  at 7:32AM PST and 10:32AM EST.  

New Moon Ritual


1 Tablespoon of Dried or Fresh RosePetals

1 Teaspoon of Dried or Fresh Lavender 

1 Cinnamon Stick 

1 Teaspoon of Mugwort 

1 Amethyst Crystal 

1 Sachet Bag 

Pen and Paper 


  • Write down your intentions on a piece of paper. Take note about what past situation or relationship you wish to gain clarity on.

  • Place all ingredients in a sachet bag. 

  • Leave the bag under your bed or pillow.

  • Let your third eye connect with your dreams.

  • Write down your dreams and visions over the next few days to see if you’ve tapped into your subconscious and gained new insight on such matters that have been on your mind for a long time. 

  • Write them down and take note for your dream records. 


Artist Fabian Oefner

Artist Fabian Oefner

The first New Moon of 2020 occurs January 24th in airy Aquarius. Known for its quirky nature, Aquarian walk their own path and have a unique sense of self. Under this luminary, we will be cosmically pushed to embrace our evocative nature (that not many see) and take a walk on the wild side. 

The New Moon squares off with Uranus, who is currently in Taurus. Coincidentally, Uranus is the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius (the traditional ruler of Saturn). This will aspect will bring sudden changes and losses our way — all of which we did not see coming. It’s also a celestial call for us to let our freak flags fly. 

The fixed star Dabih connects with the New Moon and adds fear, reserve, and mistrust in the process of our evolutionary goals — particularly through friends, Those who do not understand our sentiments and desires will fall to the waste side, as our hearts yearn to be free and seen. Although letting go is hard, it’s essential at this time for our personal growth. 

The Sabian symbol for this luminary is “A Council Of Ancestors Is Seen Implementing The Efforts Of A Young Leader.” Therefore, it’s necessary for us to acknowledge the past and present. Blending these energies together will help us become our own individual in the world and become the person of our dreams. Our ancestors are supporting our growth, which is a blessing. 

Lean into your fabulous unique self! Let go of the restraints and norms that hold you back. Like a butterfly, we are in the midst of a personal metamorphosis towards change. Spread your wings and fly!

*The New Moon occurs January 24th at 1:41PM PST and 4:42PMEST.

New Moon Ritual:

For this ritual, we will be working with the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius — which is Uranus. The reason being is that we are all going through major shake ups and transformations. We need to honor change, instead of working against it, in order to ensure cosmic protection during these turbulent and erratic times (also, to protect and give strength to our relationship with ourselves, as insecurities may flair up) This will allow you to embrace and bring luck to your unique thoughts and notions, rather than work against it. 

Use a Blue-Green (if you don’t have this particular hue, you can use Blue or Green) candle. 

Make a sigil with your intention by writing out your New Moon goals and deleting the vowels and striking out the duplicate consonants. Carve your zodiac sign into one side of the candle, your name, your personal sigil, and the glyph (astrological symbol) of the planet Uranus.

Place cloves, nutmeg, and the juice of half of a lime (all of these are essences of Uranus) into a mixing bowl. 

Rub the blended essences on the candle.

You can add blue or green glitter for decorations. Also, a butterfly to mark the transformative nature of Uranus. 

Meditate on your intentions. Breathe deeply and exhale. 

Light the candle. 

Courage Under Fire: Manifesting with the Scorpio New Moon


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

October 27th brings an intense New Moon our way in transformative Scorpio. During this luminary, we will be morally tested by the universe to make karmic decisions that will have a major impact on our lives. We will be given the chance to choose between our higher and lower energetic vibrations to make honorable choices. Whether or not we choose the “right” path to go down will change our future. 

Uranus, who is known as “The Great Awakener,” is in opposition the Scorpio New Moon in earthy Taurus. We will make major discoveries today, which will shift our passions, minds, and hearts. Revelations will be made. Secrets revealed. The only caveat is that our emotions may force us to act impulsively, which will steer us in another direction. 

Venus and Mars are currently in mutual reception, as are Mars and Saturn (by exaltation). This means that these planets are strengthening each other in the sky. Venus and Mars are forcing us to move towards our desires. While Mars and Saturn are forcing us to asset our individuality by letting go of the past. Mercury is in it’s retrograde shadow, creating internal confusion and uncertainty. We may be distracted by information that will prove untrue. Take scandalous and shocking news with a grain of salt. 

The asteroid Nessus connects with the New Moon degrees with sour emotions. Don’t despair! The asteroid Varuna creates a T-Square in the cosmos with the New Moon and Uranus. This is a triumphant aspect. Honor, grace, and courage will have power over our judgements which will allow us to reach our highest potential. 

The fortunate fixed star Syrma is allotting us cosmic inspiration and spiritual knowledge. We are getting divine help from the universe to take concise action during this luminary. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A 

Massive Rocky Shore Resist The Pounding Of The Sea”—quite an accurate metaphor for the celestial energy—as we will all literally be pounding our heads against the wall while we try to gain clarity for the future. 

Under the Scorpio New Moon, it’s magically advisable to to gain a deep, almost penetrating understanding, of wisdom. Using a black obsidian mirror, with patchouli incense (an essence of Scorpio) burning in the background, we can visualize our passions and gain clarity on how to achieve our dreams. We will know which road to choose and who to trust from the visions presented by the incense above the scrying mirror. 

This will help us to break out of the constraints that hold us back and knock down blocks that stand in our way in our quest towards success. 

*The New Moon occurs on October 27 at 8:38PM PST and 11:38PM EST.