The Hoodwitch

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Written by Lisa Stardust

We start off this week with a lovely New Moon in Pisces on the 6th, which will illuminate our passions, dreams, and sentiments. Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and action asteroid Vesta will all connect with the New Moon, allowing our heart’s desires to take flight. Rather than manifesting a new vision under this luminary, consider rethinking an old idea. Mercury recently started its backstroke, forcing us to revisit past goals. Make amendments to past projects under the New Moon, in order to use the full potential of this delightful luminary.

The sensitive Pisces Sun links up with imaginative Neptune on the 6th, inspiring us all to dream. Listen to soft music, dance, paint, and embrace your artistic spirit on the 6th, in order to embrace the higher vibration of Neptune. The flip side of this transit may bring anxieties, emotions, insecurities, and paranoias to surface, as “the divine discontent” energy of Neptune can bring heartache.

Unique and insightful Uranus reenters Taurus on March 6th, taking us back to May 15th, 2018, when rebellious Uranus first moved into the earthy Bullish sign. The 7 year switch will be cemented on the 6th, taking us all into a new cosmic era. As we stampede forward, we will all be focused on changing the way we value ourselves and others, opting to focus on situations and relationships that bring us pleasure and lift our spirits. As we enter this new transformative time, we are connecting with the collective on a Venusian level, which will bring originality, earthiness, and creativity to relationships—especially the relationship with ourselves.

The Pisces Sun brings hope to austere Saturn on March 9th, allowing us to change and make waves around personal development.

March 10th puts our actions into motion, as action planet Mars aspects visionary planet Neptune, bringing hope to week’s end.


March 21-April 19

The New Moon occurring March 6th helps you to let go of past upsets and hurts you’ve recently felt on the professional front. Under this luminary, it’s imperative that you lay low and take a healing Himalayan salt  bath to cleanse your body, mind, and spirit. The 6th brings more radical change, as progressive planet Uranus finally walks off your Sun, after almost 8 years of firing up your consciousness. Uranus will now offer you a unique way to make money and blossom your confidence. The next several years may force you to live the bohemian lifestyle, supplementing freedom in place of money. The 9th and 10th allow you to finance your dreams and manifest your visions into reality, as long as you put your mindset out into the universe.


April 20-May 20

This week brings exciting energy your way, Taurus. Uranus revisits your Sun on the 6th, starting a new journey around self-worth. During this time, you will be called upon by the universe to only align yourself with protects, partnerships, and situations that appreciate and value your efforts. You will suddenly let go of that which is not working for you on the 6th, moving towards a different life path. Ask yourself, if you could put a price value on your feelings towards yourself, what would the monetary value be? With Uranus galvanizing your Sun and the Dark Moon swimming through the inspirational house of your chart, it’s time to reconnect with yourself. March 9th may force you to vacillate on which path to choose. However, the 10th brings hope and direction, as you connect with your peers and dreams.


May 21-June 21

You may feel a little lost in the shuffle this week, Gemini. March 6th will blind you from seeing your amazing qualities and potential. The issue is that you feel as if you are on a timeline for success. What you need to realize, is that you can create your own timeline. After all, it’s your life. Comparing yourself to others may cause insecurities and doubts to rise within. Most of your insecurities aren’t real, created by Neptune’s deceptive waves. Try to be easy on yourself and carve out sacred space for your confidence to grow. Rebellious Uranus and the New Moon force you to awaken your spiritual beliefs on the 6th. You are given the cosmic chance on the 9th and 10th to create your own blend of spirituality and magic, using the beliefs that align with your credences.


June 22-July 22

A planner by nature, this week will force you to step out of your comfort zone and honor your lesser seen spontaneous side. The New Moon on March 6th, along with Uranus’s planetary switch, force you to take an impulsive journey within, allowing you to explore the depths of your soul. You will be inspired to take on activities that will feed your mind and spirit with your greatest supporters of all time, your friends. Understanding how you connect to others is essential to your spiritual development, and will bring deep seated revelations your way on the 9th. You will all experience a new perspective on life, leading towards enlightenment on the 10th. This week’s vision quest will bring you closer to your peers, as well as yourself.


July 23-August 22

Uranus reenters the professional sector of your chart, under the New Moon on March 6th. This brings chaos to your career goals, particularly around your relationships with your colleagues and employers.  March 9th sets the stage for drama with coworkers, as you feel overtaxed with the burden of picking up their slack. March 10th causes frustrations with your employer, due to their lack of praise or appreciation for your hard work. Being taken for granted will hit your ego hard this week. After all, you are the regal ruler of the jungle and your efforts need to be seen. Say “no” to extra professional projects this week. Don’t let others step all over you. Let them see that you are the majestic ruler of the office, not them.


August 23-September 22

The New Moon, which occurs March 6th, will bring partnership struggles to a head. You will feel like you give 65% of your energy to your relationship and are only receiving 35% in return. Having an open discussion with your partner will allow you both to work on building a better foundation together, one that will not allow you to feel taken for granted. Uranus rocks your world on March 6th, the same day as the New Moon, opening your eyes to new possibilities within partnerships. You may decide to incorporate progressive beliefs into your relationship, or create a new dynamic between both you and your significant other. March 9th and 10th aim to incorporate your newly found ideals into reality. Regardless of the outcome, it’s important to try and transform your lifestyle.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

For far too long you’ve been riding the cosmic merry-go-round of “love.” Since 2011, relationships have been rocky, full of ups and downs. March 6th puts an end to the mind games and heartbreak, when Uranus switches signs and changes your overall vibe. With the Dark Moon allowing you to create a new vision, Uranus will push you to take back your power within partnerships on the 6th. You will now have the authority and dominance to call the shots in your life, balancing out the power struggle that has caused past issues. March 9th and 10th acts as catalysts for inner evolution, heightening your drive to apply change. Now, you can embark on a new intimate journey, while giving your tender heart a break from pain.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Uranus’s powerful shift into your house of partnerships on the 6th, sets off a 7 year turbulent journey around relationships. The caveat to this Uranian transit, is that you will feel disconnected to those who do not value your time and energy, opting to only dedicate yourself to those who hold you in the highest esteem. Your ideals are changing—for the better. The Dark Moon gives you one last look at relationships past, allowing you to decide who makes the final cut and who does not. Partnerships that do not serve your highest and truest ideals will fall to the waste-side on the 9th, creating extra space for people who value you. You will be forced to take baby steps in manifesting the partnership of your dreams, by cutting the cord one relationship at a time.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The New Moon on March 6th brings core changes your way. Known as the philosopher of the zodiac, the 6th asks you to dive deep within and explore your current spiritual beliefs. You may find that your inner faith and beliefs can use some sprucing up. Call upon your ancestors to help guide you towards growth on the 6th. They will offer you wisdom and insights in how to move forward during this confusing time. Only they can help you to find your inner calling. Progressive Uranus is shattering your delusions and illusions on the 6th, taking you to a higher state of being. As long as you pay respect and homage to the past, your mind will be elevated to a deeper level of awareness regarding yourself and the world around you.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Hardworking by nature, this week forces you to take a much need break from the material world. For the several years, you have been allowing inner frustrations and fears to hold you back from achieving your goals. Now, you are given the cosmic opportunity to unwind from the daily stresses of life and reflect. The New Moon on the 6th, along with Uranus’s transcendent walk into earthy Taurus, will help you plan the next steps and visions in your life. The 9th brings the 3 E’s your way: Enthusiasm, Effervescence, and Enrichment. The 3 E’s will motivate you towards implementing new creative objectives on the 10th. With your feet firmly planted on the ground, there’s nothing you can’t achieve in the week ahead.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

In the recent past, you have been the victim of relationship projection. Others have willfully projected their psychic wounds on to you, making you bear the burden of their emotions and heartbreak. Being desirous of change, you have grown and started to heal from the past. However, the residual buildup still lays deep within your subconscious. When Uranus starts it’s 7 year switch-up on March 6th, you will be motivated to use inventive techniques to heal the part of yourself that still harbors pain from relationships past. The New Moon on the 6th helps elevate your spirit and love for yourself, by allowing you to gain confidence and poise. The veil is lifting, shedding light on your wounds and letting your soul mend through the mystical depths of the Neptunian waves. Just be aware, your heart will hurt when it heals too. Try to dip your toes in the healing Pisces sea before jumping in—if only to protect yourself from the salty nature of self-recovery. And, most importantly, be gentle with yourself.


Feb. 19-March 20

The Dark Moon on March 6th connects with your Sun, providing a powerful new beginning. However, Neptune’s slippery presence will create a dissolution of boundaries, uneasiness, and confusion to manifest within. Unfortunately, you will absorb the energy of others, due to this watery luminary. It’s essential to enforce psychic protection on March 6th, in order to deflect yourself from the cosmic life force energy, which may be detrimental to your spiritual and emotional development. Fortunately, Uranus’s 7 year ingress into earthy Taurus on the 6th will prove beneficial to you, offering you the ability to dissolve the blocked energy and move freely towards a higher vibration. The 9th and 10th will guide you to a more balanced life, clear and free from the anxieties of others.