Goddess Of The Week: Shine Blackhawk

Name: Shine Blackhawk
Location:  Brooklyn, NY
Astrological sign: Scorpio Sun/Scorpio rising
Occupation: Musician, griot, lightworker 

Which Goddess or Goddess Archetype do you most identify with and why? 
Kali. I think Kali choose me. She came through during a sacred medicine ceremony. My eyes grew bold, my hair was wildly dancing and my tongue was lolling
as I spoke. I remember people screaming, "She's Kali Ma!" and I moved and shaked  as I revealed some heavy truths to the people present at the circle like I was channeling. Before this experience I would receive random gifts from the Universe, little stickers at my door or small statues left in my path of Kali. Once after visiting a Hindu temple with a friend, a man whispered to me "The dark mother".  I resonate with Kali because she is a powerful force. Fierce like ... Wolf like .... Protector ...Destroyer of ego, As well as creator. She will remove what no longer serves you  and you can cry later.She will liberate you once she destroyed that illusion You held dear, She purifies. 

How do you get in touch with/unleash your inner goddess?
I unleash my inner Goddess by performing daily rituals to myself and honoring other Goddesses from the ancient walk like Isis, Sekhmet ,Oshun and Oya. I adorn myself in sacred oils, stones and crystals, bathe in honey and flowers and drink red wine every night, As I belly dance sky clad. I perfume my locs with enchantments and I talk to myself in the mirror: reciting prayers chants and affirmations. 



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What is your Goddess superpower?
I am a Dreamer. I receive messages through dreams and I am able to receive messages from Spirits in my dream world. 

Will You join us in the sacred twerk circle?
You already know!

Check out more about this Goddess at:



About Goddess of the Week

A Goddess is the form that a feminine archetype may take. Goddess types represent models of ways of being and behaving that we women all share and recognize from the collective unconscious. In fairy tales this archetype may be revealed to us as a queen, a princess or a witch. Goddesses, as a feminine archetype, remain alive to this day in the psychology of women; and, depending upon which energies are more pronounced, influence her personality with a distinct character, a way of being, a way of relating in the world a way of offering her special gifts.” - N. Bennett 

The Goddess manifests in many different forms, some of which shatter the stereotypes that are commonly associated with womanhood. Goddess Of The Week was created as a means to showcase in a  down to earth manner women from many spiritual practices and all walks of life that are truly inspiring. Creatives making a difference in our world utilizing their gifts by tapping into the divine and sharing their skills with others. You can find more info about our featured Goddesses by following their links.

The Dark New SuperMoon: A last minute ritual.

Happy  Super New moon in Aquarius-Pisces.

Unlike the full super moon, you won't see this one in the sky. However, you will feel it's powerful energy. This moon is unique and potent with it's transition from the last degree of Aquarius into the first degree of Pisces to help guide you through any transitions that may be taking place in your own life. New Moon energy is always a useful time for creation or for the releasing of habits, and patterns which are holding you back from being your most authentic self, and living to your full potential. There will be a series of six super moons that we will have in 2015, the first happened back in January, and our next will fall on March 20, 2015  the same date as the spring equinox, how exciting is that?

As with all super moons we've noticed that there is an added sense of pressure to "utilize the potency" to go all out and celebrate! ideally, this would be wonderful but what happens when circumstance prevents that elaborate ritual you had planned? don't fret! It's important to surrender to what is. We have shared more elaborate New moon rituals on our site as well as our Instagram page: How to manifest, How to Release, if time and circumstance permits, utilize them and see what magic unfolds from New to Full Moon.

Here  is a a simple last minute new moon ritual: let go of any expectation or feeling that you blew it with what you intended to do.  Align yourself with the moment and get centered and quiet. Close your eyes, and say an affirmative prayer regarding your new moon desires, and know that it is done! Give thanks. Remember, it's all about your intentions and with intention you can't get it wrong.

 Be open and receptive to the forms in which your manifestations may appear. The Universe often has it's own ideas of how to bless us. If you petitioned for a romantic new love and received a sweet new pet, if you invoked for a raise but managed to receive help in clearing your financial debt, be grateful! Positive developments always lead us in the right direction, but even the seemingly negative events can clear the way for our good fortune to come through. Be grateful for whatever results your rituals produce. What is meant for you, will be yours.

More New Moon Rituals







Goddess of the Week - Francheska Medina

The Goddess manifests in many different forms, some of which shatter the stereotypes that are commonly associated with womanhood. Goddess Of The Week was created as a means to showcase in a  down to earth manner women from many spiritual practices and all walks of life that are truly inspiring.

The Vajra- Seattle's hidden jewel.

The Vajra  is a lovely hidden jewel located in the colorful neighborhood of Capitol Hill in Seattle Washington. Clouds of Raj laxmi incense can be smelled burning from about a street away. Once inside you are taken into what feels like a life sized altar. From the Goddess statutes, crystals,  tarot decks, and a bountiful supply of high quality essential oils. The Vajra is just so much more than a metaphysical store, it is a local beacon of light with some of the kindest, and most genuine women I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with. Tarot readers, astrologers, and practitioners from all walks of life are what make this place so special.  Each Monday, The Vajra  offers workshops ranging from  healing with the tarot to dream circles, astrology, guided meditation, and crystal healing.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Rachel Townsend the owner of The Vajra, as well as artist and one of my personal favorite readers, Michelle Bloom. For more information on the Vajra be sure to check out their website http://thevajra.com/  Michelle offers Crystal & Tarot insights at https://vajravortex.wordpress.com/



Full Moon In Leo Wellness

A Full Moon That Occurs between January 21st and February 18 will be in Leo.

Use this time for matters concerning:

  • Power
  • leadership
  • success
  • creativity
  • determination
  • Healing the heart and chest
"The heart region houses the power of our love. If we do not allow this to unfold, for whatever reason, then in the truest sense of the word we strangulate our heart. We have allowed ourselves to be persuaded that love is a sentimental feeling. It is not. the essence of feelings is their constant variation ; they are merely the accompanying symptoms of other things- thoughts and perceptions. One cannot build on something that is constantly altering like quicksand. Love is the thing that maintains us in life, that inspires us, that is always there- for you and for all of us. But only when it is given unreservedly, without ulterior motives, and expectations. The more one gives of it, the more there is!" - Johanna Paungger

A Full moon in Leo meditation:

Light a gold or orange candle and anoint yourself using frankincense, cinnamon or orange. Sitting in silence breath in the sign of Leo and place it into your heart center. As you envision the golden color of the sun surrounding you, allow it to fill you with courage, strength, and fire. recognize the power of your individual self by repeating the mantra: "My will is strong and my calling is to express and illuminate. I choose to express that will with love".


  • Citrine : abundance, joy, prosperity
  • Carnelian: courage, protection, blood circulation
  • Kunzite:releases blocks of the heart, releases daily stress

Cleanse your crystals using the raw power of this Leo moon, by following our crystal cleansing techniques at Crystal Cleansing 101 or try timing your spells by the moon utilizing this guide here.




Crystal Meditation: Rose Quartz

In this visualization, we will be infusing the divine vibrations of the rose quartz crystals into the heart center, where emotional wounds and memories can be resolved and transmuted. This practice allows the opening of the heart center for the true, altruistic expression of Love. 

Energetic Bridge Meditation

Ensure you are somewhere where you will be uninterrupted for at least 20 minutes. Come to lie on your back, on a bed or on the floor. Make sure you are comfortably supported using props such as a pillow under the back of the knees or a pillow under the head. Also ensure that you will be warm, perhaps covering yourself with a blanket or donning extra layers.

Crystal Grids- How To Make A Crystal Grid.

Crystal grids can be more powerful than using  just a single crystal for an intended goal. Crystal grids are made by the intentional placement of stones or crystals  in a geometric pattern for the specific purpose of directing your energy towards a goal. The stones or crystals are then charged by your intention and energy.