Halloween, Samhain, & The Thinning Veil.

The leaves begin to change colors; beautiful oranges, reds and yellows against some still-green foliage. The air becomes so crisp and clear with the far-away scent of burning wood as the sky turns dark overhead. Autumn, in all of its burning glory, is upon us. It is the time of Halloween and the thinning of the "Veil Between the Worlds" and contact with the Other Side.

Halloween, Samhain, & The Thinning Veil.

The leaves begin to change colors; beautiful oranges, reds and yellows against some still-green foliage. The air becomes so crisp and clear with the far-away scent of burning wood as the sky turns dark overhead. Autumn, in all of its burning glory, is upon us. It is the time of Halloween and the thinning of the "Veil Between the Worlds" and contact with the Other Side.

Break Blaze Burn: 40 Days of Fearless, Out of Bounds Writing

Our lovely Goddess Of The week Rachel White has teamed with expert astrologer Sherene Schostak to offer a magical 40 day creative writing work shop that will surely get your creative juices flowing. This project incorporates guided Jungian journaling and active imagination techniques, along with tarot-inspired writing prompts and meditations.

"This is a time to change our stories and thus change our lives. You don’t have to be an aspiring writer in the literary sense to benefit from this Project 40. We all have a story inside of us that needs to be told."- Sherene S.

CONCEPT: Use the 40 Days and 40 nights to take those old ideas, manuscripts and other forgotten gems off the back burner and get writing! This project is designed to keep you inspired and on fire: For 40 Days and 40 nights Writing does not have to be isolating and tedious! This Project 40 is designed to bring depth, desire and sexy back to the art of pen to paper or (fingers to keypad)! This P40 will break all the rules….. without apology!


Cost is $160

This workshop begins June 2, 2015

For more information  regarding this workshop and how to sign up, head on over to Rachel's site HERE