Tea of Dreams for The Harvest Moon 

image sourced via pintrest

image sourced via pintrest

Written by Lisa Stardust

 The Harvest Moon is a celebration of past efforts, serving as the culmination of the past year, as it’s time to pick crops for the new season. Falling close to the Autumnal Equinox, the Harvest Moon is the first Full Moon of the season, creating abundance, as we reap the benefits of our past efforts. Change is in the crisp autumn air, as we honor Mother Earth for her laborious work in cultivating fruits, grains, and vegetables for all living beings. 

With the Moon in the sign of fiery Aries, we must consider our innermost passions during this luminary, focusing on implementing change and growth for the new season. The Harvest Moon awakens our dreams and inspirations, forcing us to let go of past fears and move towards individuality. Luna serves to wake us up, as a response to the ever-changing world, the spark to initiate the new version of the past vision, allowing us to plan the future. 

Before moving forward, enjoy the fruits of your past labors during the Harvest Moon, by ingesting power and magic, as you become one with your intentions. Enjoy a spicy tea blend which will awaken your senses and exhilarate your mind, as you manifest your seasonal goals. Use Pepper and Ginger to ignite the passion of Mars (the planetary ruler of Aries), Cloves to purify and cleanse, Pumpkin Seeds and Mandarin Peels for abundance, and Tea Leaves for courage, under the orange glow of the Harvest Moon. 

*The Harvest Moon occurs September 24th at 7:53PM PST and 10:53PM EST. 


-Mixing Bowl 

-3 Peppercorns 

-1/2 Teaspoon of Ginger Powder, or Ground Ginger 

-1/2 Teaspoon of Pumpkin Seeds 

-3 Cloves 

-Mandarin or Orange Skins, using only 1 small zest from the skin of the fruit 

-1 Teaspoon of Green or Black Tea Leaves 


-Tea Strainer 

-Tea Cup or Mug 

Directions to Make Tea: 

-Take a mixing bowl and blend all the spices together in bowl. As you add each ingredient, think of your desires. While mixing in pepper and ginger, think of your passions. As you add the cloves, envision what you wish to release under this Full Moon. While adding the pumpkin seeds and mandarin (or oranges) speak aloud what you want to grow. Finally, while mixing in the tea leaves, close your eyes and give yourself the courage to implement your intentions and to manifest your visions. 

-Grind all ingredients together in mixing bowl. 

-Bring water to a boil in teapot. 

-Pour water over strainer in tea cup, giving life to your dreams. 

-Steep tea for 2-4 minutes, depending on taste and desired potency. 

-Drink the tea, feeling the fire ignite your soul, as the warmth fills your stomach, giving you the energy to manifest your new seasonal dreams.