Astrology by Lisa Stardust
We kick off this week with a lovely aspect between expansive Jupiter, who’s in Capricorn, and dreamy Neptune, who’s in Pisces. We have the chance to implement our desires into reality on the 20th — if we put the effort into it. Mars, who’s in Capricorn, and Uranus, who’s in Taurus, connect on the 21st by adding inventiveness to the projects started on the 20th. Mars and healing asteroid Chiron, who’s in Aries, square off on the 21st and ask us to take action around mending the problems in our lives. The Pisces Sun and Uranus meetup in the cosmos on the 22nd, which will add originality, uniqueness, and mindfulness to us all. The Pisces New Moon on the 23rd will lend us a new perspective on old matters. Venus, who’s currently fired up in Aries, will want to evolve and grow when Jupiter sets off a cardinal action oriented square on the 23rd. The Sun and Mars push each other to pursue all the goals manifested under the New Moon, on the 24th. Emotions and temperaments change on the 25th. After the Sun and the Nodes of Destiny share a tender and inspiring connection in the morning, the energy starts to shift in the afternoon. Mars aligns with the South Node of Destiny, making us all frustrated by the lack of movement and evolution in personal or professional matters. The Sun links up with Mercury, who’s retrograde in Pisces, which will bring major confusion and uncertainty our way.
March 21 - April 19
Being too consumed with work has caused you to burn the candle at both ends. You may ignore your body signaling for you to take a break from the long days and nights at the office, which will cause burn out. This can result in emotional meltdowns due to exhaustion. Instead of putting immense pressure on yourself, try taking a step back from your worries this week. Good things will come if you relax.
April 20 - May 20
You always try to take the high road in matters — even if it causes you to suffer emotionally. This week, you may fall back on your sacrificial tendencies and give control to others. Instead of letting go of your power, try to find a balance that works. You don’t have to always do the “right” thing. If you’re irked by someone, you should tell them. You don’t have to forgive and forget easily.
May 21 - June 20
Creating boundaries is a challenge for you — mostly because you don’t like setting and keeping rules. However, this week, you’re cosmically pushed to implement limits with others, as they are taking advantage of your kindness. This may come in different forms: gaslighting, projection, manipulation, and abuses of power. Be aware of how others treat you and choose the boundaries of the relationship carefully. Be direct and honest to get the results you want.
June 21 - July 22
Partnerships will be the core focus of your energies this week. Particularly on how to hold on to them. Relationships have been in flux for some time and now they are once again erratic. Word of advice: Don’t hold on tightly to others. Give them and yourself space to breathe. All matters and issues will work out if you don’t rule others with an iron fist. But, have a calm and cool attitude instead.
July 23 - August 22
It’s easy to get caught up in what your peers are doing. You may feel that they are advancing at a rampant pace and you are stuck in the same situation you’ve been in for a while. Never compare yourself to others. Making judgements about their lives and yours will only cause frustrations to consume your mind. Some of the motions and notions you’ve concocted in your head about them may not be true.
August 23 - September 22
A lucrative creative venture is headed your way. The only caveat is that you may feel as though you’re not ready to take on this project. Don’t let your insecurities get in the way of you achieving greatness. You have the ability to become the most amazing artist in the world — if you let go of the fear attached to being successful. Write down your worries and demystify them to win at life.
September 23 - October 22
You’ve been at a high with work projects, which has caused you to let personal responsibilities fall by the waste side. Fortunately for you, this week allows you to remedy and revive personal matters that need some TLC at the moment. You may want to give more attention to your family and friends — or take a few personal days from work to reconnect with them and yourself. You’ll be grateful you chose to.
October 23 - November 21
Sometimes it’s hard for you to find the right words to express yourself. As a water sign, you tend to lean more into your emotions and heart than your mouth when articulating your feelings. This week calls for you to embrace your intuition more than ever. You do not have to verbally communicate to understand your emotions — you can feel it deep down and within yourself. Use your sixth sense to express yourself.
November 22 - December 21
Your confidence may be at a high, but you may be knocked down a few pegs this week (if you let others get the best of you). Instead of acting defensively when others project their insecurities onto you, you can choose to disengage. Opting out of the drama will be hard, as your sparing mate will have cutting words to say. This will help you to walk away unscathed and unbothered by their issues.
December 22 - January 19
You have all the energy in the world to give, but no one and no projects to invest your dynamism into. Rather than sulking and having temper tantrums due to the lack of work — do the opposite. Enjoy this time out of the spotlight. Relish in the opportunity to focus on other endeavors besides from work. You will find that this restful period was needed and the best cure for your anxious mind.
January 20 - February 18
You don’t always have to stand up and argue with those who oppose your opinions. This week, you are seeing and learning that it’s perfectly fine to take a step back from confronting others (now and again). Although it may be hard to not fully express your emotions to others, you’ll find that it’s best for you to sit this round of debate out and focus your energies on other important personal pressing matters.
February 19 - March 20
Friendships are very important to you. As a matter of fact, you really find yourself reflected in those you are surrounded with. While you tend to mirror their actions (and vice versa), you may find that this week you’re not being treated nicely by your friend group. Instead of acting out, try discussing your feelings openly with them. You will make up with your friends by week’s end — if you discuss your feelings openly.