Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

September 14th brings the  New Moon in Virgo, which urges us to heal old wounds and move forward. The Virgo Sun and Uranus retrograde in Taurus harmonize on September 15th, pushing us to embrace our most authentic selves. The same day, Mercury turns direct in Virgo, clearing up miscommunications and issues that occurred over the past several weeks. Venus in Leo squares Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on September 17th, making us take risks in matters of the heart and money. The Sun opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on September 19th, Evoking our dreams and intuition. 


Self-care is essential this week, which is why we should take on an activity that makes us feel good about ourselves. You can take a relaxing bath, book a massage, go for a walk, or meditate at the park. The time has come for us to connect and honor ourselves with a dosage of tender love and kindness.  


It’s important to stay in your lane and focus on yourself — even though you want to help in defending others because of the triangular situations at play. There are secret alliances, which is why you shouldn’t step on anyone’s toes and only give good energy towards healing the situation.


Now’s the time to plant the seeds for the goals you wish to attain in the upcoming weeks. No matter how big or small your dreams are, you’ll have to take a risk and chance on yourself because you will never know how victorious you can be if you try.


You don’t have to focus on the minute details in order to complete every task you undertake. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You’ll find that thinking from a larger perspective helps you visualize and accomplish matters concisely and effortlessly. Your understanding and creativity will blossom.


Words have power, which is why it’s important to think about what you say in the moment you’re expressing yourself. You never know who’ll take your sentiments to heart, so be careful in what you share and only state the truth in order to be honest in all you do. 


Your professional goals are shifting, allowing you to see the peripheral aspects of your career. In order to conquer your goals and hopes, it’s essential to journal your aspirations. Manifesting this way will bring your dream job to you, as you’ll be clear in what you want for the future. 


You’re wanting to cut people loose this week — especially those who aren’t giving you the attention and affection you deserve. Before making decisions, contemplate what kind of break you need. If it’s a moment of calm then let that be known before assumptions are made and feelings are hurt. 


Although the short game might be appealing this week, you’re finding that it’s best to play your hand out and take the long route toward resolving your objectives. The more energy you give to making your dreams a reality — the sweeter it’ll be when it actually happens for you. 


You might feel somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of chatter going on in your various circles and communities. Pay careful attention to what is happening around you, as well as what’s going on on the news with events swirling around especially since this playful energy can take an unexpected turn. 


The week ahead releases pain and allows you to take steps forward into a life-changing journey. The New Moon is helping you to release fear through the zone of spirituality. It is important to honor your ancestral roots, and appreciate the intuitive guidance being given to you right now.


There are many challenges presented that require careful analysis. In fact, you might just be too hard on yourself — especially as trickster Mercury turns direct and encourages you to weigh out every situation making it tough to make a final decision. Remember, that you alone know what is best for you.


Your energy is heightening and expanding, giving you the opportunity to see beyond this world. The more you engage in using and understanding your power, the greater it’ll be when you need it most — it is coming sooner than you think, which is why it’s best to prepare yourself. 


You’re turning over a new leaf in relationships, which is helping you heal the past and live a better life in the present with others. This won’t be easy. Expect tears, highs, and lows, as well as a bevy of emotions while navigating through existing problems to a kinder place.

WITCH TIPS + HOROSCOPES 08.29-09.04.2018


Written By Jessica Lanyadoo


Let’s talk about the world and astrology. The slow moving outer planets define the events that are impacting us globally. They describe the conditions and developmental lessons that shape a generation. Quite frankly, they don’t get enough airtime in pop astrology because they’re harder to unpack and often reflect more serious themes, but they’re wildly important.

We’re living in a time when humanitarian Uranus is transiting through materialistic Taurus, when demanding Pluto and conservative Saturn are moving through structure-bringing Capricorn, and idealistic Neptune is transiting through escapist Pisces. The upshot of this is that you and me and everyone you know are on call to revisit who and what we value, and to make sustainable, structural changes and choices around those values. We're being challenged to expand our sense of empathy and spiritual awareness in the exact moment at which it would be easiest to check out and evade our problems.

In a larger, more societal sense, we are facing the same challenges. The greatest enemy to democracy and human sovereignty is not the powers that be – it’s the apathy of the people. Neptune in Pisces can empower people to rise up and act in accordance with what we most deeply believe, or it can tempt us to get lost in distractions. Saturn and Pluto's transit through Capricorn represents a period of time when society's hierarchical systems  are being challenged. They're either going to bend to the will of the people or break it. People and institutions with power rarely want to give it up, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t have to. Capricorn is a sign that responds to reputation-based pressure. When enough people organize to voice an opinion, change is inevitable. The trouble with these two planets is that they won’t change easily, and they force us to confront our shame and our fears of failure. This is hard work, but it can be deeply healing. At this time, sharing your power is the strongest thing you can do. These energies can easily make people feel victimized and threatened, and that’s what leads to the worst kinds of selfishness. What we need now is empathy. Dr. Cornell West famously said “justice is what love looks like in public.” With Uranus in Taurus, we are ultimately answering the question of who and what has value to us as a society. We are all implicated in this, and what each and every one of us does has meaning now.

Violence, hatred, gerrymandering, systemic oppression, and repression of peoples – these are all symptoms of some people thinking they’re more important than others, or worse, not thinking of others at all. It’s time to make room for the needs of the many over the wants of the few. We all deserve dignity, safety, and sovereignty, and we are at a time when we can demand reform from governments, corporations, and even institutions, and expect material change.

The community you live in counts. More and more we are seeing the ills of the world reflecting the pain of isolation. Do you make eye contact with your neighbors? Do you fear people who have much less or much more than you? People who speak other languages? Those who have sex differently? 

This is your horoscope: You are powerful, and you are utterly powerless. It’s hard to be human, but it’s also a gift. How you make use of your gifts is your choice, but now is a time in society where it absolutely matters. Learn.

Concern yourself with the conditions that others are living in. Concern yourself with people who are differently abled, come from different places, or have different values and resources available to them. This may seem like it’s not about astrology, but I promise you that it is. It’s where we’re going, my loves. We will either get there together, or we will end up where we’ve been led, and the future will be so much brighter when it’s led by the people for all the people. This is a fertile period in both a global and a personal sense; rise up to meet it.




March 21-April 19

How do you gauge success, Aries? I don’t mean to ask how your parents, your friends, or even society determines what success is. How do you know when you’re doing well? It’s important that you have your own standards and ways of evaluating your progress. This week will find you asking some essential questions, and as cheesy as it sounds, the answers are within you. Question everything as you strive towards your goals, my love.



April 20-May 20

You can justify your anxieties all you want, but how exactly does that help you? You may find your fears very compelling, but that doesn’t make them right. You’re in a tug-of-war with yourself about something, and if you don’t acknowledge it and investigate what you’re really concerned about, you may find yourself caught up in some seriously paranoid thinking, Taurus. Ground and center yourself before you go chasing conspiracy theories this week.



May 21-June 21

If you allow yourself to slow down and notice it, you’ll see that you’ve come a long way, baby. Take stock of where you’ve come from in efforts to contextualize where you’re at, Twin Star. It’s not enough to grow; you need to take time to acknowledge and celebrate your development. Part of being responsible to yourself is honoring your own progress. Enjoy the fruits of your labors this week, even if you still have a great deal of work in front of you.



June 22-July 22

Exhaustion or feeling overwhelmed may lead you to misunderstand the intent behind others’ actions. Things are likely not as they seem, Moonchild, and that’s not good or bad – it’s interesting. Try to get grounded before you get investigative, and get investigative before you come to any hard and fast decisions about your relationships, my love. This week is all about the way you do the things you do, so take a deep breath and explore.



July 23-Aug. 22

You don’t need a change of scenery, you need an upgrade. Instead of rushing into change because you don’t like where you are, try to carefully consider what you’re doing before you simply relocate your problems, Leo. If you allow yourself to be too responsive to your fears, you’re more likely to be running from something than pursuing another. Manage your situation, and make solid plans from that place this week, even if that slows down your progress.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Not knowing can be magical and exciting, or it can be the absolute worst. There’s so much that you can’t know right now and even more that’s out of your control. You're going to have to manage the feelings that induces, and it may feel like just another confusing piece of the puzzle. Strive for acceptance and not answers this week, Virgo. Focus your energies on what you can manage and influence, no matter how small those things are, my love. 




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t lose sight of the big picture, Libra. You may find yourself so worried about what’s immediately in front of you that you stop looking around. This strategy will bring you nothing but stress, and what’s worse is that it will limit your capacity to enjoy what you have as well as what you see as possible. This week is all about perspective; adjust yours so that you can experience the abundance inherent in your situation, even if it’s hecka difficult, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Feeling scared and stressed can interrupt creativity. Don’t allow yourself to obsess on or over-invest in your stressful thoughts this week, Scorpio. When things aren’t as you want then to be, you're likely to get frustrated and do something self-sabotaging, so here’s a Pro Tip for self-care this week: tend to your feelings before you seek resolution to your problems. Find acceptance of where you’re starting from before you go trying to change it.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

What’s the sweet spot between your sense of freedom and your need for security? This week, you may find yourself struggling with the conflicting desires to either throw it all away or build it up to another level. The key here is to intentionally respond to your situation instead of emotionally reacting to it. No matter what you do going forward, you’re going to need to make some compromises. Consider which concessions will make you happier in the long run, ‘Tarius.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

As you grow into yourself, you have to check your ego to make sure that it’s growing with you – not in size, but in depth. It’s all about balance, Capricorn. You have to be able to take as much as you give, or you’re likely to build up resentments or insecurities that destabilize you and your whole operation. Find people who you believe are good models of behavior this week. Seek inspiration from people who’ve done it before you or who are doing it better than you right now.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

When you leap off a cliff, it’s hard to see the ground clearly when it's rushing to meet you. So much of life is all about perspective; when you’re leaving a room, it can look so different than when you first entered it. What you’re currently looking at in your life may be intimidating or frightening because it’s new, not because it’s bad. Don’t confuse the anxiety of change with some sort of intuitive flash that things are going poorly. You’re on your way, Aquarius. Don’t allow the fear of the unknown to tell you anything different.




Feb. 19-March 20

Gracefully engaging with frustration is a meaningful skill to have. When you make your plans based on best-case scenarios, you’re setting yourself up for a fall. It’s time to advance your ambitions this week, and it’s likely to take some serious patience and reorganization. Cultivate tools that help you to express and experience your upsets in healthy ways so that you don’t unintentionally trip yourself up out of impatience, my love.





Artwork by Manzel Bowman

Artwork by Manzel Bowman


Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Welcome to Virgo Season! This week marks a time to shift gears from the mishegas of recent weeks into a slightly more introspective time. It's time to check in with your body and ensure that you’re treating it as your BFF instead of a casual acquaintance. If you have more screen-time than me-time, this is the perfect season for a cleanse. Tend to your daily habits, the stuff that's easy to miss in the business of living a hectic life. Slow down a bit and connect to the grounded embodiment of Mercury (now no longer Retrograde, thank all that is good and holy!) that is unique to the sign Virgo. Take stock of how your plans are coming to bear in your life. Make adjustments, follow through, and solidify your ideas based on the data you’ve collected so far this year. Life constantly presents us with new visions and opportunities for growth and change; Virgo Season is a beautiful one for getting serious about what you do and making sure that it’s paired up with who you want to be.

On the 26th, we have an intense Full Moon in Pisces and a compulsive Venus square to Pluto. The potential here is great, but it comes with some risk, too. There is an energetically powerful Kite (an aspect that involves an opposition, a Grand Trine and two sextiles) happening with this Full Moon. Saturn, Uranus, and the Sun are all in a Grand Earth Trine, while the Moon, which is opposite the Sun, will be forming sextiles to both Saturn and Uranus. All of this presents us with amazing potential for seeing things clearly and making plans for your future that are wisely informed by both your past and your present. 

The tricky part comes from the Venus/Pluto transit; these two planets are likely to stir the pot, as they’ll trigger jealousy, vengefulness, and fears of abandonment. Don’t look for evidence that something is wrong; if you’re going to Sherlock Holmes a thing, do it without an agenda, or don’t do it at all. The Pisces full Moon is a chance to let go of illusions that have kept you separate. Connect your thoughts to your feelings, your feelings to your delivery, and your delivery to how others receive you. Understand that you can’t exactly let go of the past. You can let go of your attachment to it, but your past is yours. You will always refer back to it, and that’s as it should be. It’s OK to be imperfect, to not know what comes next, and to have mixed feelings about it. Don’t be so quick to find the answer that you rush past the process. This week you don’t need proof, you need faith, dear lovers.




March 21-April 19

In order to move beyond your own limitations, you must first be confronted by them. This week is complicated, and you can expect the full Moon on the 27th to kick up some surprising feels. Don’t resist it, Aries. If you’re willing to let go of what no longer serves you, you can make way for something new. Yes, you may have to suffer through some grief in the middle, but feelings come and go. Don’t let the tough ones stop you from growing to your full potential.



April 20-May 20

You’re making choices, and even if you feel mixed about them, they’re yours. It’s time to create something that you value, Taurus. What you do now will have roots and grow into something much bigger than you, so make sure that you believe in what you’re doing, or at least leave enough wiggle room for adjustments. You’re pointed in the right direction. Just don’t let your desire for certainty rush you past this very important stage of development, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

It’s easy to have balance when everything is going your way, but when circumstances destabilize you, that's when you need it most. When you feel inundated this week (as you are likely to), it’s a chance for you to be kind. Choose to take care of yourself by responding to your stressors one at a time, instead of allowing yourself to get overwhelmed by everything. Do what you can at this moment and let the rest wait for you until you’re ready for it, Twin Star.



June 22-July 22

It doesn’t need to be perfect, or even what you think it ‘should’ be, in order for it to be exactly what you need. This week will confront you with a pretty simple situation that feels really complicated. Don’t confuse potential with reality or the past with the present, Moonchild. Accept things as they are in the present moment, and do what you need to in order to grow. Nothing stays the same, nor is it meant to. Actively co-create your life, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Love has a funny way of changing a person. This week your relationships will expose an important point of development. If you find that you're unhappy or that your needs aren’t being met, it’s wise for you to pay close attention to that. You’re at a point where the truth of what exists between you and others is being revealed. Receive what you’re being shown and believe it. If you’ve been phoning it in with your people, they may hold you to task. Either way, it’s time to face your relationships, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Find life-affirming ways of being with your emotions. Sadness sucks, but it happens for a reason. If you’re willing to investigate your feels, you can determine what you’re really sad about, but if you can’t sit with them at all, how will you ever know? This week’s full Moon in your relationship house is supposed to be emo, so don’t resist it, Virgo. Show up for the messiness of how you feel so that you can better co-create what you need.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When you don’t have what you want, it’s tempting to make negative assumptions about what that means. The truth is that your story is still unfolding, Libra. You are a work in development, and its beautiful and uncertain and yours. Find a spark of desire within you, and then pursue it. You don’t need to be anywhere but here. Do your best with what you’ve got instead of wasting your energy on wishing you had something else, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you’ve taken on too many commitments or too much emotionally, this week’s full Moon is likely to make you feel super burnt out. Try to find a balance between what you need to get done and what you need in order to feel right in your skin, Scorpio. This week is not meant to challenge you to do more at a quicker pace. It’s meant to challenge you to do more things in high quality ways. Let go of control or the desire to prove yourself, and try to find wellness in your process.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It can be a fine line between showing up for others and taking on their problems. This week you're likely to be called in to be there for someone you care about, and it may seem impossible to help without getting too deep with them. How you participate is a reflection of your own boundaries. Do your best to honor your relationships, but only give what you can without resentments this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The time it takes to get there may be paved with ‘what ifs’ but don’t let it bother you; you’ve got this, Capricorn. This week you need your ego to help you move your life forward. This requires that it’s in reasonably good shape – not too big and not too small. Work on your sense of entitlement to make sure that it reflects what you actually believe – not your baggage. Peace lives in the place between knowing your value and never placing it over others in order to feel okay about yourself.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

As you grow, you’re inevitably going to outgrow some people, situations, and things that you’ve been identified with. Things are changing for you, Aquarius, and while it’s not clear what exactly comes next, it’s looking really good. Make the best possible choices based on who you want to be and where you hope to land this month, even if that means spending more time alone or participating in the world less.




Feb. 19-March 20

The Moon is full in your sign on the 26th, marking this as a powerful time for you to do emotional work on yourself. Emotions will be running high this week, but the thing to remember is that this is a time for closure. You don’t need to justify or defend yourself. Believe in yourself enough to validate your own feels and needs, even if others don’t understand it. You’re ready to make some deep changes in your life, but you need to start with you, dear Pisces.






Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

Strap yourselves in, Puppies, this week is gonna be quite a ride! It kicks off with an exact conjunction from Mercury to trans-formative Pluto on the 24th through the 25th. This transit intensifies (Pluto) the tempo of your thinking (Mercury). Mercury rules over your thoughts, communication in general, your friendships and work relationships. Your thoughts are likely to be deep, intense, and compulsive, which is great if you have to do a research project or some other task that requires serious concentration, but it’s pretty rough if you’re just trolling social media or dealing with the complexities of other people. What you say now is important because you run the risk of speaking out of pettiness, but once it’s out there, you can’t take it back. If you have a serious need to defend yourself, get to it, but chose your battles wisely. Your petty parts want blame, but your soul wants peace, and that never comes from acting out. This can be a transformational time, but you need to be willing to sit with the intensity of your mind. Watch your compulsions run themselves ragged without trying to convert them into wisdom by justifying their presence.


From the 24th-26th, Mercury will form a dynamic sextile to foot-in-the-mouth Jupiter. The upside of this is that it will help you to make connections and see the whole picture. These are the days for making sense of what happened during that Pluto/Mercury transit. The downside is that it can extend the impulse to cyber stalk, compare your progress to others, view things from an all or nothing lens, and jump to conclusions. The key here is to seek the truth but not just your truth. We all exist in our own reality, each with our own point of view. Make space for all of it so that you can objectively decide what you’re wiling to work with and what’s out of alignment for you. When all you do is focus on what others are or aren’t doing, you’re evading your responsibility to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. If you make a habit of calling people out and don’t also spread love and appreciation around, you’re participating in the worst of call-out culture. It takes takes less spiritual energy to applaud than it does to boo; comes from the well of your soul, so chose your actions with care.


Finally, from the 26th-28th, Mercury will form a square to reactive Uranus. If you haven’t been doing your homework all week, you’re likely to fly off the handle or make rash judgment calls. This is a time for new information being revealed but not so much for making sense of it. Expect to feel dogmatic, restless and nervous, or to deal with someone else who's acting from that place. This energy is likely to make you accident prone because it’s reactive and distractible. This energy is inventive, dynamic, and progressive too – as long as you can stay present without attachments to what happens next. We are at the precipice of a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 31st, so you can expect emotions to be running high, making the goal of patience and presence a hard one to achieve. Here’s a Pro Tip for this week as a whole: instead of seeking the cracks, seek the light pouring through them. Letting go of what doesn’t serve you is an act of self-healing. Forgiveness will set you free, and we all need to get free of our own b$llsh$t so we can do what we came here to do.




March 21-April 19

Peace isn’t a single point of perfection; it’s a state of mind. If you can make subtle adjustments that allow you to flow with your situation without losing your center, you can maintain inner calm, even in stressful situations. It’s when you allow other people or situations to determine your wellness that you lose track of what’s real and what’s of value to you. Don’t figure out what to do before you figure out what your truth is this week, my love.



April 20-May 20

There’s never enough to make you feel safe if you’re fixated on what you don’t have. What you chose to believe in will either bolster or negate your sense of self this week. Do your very best to see the potential in your limitations, the lessons in your failures, and the joy in the little things. This isn’t so that you’ll magically no longer have problems but so that you’ll have the inner resources you need to deal with them gracefully. You’ve got this, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

Stay here in the present, Twin Star. You run the risk of losing precious energy by obsessing on things past or trying to figure out what others are thinking or feeling. You don’t need a psychic – just ask people questions! You don’t need to time travel – just let go of what happened in the past. Take control of this moment by focusing your attention on what you can improve, my love.



June 22-July 22

Be careful what you say, Moonchild, because once it’s out there, you can’t take it back. There’s a lot of tension in your relationships, and while it would be easy to assume the worst of others, it’s not wise. Give the same grace and compassion to others when they make mistakes as you wish to receive, but you shouldn’t lie down and take poor behavior, either. Take the time you need to decide which of your feels to respond from and which are better suited for your Dear Diary.



July 23-Aug. 22

You set the wheels in motion some time ago, and now it’s time to reap some of what you’ve sewn, Leo. This is an excellent time to get grounded by first getting present, and then from that place, review the past several months. You’re likely to now be feeling the consequences of what you initiated in the past four or so months, so look back to that time to see what was going on. You can’t change the past, but you can shift your attitudes towards it and let it inform your understanding of what’s happening now.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

If you make decisions in a moment of panic, you’re going to be acting from a shaky foundation. You don’t have to take on anything new, my love, and if you do, you can have boundaries with how you do it. It’s important that you give yourself permission to focus on the things that bring you life instead of only things that make you feel like you’re proving yourself. It’s not enough to just get there, Virgo. Get there full and whole as well.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Placating people is fine in the short term, but if you want true intimacy, you’ve got to be honest, Libra. Show up as your full self this week, even if that makes things more complicated. It’s time to figure out the art of having hard conversations; this will require you to have kindness for yourself and others in equal parts and to treat people with the trust that they’ve earned. If you don’t know what to say, you’re always entitled to say just that. Try your best, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You can shake in your booties, or you can get to work. Once you determine what the problem is, it’s time to get practical, Scorpio. What actions can you take to best support yourself when you get stressed? What expectations are you holding that get in the way of allowing something greater to flow into your life? This is your life, your road to travel; don’t let your fears and projections compel you to miss out on all the beauty along the way.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Things are changing, and it’s unclear what you want from it all. Instead of jumping to conclusions as a way to take shortcuts, try slowing it down, Sagittarius. This week you’re likely to have things revealed to you in pieces; try not to make any heavy commitments or sweeping judgments quite yet. Tune into your heart, and make sure that what you’re doing is in alignment with what you find there.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Where you allow your attention to go is what you’re feeding, Capricorn. You can do your best and even be the best, and that doesn’t mean that you’ll get what you want. In truth, you may not even want the right things. If you choose to pour your heart into your disappointments, they will grow before your very eyes. The trick this week is to seek the opportunities in your troubles and to manage your pessimistic thinking with gentle but persistent TLC.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

I’ll let you in on a little secret: gratitude is an anxiety buster. You can make your worst fears come true if you persist in looking for them. The trick is to commit to seeking at least as much good as you seek bad in the world, Aquarius. You don’t need to be a Pollyanna; just try to find a balanced approach to the truth. You stand to gain far more by allowing yourself to celebrate your successes and those of the people around you than by disparaging yourself or anyone else.




Feb. 19-March 20

When people are weird to you or awkward around you, it’s tempting to take it personally – but it’s only personal some of the time. This week, it’s a bad idea to take things at face value because everyone is going through it. the good news is that it’s an excellent time to practice embodying the emotional boundaries that you’ve been working so hard to perfect! You don’t have to be perfect, but when you feel off, try naming it and watching it instead of shrinking or advancing in self-defense, my love.