New Moon Rituals

The new moon is a time of initiation and new beginnings. It is the time to plant a seed of what you want to grow in your life. Making a wish, an intention, a promise, or a vow is a common custom. It is believed that as the moon grows, that your intention or goal will too usually by the time the moon completes its cycle and returns full circle to new again.


We all know the joys of treasure hunting, either at local thrift stores, antique malls, or just a good old fashioned garage sale, but not many people ever stop to think of the history behind the items they choose to bring into their homes. Just what kind of energy is attached to those  awesome boots you found at the Goodwill?  Most people don't think twice about cleansing or clearing residual energies off the old items they've found secondhand and have brought into their living places.

Crystal Meditation: Amethyst

Amethyst quartz clusters amplify the soothing purple ray of the divine light spectrum that enables mankind to calm the conscious mind so that wisdom and guidance of the intuitive self can surface. Amethyst, along with citrine, rose, smokey, and clear quartz crystals form the foundation of crystalline consciousness that assists in mankind's journey of soul evolution.

The Integratron

The Integratron is perhaps one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my entire life. I first learned of  the Integratron through some musician friends of mine who had received a sound bath there.  On a recent trip to California's Joshua Tree, we decided to make a quick detour and visit . By now you may be asking, what exactly IS The Integratron?

Energy Vampires & Psychic Attack- Protect Ya Neck!

In some point in our life we will experience being around individuals who "suck us dry" of our energy. Family, friend's, and even co- workers can attack you mentally. With today's technological advancements, social networking sites also  allow us to interact at lightening speed with hundreds upon thousands of unknown individuals daily.  Unfortunately, not everyone we interact with has our highest good in mind and once the interaction is over we are left feeling drained.

Choosing a tarot deck.

The Tarot is a deeply personal journey that each person takes in his or her own time.  It has been said that one must receive their first tarot deck as a gift . While it is certainly wonderful to receive such a meaningful present from a close friend,  it's equally important to find your own Tarot deck, one that suits your personal tastes and cultural affinities.

Moon Phases

Each month, the Moon waxes and wanes through a period of approximately 29 1/2 days. The waxing moon phase, from New Moon to Full Moon, lasts approximately two weeks. The waning phase, from Full Moon to New Moon, also lasts two weeks. The turning of the moon is further broken down into four parts, called quarters. Each of these four phases has a first half and second half, ultimately breaking the moon's cycle into eight equal parts.

Ouija Boards

The ouija board in fact came straight out of 19th century America’s obsession with spiritualism, With the expected life span not exceeding 50 years. Women died in childbirth; children died of disease; and men died in war.

Chakrubs- An Interview With Vanessa Cuccia

From the beginning of time we have found beauty, power, and mystery within stones. Just as herbs possess energies, so too do crystals, stones, and metals. With their powers we can change ourselves and our lives. Stone magic is as old as time, and Vanessa Cuccia Of Chakrubs has embarked on a journey to create beautifully handcrafted crystalline sex toys that will not only offer the magical value of stones but all of their transformative qualities during our most intimate and sacred state.

An Interview with Spellbound Sky

One of my most favorite metaphysical stores in all of Los Angeles is Spellbound Sky, a hidden gem (literally) nestled amongst a quiet residential neighborhood in Silverlake, CA. This store is my go- to as soon as I step off the plane.