The Two Capricorn Full Moons Of Summer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The weeks ahead bring only one but two Full Moons in the sign of Capricorn. The answer to why is simple:  modern calendars aren't in complete sync with the phases of the Moon. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a Blue Moon (we’ll have one on August 19 in Aquarius.

The first Full occurs right after the Summer Solstice, empowering us to mend relationships, and the second Capricorn Full Moon heightens our need to escape and feel our feelings. Both will heighten our emotions, so prepare to let out every sentiment built up inside. 

Full Moon Ritual

Make a spiritual bath with mint to rejuvenate, chamomile to heal, lavender for love, Epsom salt to cleanse the aura, and Florida water for protection. Bring all ingredients to a pot and boil them together. When the pot cools down, strain the ingredients and pour over your shoulders in the shower to cleanse the body. Then, air-dry your body without a towel. The bath will allow you to release old emotions holding you back and bring in fresh sentiments that will open your heart to self-love. 

The Strawberry Full Moon In Capricorn On June 21

The Strawberry Full Moon occurs on June 21 at 6:08 PM PT and 9:08 PM ET. This lunation occurs at 1 degree Capricorn, the day after the Summer Solstice commences. Since this luar event opposes Venus in Cancer, it’ll allow us to mend relationships and speak our romantic sentiments. 

With Mercury in Cancer and Mars in Taurus harmonizing on the same day, it’ll be hard to hold back our tears and passions. Passive aggressive comments or sentiments can trigger if people don't want to work through issues and mend problems. Hear others out before reacting to ensure that we can create a better dynamic with them. Try to be understanding to others to receive goodness in return. 

The Buck Full Moon In Capricorn on July 21

The day before Leo Season commences, the  Buck Full Moon rises on July 21 at 3:17 AM PT and 6:17 AM ET. This lunation occurs at the anorectic 29th degree of Capricorn, pushing us to race through our emotions, which you shouldn't do. Move at your own pace. The Buck Full Moon aspects Uranus in Taurus and Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Finding the balance between fantasy and reality will be challenging, but it’ll spark creativity and romanticism within in unexpected ways. 

That day, Venus in Leo harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, and Mars in Gemini connects with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, making the overall verve feel overwhelming. Power struggles and emotional outbursts will consume our hearts. Take time to understand your feelings and not make rash decisions. Be empathetic to others and compassionate to yourself. Kindness is the only way through the fraught energy.