Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Welcome to eclipse season! From here on out until the end of the month, it’s going to get intense! The week ahead is going to bring drastic changes our way. Mercury and Venus retrograde unite in Aries on March 11, urging us to speak from the heart and to be direct with our emotions. The Sun and Saturn come together on March 12, showing us the repercussions of our actions. It’s time to accept responsibility and accountability for our past decisions. The Sun and Uranus in Taurus link up on March 14, pushing us to embrace our individuality. The total lunar eclipse in Virgo occurs on the same day, heightening our desire to let go of the past. Mercury retrograde commences in Aries on March 15, allowing us to mend our hearts and resolve matters that have been plaguing our minds. As usual, watch out for miscommunications and technological issues.


Fill your bath with hot water and Epsom salt, meditate in the water, light up a candle to center your energy and release any tension gathered throughout the week so you can go back to bed feeling brand new. The eclipse wants you to restore your vitality, so any calming activity is advisable. 


Connecting to loved ones is encouraged and brings psychological breakthroughs. You don't have to make a final decision about where they stand. Venus and Mercury’s retrograde in Aries are delaying specific actions that must be taken, but it requires you to at least plan ahead for your peace of mind. 


Oftentimes, you put others' needs ahead of yours and sacrifice your happiness for theirs to avoid rocking the status quo. Now is the time to reconnect with the passionate side of your personality that inspires you. No matter what anyone thinks, you must go for the gold and lean into your dreams.


Watch out for breakdowns in communication this weekend when the retrograde begins, creating a frenetic energy. Choose your words wisely while this energy is present, and avoid getting sucked into gossip that doesn't concern you. The less you participate in drama, the more positivity you can bring into your orb.


Please don’t shy away from discussing your past right now, as they may benefit your romantic life and help create a deeper dynamic with your partner. It’s also a good time to do confidence-boosting activities like affirmations to heighten the way you feel about yourself and define relationships with others.


The theme of the week is self-care. Give yourself space and time to process your emotions as the lunar eclipse softens your energy. If you’re feeling anxious, connect with nature and try to breathe out the frustrations within. Grounding your mind by focusing on an object will help you decompress.


The eclipse will blast open your psychic ability and empathic nature. This is a great time to connect with the other side, but practicing emotional and energetic boundaries will be necessary to ensure you are not pushing yourself to the limit. Be careful in how much you give to others.


The cosmos are forcing you to rebel and defy the norm. You'll balk against authority figures. Make sure your sassy side doesn't land you in hot water. You may feel things are outside your control this week, as this energy can make it challenging to stick to your usual routine.


The week brings clarity on matters and allows you to see situations with an open heart. The world seems more apparent when you look at it from a far distance and with no judgments. If you have important news, it is time to share it with those you care about.


It would be easy to overwork yourself under this cosmic climate, so even if you feel you can push forward with your agenda, give yourself regularly scheduled breaks anyway. Excitement will come to shake up your life as the Moon and wildcard Uranus form a helpful connection during the eclipse. 


On a material level, this planetary connection can help motivate you to purge your space of unwanted items, so don't shy away from compiling a box of goods to give away. The lunar eclipse will manifest in the wee hours of Friday, bringing an opportunity for abundance and good energy.


The week ahead is the perfect time for shadow work to understand how you react to challenging situations. It’s perfectly fine to feel the need to spend a few hours to yourself, so make self-care a priority, in order to get your groove back and to work on healing yourself.


Relationships are demanding, and it feels like you’re giving 100% of yourself to make others happy. Arguments are possible if you're not careful. Try hard not to fight against the flow, as the eclipse does bring out strong feelings of vulnerability and resentments out between you and a few friends.