Mars swims into Pisces on April 14, making us less assertive and more sensitive in how we tackle situations. The Libra Full Moon occurs on April 16, giving us the chance to transform partnerships. Mercury in Taurus connects with Venus in Pisces on April 17 and Uranus in Taurus on April 18, opening our hearts and minds to new perspectives. Venus and Uranus link up on the 18th, heightening our confidence and individuality. The Aries Sun and Pluto in Capricorn square off on April 18, giving us the drive and stamina to reach for the stars.

This is an important time to think about who and what you love. Before you make any moves, meditate on your desires. Think about who and what fulfills you and gives love. Do you align with them? If so, then call in the energy by lighting a pink or white candle to transcend the loving energy into your life. 


You’re feeling torn between asserting your individuality in relationships and working on the power dynamics in those relationships. It’s high time to decide if you should stay or go. Is it worth sticking around trying to improve a connection that leaves you feeling dull when you’re meant to shine bright?


This is an extremely auspicious cosmic time to plant seeds around manifesting matters of love and money, which will blossom in the upcoming months. It’s your time to shine now, Taurus. All of the fruits from your intensive and creative labor will be appreciated and met with kindness from others.


You are trying to fix friendships now and come together with old friends. This is certainly possible, as you are open now to making things work with newfound emotional insights gleaned throughout the week. Also, allow yourself time to think things through so you don’t jump to conclusions in relationships.


You feel uncertain and second-guess yourself amidst the sinking feeling of imposter syndrome. The key to success is actually to be gentle with yourself. The truth of the matter is that you’re beyond qualified, you just need to have faith in your abilities. Don’t doubt yourself! You got this!


You have the power to assert yourself and your passionate emotions. Use your newfound healing abilities to help others survive the cosmic intensity of this week. You will be shocked by how much good you can do if you let go of the fear you have currently garnered within yourself. 


Known for your cool, detached mannerisms, this week is making you feel hot, hot, hot! The celestial energy sizzles up your lesser-seen romantic side, allowing you to decide how to take action in matters of the heart, which can lead you to a deeper sense of understanding with others.


Now’s the chance to show the world what you’re made of, communicating through your art. The caveat is that you feel judged by others and will have to guard yourself against focusing too much on fears that your work isn’t up to snuff. In reality, your creations inspire the masses.


While it may be tempting to let sleeping dogs lie, this week opens up many of your old wounds — making it an emotionally weighty time of the year. Get ready to have some deep moments of realization and healing throughout the week — all of which you are ready to experience.


You’re pushed to deal with power struggles within relationships. Decide if it’s worth the battle. Is this someone you truly wish to cultivate a healthy relationship with? If so, you have the opportunity to work on matters. While you want to end it, remember, it’s not over ‘til it’s over. 


While change is hard, growing through experiences is essential. Be honest and gentle about feelings with yourself and others. Use the energy of the week to welcome change and move toward your truest self, even if you have to shed the past to get to a beautiful place within yourself.


Recently, your ego may have taken a hit, forcing you to swim away from others, deep into yourself. The good news is that you have the chance to work on your self-esteem and heal yourself through self-care. Try meditation, yoga, journaling, or daily affirmations to bring in the positive vibes.


Try not to second-guess yourself when you make decisions this week. As long as you are making the choices after you assess all sides of the situation (being a mutable sign, you are superhumanly capable of this). Make a list with the pros and cons if you are conflicted now.