See what’s in the stars for you this week!
The full moon in Leo is bringing some extra frenetic energy, read more and see how this lunation will affect you!
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The Aquarius New Moon marks a fresh start. It’s the first New Moon of 2023, so it’s setting the stage for the overall vibe of the year. With Jupiter in Aries in harmonious aspect to the lunation, our lives will seem vibrant, abundant, and exciting. Embrace the positive vibes that the Universe is offering us.
This is a wonderful time to make our dreams come true — especially since Uranus (the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius) turns direct in Taurus on January 22, ending the retrograde journey that began on August 24. The forward motion of Uranus is adding gusto and drive to our visions, as well as awakening us to what we need to grow and evolve in our lives.
The New Moon exactly opposes Black Moon Lilith, who’s currently orbiting the sign, Leo. This aspect can create issues within partnerships and ourselves because it asks us to make important decisions. Instead of choosing one thing over another — we should pick the situation that makes us the happiest. Rather than focusing on other people’s joy — the time has come to give ourselves the love and respect we deserve. If there ever was a time to show the world our truest selves and manifest our innermost dreams — now would be the moment to do so.
Take stock of what you’re grateful for by writing about what you love and appreciate in a gratitude journal. This will give you the chance to tell the universe how appreciative you are for the abundance you have. Also, give you a chance to take stock of how lucky and great your life is.
A vision board will help you attain your aspirations. Make a collage with images that align with your hopes and goals for the future. This is a fun and creative way to visually manifest your dreams.
State affirmations, while looking in the mirror, that focus on your positive attributes. Say it twice a day for a month in order to see a change happen in your life. You can also add your daily desires and intentions to the affirmations to manifest your goals.
The Cancer Full moon is amongst us, read more to see how this lunation will affect you!
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The week starts off with a beautiful connection between Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter in Aries on January 4, which aims to expand our relationships. The Capricorn Sun and Uranus retrograde in Taurus harmonize on January 5, allowing us to embrace our individuality. The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6 offers us a chance to heal and refresh our hearts for the new year. The following day, the Sun and Mercury retrograde unite in Capricorn, creating the “cazimi” effect. Mercury retrograde will be in “the heart of the Sun,” giving it power and influence. This is the best day of Mercury’s moonwalk to make decisions and plans — use it wisely! Mercury retrograde and Uranus retrograde link up on January 8, awakening our minds and bringing clarity our way. Venus and Mars retrograde in Gemini add passion to our relationship dynamics on January 9, ending the week on a sultry note.
Many of your internal wounds from the past may be felt this week. Therefore, it’s important to discuss your feelings and thoughts with friends that you trust. Letting out your inner emotions will serve as an essential first step towards recovery and a catalyst in understanding yourself on a deeper level.
Your rebellious side is going to take priority over your usual routines and habits. You’ll start doing whatever feels right at the moment. This is also a vibration that is going to really trigger you to step out of some normal way of doing things and embrace your unique sentimentality.
Take a step back and dig into the healing process. This means that you may have to release any old judgments of yourself, as the energy can pull at your sense of guilt. Being honorable to your personal needs and putting yourself first is the absolute priority at this time.
People are showing their true colors this week. It is your job not to react but to take note of matters for the future. Pay attention to what the universe is showing you and the information you’re processing at this moment. You can gain knowledge and insight from just listening.
If you find yourself feeling lonely or blue over the weekend, reach out to friends and family. They’ll embrace you with open arms and listen to your problems for hours. You don’t have to be alone — especially when you have a lot of people who care and support you.
It’s time to redefine your goals and hopes. As you enter 2023, you may feel as though the track you're on isn’t the right one anymore. Give yourself time to think about what you want to achieve and attain. Only you know what’s the best fit. Don’t rush the process.
Try getting centered this week by crafting and creating doable rituals for the day that can help clear and relax your mind. The more you practice meditation, love and kindness exercises, or yoga, the easier it will be to find your balance in a world full of chaos and uncertainty.
Stop overthinking matters and start feeling them. Rather than use your mind to navigate your next strategic move, try listening to your heart in making choices that will affect your future. Your head can confuse what you already know to be true. After all, your gut instincts are always right.
The moment has finally come for you to deal with the ongoing drama in all your relationships and friendships. This could mean having in-depth conversations with people and admitting your part in a bad situation. Don’t be too proud to be the first to apologize and attempt to make amends.
It’s time to detox yourself of all the energy vampires by detaching from their never-ending drama. This means disconnecting from people who don’t add anything to your life, but just take without reciprocating. Take your power back from those who drain you of energy and focus solely on yourself.
You don’t have to rush through situations — even though you feel like you have to. Take your time to sift through matters in order to make clear and concise decisions. This will also calm your mind and give you a chance to understand what your intuition is showing you.
Healing takes time and there is no one cure for everyone. Give yourself a chance to rest and relax in order to regain your strength. Once you feel better, you can start making plans and decisions to mend your heart in a way that works best for you.
The Capricorn New Moon allows us to dream big as we set our intentions for 2023. With the planet of expansion, Jupiter, activating the New Moon, we are being cosmically pushed to think and reach beyond our wildest visions about what we want to incorporate into our lives. Now that we are ready to do the work, we’ll find that manifesting takes time and effort as well as dedication. However, that won’t stop us from taking great risks in what we went to attain — especially when it comes to our lives.
● It’s time to lean into what we love. In order to come clear about what is in our hearts, we should spend a minute tapping into that energy. Think about what brings you joy. Meditate on that sentiment. Place your right hand on your heart and hold it there as you breathe in three times with your eyes closed. Then, take a deep breath to exhale. Whatever comes to mind is the energy we should be working with. Write it down and take steps towards attaining the intention by stating daily affirmations around it.
● Connect with others in person or Zoom to create a New Moon circle. Discuss Ephesians that he wants to bring into your life and your hopes for the future. Being in a supportive space will do wonders for your continence and give you the jumpstart you need to bring your desires to life.
● Do grounding work to align with the earth. Sit in a chair barefoot and push your feet into the floor. Feel how the energy flows in and invigorates the spirit, giving you the energy to take on any challenges.
● Meditate over a white candle to clear your mind and energy. Doing this will help you gain clarity and find peace of mind as you head into the new year.
● Charge and cleanse your crystals under the abundant moon to give them the boost of energy they need to help you live your most vibrant life.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Capricorn Seasons begins on December 21, the same day as the Winter Solstice, and lasts until January 20. This is a time of blazing our own path for the future and embracing amazing opportunities that can lead us to greatness. However, in order to know where we are going, we’ll have to reflect on the past to understand ourselves on a deeper level. We have to know where we’ve been to know where we’re going.
Sun moves into Capricorn on December 21, bringing the Winter Solstice with it.
The Capricorn New Moon occurs on December 23, allowing us to heal as we enter a new year.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn begins on December 29 and lasts until January 18, creating miscommunications and travel issues everywhere.
Venus enters Aquarius on January 2, and ignites our rebel hearts with romantic inspiration.
The Full Moon in Cancer occurs on January 6, releasing our emotions and allowing us to gain sentimental clarity.
Mars retrograde in Gemini ends its planetary moonwalk on January 12, ending the exhaustion, paranoia, and frustrations we’ve been experiencing… at least for the time being.