The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The week ahead aims to expand our horizons. Communicator Mercury and tender Venus, who’s retrograde, align in passionate Leo on July 27th. This planetary connection wants us to speak from the heart and be bold with our statements. Moments before Mercury switches signs on the 28th, it links up with the Nodes of Destiny. Pay attention to who you meet this morning, as they’ll play a crucial part in your future. Mercury enters Virgo on July 28th, creating clear communication and factual information. The Super Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on August 1, aiming to expose truths and transcend our minds. Mercury opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces on the 1st, limiting our ability to state our thoughts and sentiments. The same day, Mars in Virgo aspects Jupiter in Taurus, giving us the drive and determination to manifest our desires. 

Witch tip

Write down the goals from your youth on a piece of paper. Contemplate and reflect on how far you’ve come and note the ways you wish to aspire to. This will allow you to understand the ways in which you can grow and align the past, present, and future together. 


Connecting with your passions isn’t generally hard for you to do, but it may be challenging this week. The reason is that your goals aren’t in alignment with your current state of being. Meditate on how you can bring these two parts of yourself together or change your path.  


Home is where your heart is this week. Spend the upcoming days augmenting and transforming your dwelling to make it align with your current lifestyle and needs. You Dan always transform it back to how it was before, which is why you shouldn’t go wild and make extreme changes now.


There is a lot of information buzzing around you. However, most of it isn’t real. Decipher between facts and gossip in order to make a decision about where you stand with others. It’ll encourage you to make wise choices, once matters come to a head and the truth is revealed.


You’re not wanting to leave matters to chance, which is why you are taking control of situations and relationships in your life. The caveat is that you can’t take autonomy away from others without them acting out. Rather than dominate, aim to discuss their ideas and work towards understanding them. 


It’s time to give the people that you care about more affection. Reciprocate the amount of love they’ve given you in the past to ensure that you are not taking them for granted. This can balance out the relationship and help to make a positive change between others and yourself.  


Pay attention to the psychic downloads the universe is bringing to you. They can give you insight into matters and help you to understand situations in a different manner. The truth is coming. Embrace the information with an open heart and trust your intuition when navigating through this week’s energy. 


You want to connect with your loved ones on a deeper level, which means allowing them to understand your creative process and understand your thoughts on an intricate level. This means that you’re not hesitating in becoming more intimate and letting others see the real you — flaws and goodness.


You are currently being pulled in two different directions — between your work and personal life. You don’t have to choose which is more important — all you have to do to strive is try to be present in both entities in order to keep your presence alive and thriving.


Expansion of the mind doesn’t have to occur in a far-off land or college library — you can grow your brain by studying at home. If you take the time to learn a topic of interest, you’ll find that your intellect is evolving and making you a better person.


Lately, you’ve been lost in your thoughts and daydreaming at times when you should be focusing on reality. It seems like you’re living in between two juxtaposing worlds, so you need to find balance. Even though your head is in the clouds, your feet will be firmly on the ground. 


Ideas have the power to become meaningful things — as long as you give them energy and care to grow. Use your creativity and visions to manifest your ultimate dream. Make a vision board and journal your progress in the days ahead to help advance the drive you have to succeed.


Often, you repress your innermost sentiments. The week ahead is urging you to speak up and let your emotions be known. As long as you are honest about what you’re feeling within, then you’ll be able to forge a closer bond with those you care about and know them better.