The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust 


The week starts off with the date 11/11, inspiring us to evolve and grow. That sentiment will carry on with us throughout the week, as we will be cosmically tasked with the need to personally transform on all levels. November 12th brings the third and final Jupiter and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (the other times this transit occurred was on April 5th and June 30th). This has been a cosmic marker for the spread of pandemic, so please be careful. It’s also been a time when we’ve wanted to assert our power and dominance over others (or vice versa). Friday the 13th brings a harmonious aspect between Venus, who’s in Libra, and the Nodes of Destiny. Pay attention to who you meet or the sweet sentiments being whispered in your ear, both will be pivotal for the future. Mars, who’s been retrograde since September 9th in Aries, turns direct on November 13th, giving us the gusto to move situations forward without hesitation. The Scorpio Sun connects with Jupiter and Pluto on the 14th, heightening the energy from the 12th and giving power to the Scorpio New Moon (which occurs on the 14th in the PDT time zone and on the 15th in the EDT time zone). Venus squares off with Pluto on the 15th and Jupiter on the 16th.  This energy will be hard on our romantic lives, but the lesson we need to learn or that we must open our hearts to new possibilities and let go of the fear we have when it comes to love. Mercury, who’s in Scorpio, opposes Uranus, who’s retrograde in Taurus, on the 17th allowing us to see the bigger picture through understanding  ourselves and others on a different level. 


You’re known to be blunt and direct about your needs and wants, but also for letting your ability to run your mouth and overpromise to others. You may offer a friend or colleague more than you can give or live up to this week. The desire to dream and want to share those dreams can create issues for you, which is why it’s important to keep them to yourself until they’re ready to take flight.


There’s a lot of action happening in the relationship sector of your chart, which will boost your desire to commit to friends and loved ones. The caveat is that you aren’t focusing on taking care of yourself and putting your needs first, as you are giving your energy out to others. Use the New Moon as an opportunity to balance and center your vibe. You’ll feel refreshed nce you align your mind, heart, and body. 


Watch out for fiery arguments with old acquaintances and colleagues in the beginning of the week who are trying to assert their authority over you. The intense energy may have you dead-set on regaining control of your life throughout the week. If you think you were harsh when the dust settles, you can totally apologize with some grace over the weekend, but you may forget all about it by then... and let bygones be bygones.


It’s been an intense year for love. And, this week isn’t any easier. You’re making decisions about relationships. You are deciding who you want in your life and what energy you don’t need anymore. Before you make any assessments, take a moment and think about how you want to proceed. Then, move forward. Don’t act too impulsively, as you may regret the choices you are making later on. Take your time and feel your feelings,


There has been a lot of tension brewing underneath the surface in the home front, which is why you will have to direct all of your energy into mending familial and interpersonal problems that you have with others. Although it will be challenging and tough, you will be able to get along better with others and avoid further drama from occurring. Making amends, apologizing, and starting fresh with others will serve to alleviate past frustrations.


This week starts off on a sentimental high, pushing you to become relationship oriented. While you may decide to dive head first into an exciting new partnership, you may decide to slow down, when you see the boundaries your other half has implemented. The end of the week opens up more power struggles with your significant other, giving you confidence to assert your individuality and set limitations and boundaries of your own in the relationship.


It’s time you started using and exercising your powers for good. Instead of arguing with others to let your points of view be known, choose the magical, sensitive, and intuitive path. Use your newly found healing abilities to help others, including yourself, survive the intensity of the upcoming week. Also, lend your sympathetic ears and heart to listen to those in need. You will totally be shocked by how much good you can do, Libra.


Listen closely to what others are saying to you in the beginning of the week, Scorpio. Their words and actions will allow you to receive a big reveal from their clandestine activities — some of which may be super scandalous and others may confirm what you already felt or known from your innate intuition. The end of the week will bring all matters to light. The news that you’ll be hearing may actually shock you.


Simply put, you’re not in the mood to be made to feel like a fool. (But, who is?) You’ll do everything in your power to ensure that you are not the subject of ridicule. You will even confront those who you suspect have been sending negative vibes your way or even side eyeing you when you speak your mind. When you assert yourself, make sure you do it with kindness to avoid arguments from starting. 


You’ve been evolving at exponential speed. Now, you are doubting the ways in which you have transformed. Instead of being hard on yourself, note all the ways in which your life has become better. Before you start criticizing your efforts, take a look at where you started from and where you are at this moment. You will come to find that you are on a different and higher path, miles away from where you started.


This week gives you the chance to show the world what you’re made of. The caveat is that you’re feeling judged by others and will have to guard yourself from focusing too much on fears that aren’t real, just created in your head. It’s time to take your confidence back and know that you are brilliant. You’re more than enough, no matter how you feel. Take a look in the mirror and embrace your fabulousness. 


You may have issues with those who are closest to you, causing you to feel a little lost and out of balance. The reason for your sentiments is that you don’t feel as though you are being given much respect and support from others. This may push you to speak your mind, which will inevitably mend fences with others and sustain relationships. As long as you’re heard and seen, you’ll be happy having expressed yourself.