Venus Retrograde in Aries and Libra
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Every 18 months, Venus, the planet of love, artistry, social graces, and money, moonwalks. Venus will be retrograde from March 1 to April 12 this year in the signs of Aries and Pisces. When Venus retrograde commences, we will feel as though relationships are stalled, and it's hard to bring in lucrative investments. This energy will be more challenging in the weeks ahead because Mercury retrograde (from March 15 to April 7 in Aries and Pisces) as well as two eclipses (the lunar eclipse is March 14 and the solar eclipse is March 29) are also happening to create more intensity within our lives.
During Venus's retrograde, the planet switches from being an evening star to a morning star. This change makes Venus more passionate and energetic, milder and quieter than the former. On March 22, the Sun and Venus retrograde form a conjunction known as “inferior cazimi.” The alignment leads to major epiphanies about how we partner and show up for others. We’ll become conscious of our role in matters and try to fix them if we can.
A common theme of Venus's backward march is how we feel about ourselves. We might convince ourselves that we are less than others compared to them. Rather than allow ourselves to assume we aren’t accomplishing what others are, it's essential to state daily positive affirmations to remind us that we are excellent and worthy of love. Other ways to mend our hearts are to implant self-care and practice gratitude—not to others but to ourselves. This is a time to build confidence and not let others take our shine away.
Motivation will be complex, especially when Venus backs up into Pisces on March 27. The weeks to come might make us exhausted and consumed with our emotions. It is advisable to cry and let out our innermost sentiments because it brings us one step closer to healing. We can be emotionally reborn after a monumental release that’s been building up for months.
In terms of money, it’s best to stay on a budget. Don’t make any promises, investments, or lending agreements now. The deal could turn sour, putting us in a tight spot to get out of. When trying new aesthetics, save yourself the hassle and wait until after Venus turns direct. You do not want to get stuck with a big credit card bill and a bad haircut.
Who will be affected? Everyone.
No matter what sign you are, the impacts of Venus retrograde are intentense. Look to the Aries and Pisces houses in your birth chart and the planets you have (if any in those signs) to foretell the personal story that will affect you. If you want to do a deep dive, check out the houses and planets in Taurus and Libra (since Venus is the ruler of these signs).
Honor the Goddess on her day, which is Friday, by making offerings to her of roses while setting your intention. In order to receive Venus’s blessings, it’s vital to embody her spirit. Kindness and compassion can go a long way and change your future if you allow it.