The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, allowing us to enchant our lives with magic, glamour, and emotion. The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on February 20th adds intensity and drama to the day since Mercury in Pisces is squaring Jupiter in Gemini. The friction will be more significant but can be remedied. Mercury harmonizes with Mars retrograde in Cancer on the 23rd. Later that day, Mars turns direct, ending the retrograde story that began on December 6, 2024. Now, we can move matters forward and take action in our lives.

Witch tip:

The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on February 20 is a time to check in with your hopes and visions. If you’re finding that the road ahead isn’t open, then you should consider changing the situation to your advantage. Anoint a red candle with Abre Camino herbs or oils. Light the candle on the 20th to break down the walls standing in your way to success.



If there are any behavioral patterns, bad habits, or personal situations you'd like to eliminate, now would be a great time to set intentions around doing so. As long as you accept your situation and lean into letting go, you'll come out of this week feeling lighter and more refreshed.


You may feel overwhelmed by the work you must do to realize your aspirations, but it is essential not to let the intensity get the better of you. Remind yourself that you don't have to handle every task at once, then outline a to-do list that you can reasonably tackle. 


Stubborn behaviors will likely manifest, so you will want to watch out for these qualities within yourself and others. Tension and frustration will hang in the air. If you need a time-out to think through matters and make decisions, then you should permit yourself to take one without overthinking it.


As the week begins, romance will be in the air, and you'll want to use this energy to open up to and connect with someone special. Just remember to take things a bit easy, and don't put too much pressure on your relationships now, especially in relation to the future. 


Your psychic sensitivities are heightened during the Last Quarter Moon. Be mindful of who you surround yourself with. Try not to get sucked into any drama that doesn't involve you. A dreamy, romantic ambiance will take hold of your heart, making you sensitive and wanting to break down emotional barriers. 


People will be extra accommodating and in the mood to say "yes" under this cosmic climate, so if there are any favors you need to call in, the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on February 20 would be the time to do so. You can push limits at this moment.


You will wake up feeling in tune with your heart and inspired to manifest your dreams. It’s essential to implement a reasonable plan to meet your goals and to be patient with the outcome. The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius pushes and wants you to trust yourself and the universe.


A meditation session can help open you to messages from beyond the veil, especially if you're having trouble connecting with the universe. The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on February 20 urges you to embrace your spirituality, which will ignite you with the divine greatness you need to move forward.


Passion projects will take center stage, allowing you to invest in what you love. This is a great time to play in the creative realms, so bust out the art supplies. This cosmic climate can also heat things in the love department, so give your significant other some extra TLC.


If any household chores fell by the wayside over the last couple of days, you should use this time to play catch up. Don't worry; you won't have to spend the week catering to your responsibilities. You’ll be able to indulge in other activities as long as you stay organized.


The cosmos are met with moments of tense resistance, and others may try to talk you out of the action you have to do. You’ll feel that others are intentionally making your life difficult, so you may be forced to buckle down and push your agenda forward despite these obstacles.


You're in the mood to chip away at your career goals. Even the more mundane aspects of your job should go by quickly while instilling a sense of accomplishment. Staying on task is a priority that comes easily right now, but you'll want to ensure you're taking breaks to recharge.