Taurus New Moon

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Finally, the cosmos are giving us a chance to have a serendipitous celestial moment. This week’s New Moon is bringing good vibes and excitement our way — allowing us to breathe in new energy and plant seeds for the future. This lunation is asking us to evoke our innermost dreams and use our wisdom to attain our goals.


Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces aspect the New Moon. These two planets aim to ignite our intuition and emotions. They are urging us to move forward with the vision that speaks to our soul and spirit. If any project isn’t in alignment with our hopes or aspirations — then it’s time to leave them by the wasteside.


The fixed Behenian star Alcyone aligns with the New Moon, adding positivity and beauty to our lives. Most importantly, it’s asking us to embrace those we care about with open arms and to commit to what we love. Whatever speaks to your heart is what matters most.


The following day, Mars enters Leo, giving us the vigor and determination to follow through with our missions. We’ll feel the desire to embrace our passions when Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius square off. As long as we don’t get sidetracked by jealousies or power struggles, then we can reach for the stars and shine. The caveat is that Mercury is moving through its post-retrograde (retroshade) zone, which could slow things down. Have patience and don’t let minor setbacks stand in your way of greatness.


*The New Moon in Taurus occurs on May 19 at 8:53 AM PT and 11:53 AM ET.  

What to manifest during the New Moon:


● Make a vision board to help manifest your desires. Cut out images of things that align with your dreams and paste them on paper or make a virtual collage on your computer. By gazing at your hopes for the future everyday, you can easily attain them.

● Plant seeds for a brighter future — literally! As you plant the seeds in the ground or in a pot, state your intentions out loud. Give the growing plant TLC and nurture it throughout the year by singing and talking to it. Your long term aspirations will grow and evolve with the plant.



Your New Moon Mantra by Sun Sign



With the right attitude and intention, I can attain anything I want and desire.



I am a being worthy of love and affection — not just from others but also myself.



I will trust my intuition and lean into my emotional nature.



Friends come and go, but the real ones are always by my side.



I am open to all of the changes that are occurring in my professional world.



I am not dwelling on the past or thinking about the future — but remaining present.



I am evolving and growing my heart, which is opening me up to unconditional love.



I am committing to starting anew in my relationships and partnerships.



I will do the best to uphold the promises I make with others.



I will allow myself to step outside my comfort zone and take risks.



I will embrace my past and be accountable for my previous actions.  



Listen to what’s in your heart and lean into such pursuits.