The Hoodwitch: Weekly Horoscopes For December 30th, 2016
Written by Amelia Quint
Moon Void of Course Times (Eastern Time Zone)
Friday, December 30, 2016, 3:08 AM Moon void in Capricorn
Friday, December 30, 2016, 8:30 PM Moon enters Aquarius
Monday, January 2, 2017, 3:00 AM Moon void in Aquarius
Monday, January 2, 2017, 4:58 AM Moon enters Pisces
Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 11:15 AM Moon void in Pisces
Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 11:15 AM Moon enters Aries
Moon Phase: New
Under the new moon, work magick to grow, heal, and create. Under the Capricorn new moon, abundance rituals are powerful, as are spells to draw your goals for 2017.
During these signs, work magick around the following:
"An image of goat-god Baphomet to match the Capricorn new moon and trickster vibes of Mercury retrograde and Pluto in the same sign."
Capricorn- goal-setting, success, abundance
Aquarius- clarity, vision, year-ahead planning
Pisces- psychic work, divination, ritual
Aries- taking action, courage, lust
Important Events:
Capricorn New Moon, December 29th, 2016, 1:29 AM
Uranus Direct, December 29th, 2016, 4:29 AM
For someone as driven as you are, the path towards your year-ahead goals is usually more like a rocketship launchpad. This year, as you travel the craggy terrain of the Goat, try not to resent the new territory. Instead, appreciate your new adventure for exactly what it is. Mercury retrograde and Pluto team up with the new moon to help you anticipate any potential pitfalls. Mars and Neptune in Pisces heighten your psychic awareness, so whatever comes up now is major for 2017. Uranus direct gives you newfound confidence in your intuitive impressions, so trust your gut!
Taurus people are famous for being business-minded, but behind every successful business is a big dream. What’s yours? The Capricorn new moon brings you back to that very question. Mercury retrograde and Pluto in close proximity to the moon say a trip, teacher, or quality time with your journal could bring the answers you’re looking for. Most of all, let your hopes and dreams lead, since you’ll have Mars and Neptune in intuitive Pisces supporting your long term vision. This is a perfect time for a ritual or spell to make your 2017 goals official. For you, the more concrete you can be, the better.
They say sharing is caring, but how much of yourself are you willing to give, sweet Gemini? This Capricorn new moon lands in your intimacy sector, calling you to get serious about where you’re investing your resources in 2017. Mercury retrograde and Pluto will be close to the moon, churning up feelings from deep within your psyche about closeness. Have you let others get too near to you and your work, or pushed them too far away? Mars and Neptune in compassionate Pisces let you know how to establish a few ground rules for the new year without sacrificing soul connections.
What many people don’t know about you is that you’re a shrewd businessperson with the ability to make deals that nurture all members involved. The Capricorn new moon highlights the darker side of that acumen, as Mercury retrograde and Pluto pair up to remind you of times when those deals might not have gone as you’d hoped. What can you learn from those as you enter into 2017, Cancer? Support from Mars and Neptune in caring Pisces help you tie up any loose ends before the end of the year, and Uranus direct in your publicity sector revives an old project.
No one likes to do their laundry. At least, not any Leos that I know. It’s a boring, mundane task that gets you to a desirable end result, like wearing beautiful clothes. That’s what the Capricorn new moon is going to be like, especially with Mercury retrograde and Pluto on hand to help you clean out your psychic closets. It’s not glamorous work, but it sets you up for a wildly successful 2017 if you let it. Mars and Neptune in Pisces send an angel investor or fairy godmother to your aid, or maybe you just realize that you were enough all along. You’re stronger than you think you are, Leo.
Ever the pessimist, it’s not like you to pine after romantic notions, even if they’re just ideas. Still, this Capricorn new moon throws you for a loop, especially with Mercury retrograde and Pluto close by. Together, they excavate the ghosts of lovers past, revealing a few gems and a couple skeletons in the process. Luckily, Mars and Neptune in Pisces help you make peace with whatever you may uncover, even if it’s just through the astral. After this, you’re free to enter 2017 without old attachments holding you down. Turn that loving energy towards yourself and start creating something brand new.
You’ve grown fast in 2016, but have you really taken the time to process it? Under the Capricorn new moon, the stars align in such a way that you’d be hard pressed not to see how the massive strides you’ve taken this year have affected you on the inside. Mercury retrograde and Pluto will be close to the new moon, showing you what’s changed the most. Fortunately, support from Mars and Neptune in Pisces boosts your health and spiritual practice, and Uranus direct in Aries clears the air with your loved ones. After this, you go into 2017 feeling refreshed and relieved.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Every thought a prayer”? Under the Capricorn new moon, you’re faced with just how real that statement is. Mercury retrograde and Pluto close to the moon reveal how your secret wishes can and have influenced the world around you. Has someone convinced you that you’re to blame for their mistakes or vice versa? With support from Mars and Neptune in healing Pisces, unconditional love can cover a multitude of sins. You’re a water sign, so reach into those depths and find the beauty in all situations, even the dark ones.
You’ve got an uncanny ability to find the truth in any situation, and this time, you’ve got the turn that on your finances, even if it stings a little. The Capricorn new moon catapults you out of a financial rut once and for all with help from Mercury retrograde and Pluto, both bringing their “started-from-the-bottom” energy to what’s sure to be your ultimate success story. Mars and Neptune in Pisces at the base of your horoscope show you feeling pretty raw and emotional about the process, especially where home, family, and other women are concerned. Cocoon yourself, and before you know it, you’ll fly.
This new moon is a phoenix moment for everyone, but no one knows how to rise from the ashes quite like you, Capricorn. With Pluto in your sign since 2008, you’ve been reinventing yourself for the last eight years, and it gets exhausting after a while. Consider this new moon your rebirth checkpoint, and ask yourself how satisfied you are with your progress. Do you need to switch gears? Mercury retrograde and Pluto in your sign and close to the moon with let you know if you do. Luckily, Mars and Neptune in Pisces come bearing creative inspiration. Thank the muses, because it could be your big thing for 2017.
As if this Mercury retrograde hasn’t been bacchanalian enough, the Capricorn new moon arrives with a message straight from Pan himself (or so it seems). With Mercury retrograde and Pluto close by the moon in your secrets sector, you’ll have to banish some old personal demons, and it may not be pretty. But, once you do, you can go into 2017 feeling cleansed and renewed. If it all starts to feel like too much, know that Mars and Neptune in Pisces boost your spiritual self-worth, and Uranus direct in Aries sends you plenty of new prospects in the new year.
When I think about 2017 for you, all I can see are blue skies, dotted with white clouds. It looks like driving on a long road trip, maybe out west. Either way, it’s like in Stairway to Heaven: “There’s a feeling I get when I look to the West and my spirit is crying for leaving.” Under the Capricorn new moon, you’re struck with a desperate wanderlust, like it’s time to move on. The fix? Make concrete plans for your departure. Mercury retrograde and Pluto support your transformation, one hundred percent, and Mars and Neptune in your sign say this is meant to be. Listen to your heart.