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The New Moon in Virgo

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The New Moon in Virgo occurs on September 2 at 6:55 PM PT and 9:55 PM ET. It’s the last New Moon of the summer, leading us to embrace our hearts and sentiments in a gentle way.

Austere Saturn, who is retrograde in Pisces, opposes the New Moon. While this astrological aspect can be a downer, it pushes for change — mainly in how we care for ourselves and those we care about. Learning to say how we feel clearly can be challenging but doable now. Using our words correctly and with tenderness might be complicated; however, it'll allow us not to be impulsive with our tempers and be more sensitive.

The asteroid Ceres galvanizes the New Moon, reminding us to enjoy the moment, savor summer's remaining days and be less critical of ourselves and others. Appreciating the different views and experiences people bring to the table gives us the chance to understand them. Hopefully, they extend the same sentiment to us. Offering others compassion, empathy, and unconditional love might take time, but there is no reason why we shouldn’t extend that energy to ourselves. After all, our relationship with ourselves is the most important and must always be a top priority.  

The caveat is that the fixed star Zosma might add selfishness. We could feel our issues are more important than others, leading to arguments. Take a step back and assess matters before making a grandstand about them. You may be able to find a middle ground in dynamics and show your true emotions, but be honest about your needs, too. Reciprocal energy is pivotal in counterbalancing the fixed star Zosma.

This New Moon offers us the opportunity to redirect and contemplate our innermost sentiments. We can create the emotional life we desire by being mindful and meditating on the life we want. Think about what fills your heart up with joy, write it down in your journal and try to incorporate these notions in your daily activities and routine. Being aware of what your consciously manifesting will yield to self-awareness and TLC.