
Astrology by Lisa Stardust

July 1’s Last Quarter Moon in Aries is urging us to release all the negativity in our lives. The same day, Mars, who’s in Leo, opposes Saturn, who’s retrograde in Aquarius, pushing us to dominate others (or vice versa). Mars squares Uranus, who’s in Taurus, on July 3 and urges us to break free from the constraints holding us back. The Cancer Sun aspects Uranus on July 5th, allowing us to embrace our unique sentiments. Venus, who’s in Leo, connects with the Nodes of Destiny on July 5th which brings romance to our lives. The caveat is that the next day, Venus and Saturn retrograde oppose each other making us feel undervalued — a sentiment that will be echoed by Mercury’s, who’s in Gemini, fraught aspect with Neptune, who’s in Pisces. 

Take a few deep breaths and calm yourselves down before reacting. The cosmic energy is intense this week. Think before reacting passionately. 


You are in the mood to have fun, but other obligations are permitting you from doing so. The only answer is to find a balance in which you can have a few amusements throughout the day, without losing track of time and the ventures that you wish to pursue professionally.


Giving all of your energy to professional projects is leaving your loving cup seemingly empty. Before you give more to your bosses, colleagues, or to work, make sure that you are taking care of yourself first. Then, you can give freely of yourself to endeavors that will boost your career.


It’s ok to be lost in a daydream, as long as you are taking care of matters and situations that need your assistance. Don’t forget about your earthly obligations when your head is in the cloud. This will ensure that you don’t have problems in the mundane aspect of life.


Creating boundaries with others isn’t necessarily hard, but holding yourself to the standard that you set for others will be challenging this week. Don’t be hard on yourself if you flounder and make mistakes implanting your own rules. Be gentle as you navigate your emotions over the next several  days.


You’re not feeling the love from your inner circle and it’s nagging at your ego. The truth is that your friends and family care about you very much and are caught up in whatever they are doing at the moment. They’ll be back to give you more TLC than ever.


You’re taking a step back from confronting others and letting sleeping dogs lie. The reason is that you aren’t in the mood to argue and create drama over matters that you’re not emotionally invested in. You are not sweating the small stuff this week and keeping an extremely rational mind.


Your goals have been evolving and changing over the past few weeks. You’ve been planning and plotting ways to make your life and situation better. Now is the time to put the effort into making them a reality. With the right amount of drive, you can totally make them happen.


Tensions with others are reaching a high, making you want to take a break from the high stakes drama. Allowing yourself time to understand your feelings will help situations and relationships repair themselves naturally. Give yourself time to heal, as well as those you are arguing with at the moment.


Your mind is expanding, making you feel as though your world is getting much bigger. The caveat is that the information and philosophies you are adding to your life may contradict your fundamental ideology. Therefore, a change is needed. Open your mind to new views without forgetting your core beliefs.


Your intuition is on point, allowing you to see deep within matters but you haven’t given much attention to. The issue is that you may not believe that your sentiments are real, which they are. As long as you trust your gut, there will be no issues coming your way.


The enthusiasm you have towards speaking relationships work will be high and low throughout the week. This may create problems within existing partnerships, as you will be going emotionally back and forth about what you want. Be clear about what you want before proceeding in any direction. Take your time.


Your anxiety is running high, holding you back from resolving situations and matters. You don’t have to make decisions, even though the vibe is high. You can ruminate on the situation this week, then commit to it by next week. Conserve your energy and don’t stress over things right now.