The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Change is in the air! The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 16, the same day Mars in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus. These astrological aspects are helping us develop our own sense of autonomy and authenticity. The Leo Sun aspects the Nodes of Destiny on August  19, urging us to make changes that benefit our future. Pay attention to news that’s being brought our way on the 19th — it’ll play an important role in the upcoming months ahead. Venus retrograde in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus on August 22, expanding our capacity to love and care for others. Mars opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on August 22, making us unsure of how we want to proceed with situations and others after we’ve let our sentiments be known earlier in the day.  


There is a lot of transformative energies at play this week, which is why it’s important to take a minute and assess our progress, Journal the ways in which you've grown and note the ways you wish to progress in the future. This will keep you on track as you continue to evolve in the future.


Use this week to evaluate and define your personal beliefs. Although you’re aware of them, it’s a good time to reassess your views to reflect this moment in your life and the world around you. It's a sign of the times to ascend towards a new perspective on personal matters.


Your responsibilities may clash with some much needed self-care, creating an energetic drain that leaves you feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally throughout the days ahead. These difficult energies will begin to break up toward the end of the week, through a creative outlet. Tap into your artistic side, Taurus.


The unpredictable energy can throw you for a loop and brig arguments. The energy will remain fairly heavy throughout the week, and we will be cosmically asked to face our internal struggles. Stay calm and avoid talking to people who trigger or upset you, you'll have enough on your plate!


There is a lot of chatter and noise surrounding you. None of it’s assisting you in your quest for happiness or the truth (which is causing you to have anxiety). The moment you step away from people who are running their mouths, the more personal clarity you’ll find. Silence is golden. 


Your whole world may seem and feel as though it’s collapsing — but it’s not. Truth be told, you have to accept the changes that are happening and embrace each individual challenge. You’re more in control than you think, even though it seems like you’re not. Own your personal power. 


Set aside time in your busy schedule to decompress and relax when you feel overwhelmed. The less stress you put on yourself throughout the week, the easier it’ll be to find several moments of calm in which you can savor the amazingness of life — if even for a minute. 


Boundaries are an important element building block of your professional connections and development. Knowing when and how to say “no” in an effort to set limits will keep matters copacetic and chill at the office — also, it will help you gain respect and admiration since you know your worth. 


Relationships are a little topsy-turvy, due to the emotional toll that the past is having on your heart. Although you can’t redo the past, you can forgive yourself and stop projecting your insecurities onto others who weren’t a part of that story. Cut those who care for you some slack.


It’s ok to daydream about the future — but it’s not fine to ignore them. Your passions are ignited this week, which is why it’s important to go after what you love this week. Do not hold back and hide away from moving towards what brings you joy and happiness. 


Even though you are willing and wanting to dive into new friendships and relationships, you’re finding that taking emotional risks is going against your will. Slow matters down and get to know your pals before letting them have complete and total access to your life, as well as your sentiments. 


You’re wanting to rush through the process of healing and transcendence. You will soon discover that both take time and aren’t easily able to attain. The lesson is to stop putting pressure on yourself. Let your heart and spirit ebb and flow while they are on the mend to evolving. 


Words can be a source of inspiration to you at this moment in time. The foreseeable issue is that you aren’t listening to every sentiment that’s expressed, which is creating confusion and holding you back from growth. Open your mind and ears to ensure you’re fully processing the motivational sentiments