Astrology by : Lisa Stardust 

As we move between eclipses, the Universe is finding a moment of calm that allows us to connect with our body, mind, and spirit. The week ahead is enabling us to find peace of mind. The Sun connects with the North Node of Destiny in Pisces today ( March 17th) heightening our confidence and creativity. On March 19, the Sun forms an alliance with Neptune, urging us to dream BIG. Our sensitivities and intuition might escalate on this day; however, it's essential to understand that Mercury retrograde might be creating false prophecies, so be careful and what you believe to be true. The spring equinox, astrological new year, and Sun’s movement into Aries occurs on March 20, inspiring us to move towards a new season with fresh hopes and aspirations. Venus retrograde in Aries harmonizes with Pluto in Aquarius on March 21, adding passion to our love lives. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn on March 22 urges us to put our best foot forward and complete business matters with swiftness. The same day, the Sun links up with Venus retrograde, creating “cazimi,”

which is a pivotal time for romance. Being that  Venus is retrograde, it will offer us a moment of reflection and contemplation of the past and how we want to move forward with current relationships. The Sun and Pluto harmonize on March 23, pushing us to tackle all matters on our plates with enthusiasm and gusto. The only way out is through.


The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn is a time to contemplate upon what truly is important to your well-being and life. Write a journal entry about what you want and don't understand and clarify your needs. Then rip up the paper and burn carefully or flush away to rid yourself of it for good.


People will want to give you advice now, so it is important to lean into the suggestions available to you and take it. This good energy will last for a while. Don’t let anything get in between of you aligning yourself with great professional partnerships during your upcoming solar return.


New opportunities are coming your way without a hitch during the Last Quarter Moon, allowing you to gain speed and success in the business sphere of your life. You’ll find yourself in a better position than ever, putting you ahead of the rest and able to reap the benefits easily.


The Sun’s ingress into Aries will ask you to handle your affairs at home with TLC, and you may even feel inspired to make some decorative changes. If there are any domestic projects you've been putting off lately, now would be the time to handle such business with your family.


Your social life will be firing on all cylinders throughout the week. This energy will fill your phone, social media, and inbox to the brim with messages from your friends, family, and colleagues, and you'll need to make sure you're pacing yourself and setting aside time to decompress between interactions. 


Now is the time to prioritize the people who matter, particularly you, to make them feel special. This is also a time when you may publicly announce the future of your relationship. Do not worry; this is positive news that is coming out. It’ll elevate you to a deeper alliance.


Before you create limits with people, try to explain how you are feeling to avoid drama from happening or reoccurring in your relationships. You may find that a simple talk will open up the issues and heal the situation without putting much effort into understanding and ruminating over it internally. 


You've got a wonderful week ahead of you, Libra! Many plans for your career require careful thought. Remember to stand your ground and speak your truth no matter what. The days ahead clarify these matters and allow you to step into your inner power. Knowledge gives you a leg up.


No matter the dynamics of your home life, the current cosmic climate will encourage you to recharge your batteries by staying in, especially at the end of the week, when the Last Quarter Moon forms a supportive aspect of your ruling planet, Mars. You will be reinvigorated as a result. 


Be careful when setting boundaries with others, and try not to soak up everything in your environment like you are prone to do. You are be hyper-aware of the layers of what people aren’t saying out loud during this time, to the extent that it feels like you’re controlling them.


The Last Quarter Moon is great for healing from past hurts, presenting an opportunity to release any pain you've been holding onto. Whether you use this week to go out with someone special or spend time practicing self-care at home, you'll need to prioritize your needs and put yourself first.


Issues with friends will come into focus. It is not that you do not want to put in the effort to work at mending the relationships; you’re tired of continuously dealing with ongoing problems. It’s best to focus on yourself and what you want. Then you can make long-term decisions.


Taking the lead in attaining your dreams will allow you to level up and be confident in all the beautiful things coming your way. Prepare yourself for wonderful and exciting things. The best is yet to come if you believe in yourself and spend the week working towards your goals.