Pluto in Aquarius 2024

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Pluto re-enters Aquarius on January 20 at 4:56 PM PT and 7:56 PM ET, hours after the Sun moves into the same air sign. On March 23, 2023, Pluto made its entry into Aquarius and graced the zodiac sign until June 11, 2023. Afterward, the transformative planet took a stroll back into Capricorn until now. To comprehend the narrative that will unfold, we must revisit the events of Spring 2023. This is the second part of the chapter that began during that time. Pluto will shift back into Capricorn, starting on September 1 and ending on November 19. From there, it will continue to dominate Aquarius until 2044.

During Pluto's movement into Aquarius, we can observe recurring themes in history, while also taking into account other astrological aspects at play which are different from the ones we are currently experiencing. Below are some of the significant events that took place during this period: 

The first year of Pluto's transit in Aquarius from 1777 to 1778 started the American Revolutionary War. The end of Pluto's journey in Aquarius in 1789, brought on the beginning of the French and Haitian revolution, making it a time of people standing up to those in power and fighting for rights.

NASA has classified Pluto as a dwarf planet due to its smaller size, however, its impact and power are not diminished by this label. The planet is named after the Lord of the Underworld, reflecting its ability to facilitate change and growth. Although the process may be uncomfortable, embracing this evolution is necessary for our survival and success. Pluto has the power to break down outdated ways of thinking and usher in new, more beneficial ones. Trusting the universe and shedding old habits is crucial in this ongoing process.

What Can We Expect?

The transit of Pluto in Aquarius is expected to bring about significant advancements and innovations in science, technology, space explorations, and politics. This period will also witness a global collaboration towards reclaiming power from those in authority. We will be keen to express our opinions through social media, providing a platform for every voice to be heard. As we move forward, we are redefining our friendships and social groups to align with those who share our goals. This is a time of transformation, allowing us to bring our dreams closer to reality. Pluto's influence will heal and transform us on both personal and universal levels, leading to a shift in our perspectives and letting go of outdated views. Trusting this process and embracing change is crucial, as it allows us to grow and discover new opportunities. Although there may be challenges, we must approach them with kindness and compassion for ourselves and others, as we are all capable of evolving.

How Will This Transit Affect Each Zodiac Sign?


Your social anxiety is evolving, enabling you to befriend individuals who share your values and beliefs.


Stay open to new and innovative ways to advance your career. Embracing novel approaches can give you an edge in your field and help you stand out.


Allowing yourself to embark on a new journey will help you discover your will and true self.


Trust your intuition and let it guide you towards the truth and the answers you seek. Look within yourself for knowledge and wisdom.


Acknowledging and understanding repressed emotions can help relationships grow. Recognize these sentiments to create stronger and healthier partnerships.


To maintain a balanced life, it is crucial to prioritize oneself. One can strive for overall well-being by adopting a positive lifestyle that nourishes the mind, body, and spirit.


To fuel your creativity, it can be helpful to bounce your ideas off of others who can provide guidance on how to bring them to life.


Your home life is changing, allowing you to transform


Communication is a powerful tool. Everything you say can leave a lasting impression, so consider the impact your message has before delivering it.


Your confidence will be at a high, allowing you to level up and to not settle for anything short of greatness.


You will become more assertive and direct in the upcoming years, making you a fierce powerhouse.


This is a time when you can use unique and progressive ways to heal and mend the past.