The Hoodwitch

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Written By: Lisa Stardust 


This week is energetically lighter than the past few weeks, which is great because we all need an emotional reprieve from the drama. The First Quarter Moon in Taurus occurs on February 1st. During this time, we should all focus on self-healing and growth. The following day, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde zone (Mercury retrograde officially kicks off on February 16th). Pay attention to the events that start to unfold on the 2nd, they will hold the key to your personal retrograde story. Venus, who’s currently in Pisces, and Pluto, who’s in Capricorn, softly connect on February 2nd by adding passive aggressive sentiments to relationships. The following day, Venus aspects Saturn, who’s in Capricorn, adding another dose of passivity around controlling energies in partnerships. While the need for power over others isn’t strong this week, it certainly will be felt energetically through manipulative tactics. Watch out for extreme gaslighting from others. Be careful not to impart the same vibe onto others too. The week ends with Mercury entering Pisces on February 3rd. This planetary switch will allow us to talk about our future dreams and current emotions with those we care about.


March 21 - April 19

This week, you’re taking a step back from life in order to connect with yourself. The reason you’ve decided to take a self-imposed hibernation is that you’re trying to understand your emotions on a deeper level. While this may seem confusing to others in your social circle, it’s important for your mental and emotional growth. You’ll become more evolved and cognizant of your actions and triggers as a result of your time away in solitude.  


April 20 - May 20

Relationships are more perplexing than ever — especially now that you’re learning who your true friends really are. Understanding that there are two types of people in your life: Those who are acquaintances and are flakey. And, those who are your true blue friends. Categorizing your crew will help you to decipher who to give your energy to. Unfortunately, you may learn this lesson the hard way, by week’s end. Choose your social circle wisely. 


May 21 - June 20

Finding your place in the world is your life’s task. This week will make you question the professional and personal directions you’re moving in, as you are unsure of the next steps. You may find that you’re changing your mind about what you’ve been working hard to achieve. Try to be gentle on yourself and embrace your new aspirations. Don’t allow yourself to become frustrated because it will stand in the way of your happiness. 


June 21 - July 22

You’re walking to the beat of your own drum this week, which is a lovely break from your regular daily vibe. Allowing yourself to live in the moment and to be free from the constraints that hold you back will serve as a refreshing wake up call. You’ll be able to embrace all of the positivity and opportunities life has to offer. The only advice is to not go too far into another reality, stay grounded. 


July 23 - August 22

Your lesser seen temper is on the rise this week, due to the insane amount of pressure you’re putting on yourself. The need to be perfect and the best all the time is wearing on your fiery energy — which is why you really need to take a rest and create boundaries with others in order to maintain your powerful vibe. Don’t feel bad for not responding to emails and texts immediately. Focus on yourself.


August 23 - September 22

Just when you thought it was safe to leave the past in the past, an ex lover or friend emerges out of exile to say “hi.” Rather than slam the door on them or block them on your phone, let them tell you why they’ve come back to you to gain clarity on the relationship and heal the past. You don’t have to allow them back into your life, but you can hear them out. 


September 23 - October 22

Finding direction will be challenging this week, as you would prefer to float like a butterfly through all of the mundane daily activities in your life. You are not able to commit to any plans or even move forward with your goals, which may frustrate you. Instead of fighting the energy, embrace it. Indulge in whimsical activities. Embrace the beautiful and bizarre sentiments of everyday life. Also, give yourself a break from annoying daily stressors.


October 23 - November 21

Never one to settle for anything less than you deserve, this week tests your emotional boundaries. You are not willing to compromise on certain matters, particularly those concerning love and relationships, because you feel as though you’ve given others a mile and you’ve received the minimal in return. The lesson you are learning is that you can’t give your all to another right away. Taking baby steps towards commitment is the only way to go. 


November 22 - December 21

Why are you so hard on yourself when you’re wrong and not hard on others when they are? This week, you’re learning that it’s important to hold others accountable for their actions and to take a stand in defending your point of view. You may feel like you’re at fault, but if you take a deeper look you may find that you’re not wrong at all. Be honest with yourself and others. Speak your truth. 


December 22 - January 19

Confusion may be orbiting your sphere, as a result of misinformation you’ve heard or spoken. It appears that you’ve gaslighted yourself, by not being honest about situations. Don’t fret! You can always revisit the situation again this week and work out the problem. Before you make any moves, make sure you’re 100% sure the facts are true this time because you may start to run around in circles again. Be literal and to the point. 


January 20 - February 18

Sometimes you forget how amazing you are, which can create self-esteem issues. Fortunately, you’re not going to let that happen ever again. Now, you are embracing your amazingness by honoring yourself daily. Reciting an affirmation every morning (written by you) while looking at yourself in the mirror will boost your confidence. You’ll also feel understood and loved by yourself, which will change the dynamic you have with other people in your life for the better. 


February 19 - March 20

You may feel as though you’ve been swimming through life, without allowing yourself to heal others (which is one of your loveliest attributes). This week serves as prime time to step out of the mystical waters and embrace the realness in your world by committing to a humanitarian project. You will be able to give back by helping  those in need who are less fortunate than you — even by a simple act of kindness.