After 15 years of being in Capricorn, Pluto moves into Aquarius, starting a 20 year journey around change on March 23. The shift will be felt on a global level, as we’ll be transforming everything from financial matters to relationships at this time. Mars enters Cancer on March 25, adding passive aggressive behavior and manipulation tactics to arguments. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer occurs on March 28, helping us heal the past. The same day, Mercury and Jupiter link up in Aries, offering us clarity and insight to universal truths. 


Sitting in silence welcome the energies of Aries and its ruler Mars. Hold onto the intention of transmuting the warrior energy within to higher planes of mind.

Focus: "I choose to use the dynamic electric fiery energy of Aries to stimulate my intuition, to bring forth new ideas and ideals for the upliftment of humanity."

Journal exercise: How can I purify my mind so that I may serve with greater potency and clarity


You’re working on mending fences with those you care about. It’ll be hard to apologize and take accountability at first for your wrongdoings or miscommunications with others. When you take the first step towards rebuilding bridges you will allow the relationship to grow and evolve to be better than ever.


Taking time away from work and stressful projects to smell the roses is key now. This will teach you to live in the present and focus on what truly matters. Finding peace of mind in all that you do whenever possible is going to take you to a higher consciousness.


Studying a new subject and philosophy is helping you to expand your mind. This may even push you to understand matters at a different worldly view. Pro tip: Study anthropology or history. You will be super into these subjects. The past can help you comprehend present matters in your life.


Control is an important sentiment to note. Not having authority or dominance over others will create conflicts. During this time, you can expect added intensity and meltdowns as emotions are currently heightened. You will also make discoveries and uncover truths that you did not know existed or even see coming.


Learning to trust your gut instincts will prove to be challenging now, especially since you have such a logical mind. Embracing your intuition and psychic visions will allow you to understand and see the motives of others (both the good and the bad) without having to research for the facts.


You’re working on improving your inner self and emotions. This will allow you to mend your heart and personal relationships over the next two and a half years. Give yourself time to work through matters and a lot of TLC now. Use your heart to guide you towards healing yourself.


Your idealistic vibe will incline you to give power to your desires and passions. Always keep your dreams alive in your mind and heart. With the right determination, your goals can take flight. You can change the world. Don’t give up on yourself and others right now. You got this!


Some may call you selfish, while others will say that you’re self-sufficient. You’re taking back your life and not letting any negative vibes or words stand in the way of you asserting your voice. It’s time to take care of your own needs right now, which may mean eclipsing others.


You are often too quick to speak and think about situations. But, now you’re taking a step back from running your mouth at lightning speed and thinking impulsively. You do not have the last word — something you’re learning now. Your coworkers may not have your best intentions in mind.


You may find a compromise in how you can attain the worldly things you want. There is a compromise that is an option for you to take, as you will find that there are ways to attain wealth and abundance if you navigate through such matters with a level head.


You don’t have to figure out the direction of your relationship or how you want to handle your personal affairs immediately. Give it some time and think things through thoroughly. Only then will you be able to figure out the best course of action and direction you wish to take.


Sometimes it feels great to let the truth out and have other people understand you through a soulful connection. If the situation isn’t comfortable, then Pluto can help you to let go of it. Or, as the matter can transform if you give it some time. Don’t rush the process.