The Hoodwitch

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Artwork by MHSPROD

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


This week brings several planetary changes — some of which are very positive. Venus retrograde in Gemini begins on May 13th, making us rethink financial and love relationships. Action planet Mars enters Pisces on May 13th, pushing us to take action around manifesting our dreams. The Third Quarter Moon on the 14th in Aquarius will make us take a second look at our professional visions or what we want to give to the world. Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn  commences on May 14th and lasts until September 12th, allowing us to have our lucky break. The Taurus Sun softly connects with Pluto, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, on the 15th. This earthy vibe will bring us a lot of power and tenacity to harvest our desires. The same day, Mercury, who’s in Gemini, links up with the asteroid Chiron, letting us heal the past. The Sun and Jupiter, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, bring us personal success and triumphs. 


March 21 - April 19

In the past, hearing gossip made your ears perk up. Now, you’re seeing that all rumors do is hurt others (whether it’s intentional or not). Stepping away from the drama within your circle  will prove challenging; however, it’s important for you to not be involved in hearsay at the moment. 


April 20 - May 20

It’s been a long time since you have put yourself energetically out there. Now, you’re beginning to step into the limelight as you’re gaining confidence. While this week may have its ups and downs, try to enjoy the vibe as you begin to get your groove back. Move towards greatness. 


May 21 - June 20

Life may seem uncertain at the moment, but you’ll feel a little lighter by midweek. Try to let go of former expectations and to live without fear. Once you can do that, you will be able to ebb and flow this week. Be extra gentle with yourself during the process. 


June 21 - July 22

TLC from friends and family may be hard to come by this week — which means you’ll have to do extra work loving yourself. This means implementing more self-care routines like long baths into your day or even treating yourself to an indulgent day of watching Netflix (delicious snacks included). 


July 23 - August 22

Old friends you’ve had drama with may reappear out of the woodwork. But, you don’t have to return their emails until you’re ready to deal with the past and accept their apologies (or vice versa). Respond when you’re ready and on your terms. Don’t feel rushed to make the decision. 


August 23 - September 22

Spending time at home with your family or squad has made you rethink your professional visions. After all, what’s the point in working hard if you can’t enjoy life? Learning to disconnect from work is a struggle for you — but necessary. Balance is essential to all aspects of life. 


September 23 - October 22

It’s a fact of life that a person can be an important part of your life one moment, then not the next. However, you are getting a second chance to make amends with friends and try to find a way for them to be a part of your life now. 


October 23 - November 21

Although you hate gaslighting, you may be giving others a dose of their own manipulative tactics. You’re mirroring the actions of others, which will create frustrations in relationships — but it is  essential for them to understand their past actions. This will help you transform the relationship that currently exists. 


November 22 - December 21

Stop being jealous of a joint dynamic between two friends. Three may be a crowd, but you can make it work if you try to let go of your possessive vibe. Embrace your free spirit. Do not control others with strings, like a puppet. Let them live and be free. 


December 22 - January 19

It’s essential and necessary for you to implement self-care into your daily routine. Allow yourself to take a break from the pressures and anxieties of the world. Decompressing this week will allow you to spruce up your inner vibe and glow up. By week’s end, you’ll feel refreshed and chill. 


January 20 - February 18

A former lover or crush has been on your mind. This week, you’re debating messaging them to check in. Before you actually send the text, try to find the right words to say. Don’t be too extra, then they won’t respond. Be casual and you’ll get the response you want. 


February 19 - March 20

Your world is changing at lightning speed. But, you’re still holding onto the past. It’s time to implement some new views into your belief system. Don’t get too hard on yourself for taking your time to evolve. You’re a work in progress. And, you are swimming in the right direction.