The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The total solar eclipse in Sagittarius is occurring on December 3 at 11:43 PM PT and December 4 at 2:43 AM ET. This is a time of newness and freshness, as well as coming to terms with the past and letting it go. Overall, it’s a positive energy that will change our lives for the better. 

Astrological Aspects of the Solar Eclipse

The total solar eclipse in Sagittarius aligns with Mercury, Saturn, and shares a minor frustration with Uranus. Arguments can happen if both parties aren’t willing to hear the other one out. Even if there are disagreements, it will be resolved easily through communication. 

Being that Jupiter is the planetary ruler of this luminary, we look to see what’s happening with this lucky planet. On December 8, Jupiter and Mars will square off. This will heighten our sexual energy and enthusiasm to take on anything that comes our way. Therefore, we can attest to this lumination as a time of excess and vitality. If the energy isn’t used correctly, it can lead to anxiety, which is why it’s important to have a healthy outlet to pour it into. 

The fixed star Alwaid connects with the solar eclipse. We have the ability to gain insight, but we have to know how to use the knowledge we’re receiving to our advantage. The Sabian Symbol is “A Widow’s Past Is Brought To Light.” The past is making its way into light, opening our eyes and minds. Karma is coming and headed our way. 

Rituals for the Solar Eclipse

  • Light a purple candle to honor the planet Jupiter and the sign Sagittarius. Meditate on how you want to explore the truth and attain happiness in your life. 

  • This is a great time to open the paths of success. You can wash your floors with Abre Camino to clear the way and the roads for greatness in the future. 

  • Cleanse the energy by taking a bath with baby’s breath flowers, a splash of milk, Epsom salt, and a few drops of Florida water. This will heal anxieties that can heighten during the eclipse. 

  • With all the energy running rampant, you may want to remain still. Turn off your electronic devices and be silent for the duration of the eclipse. This will allow you to be at one and at peace with yourself. 

Solar Eclipse Mantras by Sun Sign


Rather than reacting on impulse, I will decipher the facts of the matter and come to a level-headed conclusion without arguing about the situation. 


I will reevaluate what makes me feel financially secure in this world by letting go of my personal beliefs on the matter and embracing a more spiritual perspective on money. 


I will define my personality based on my actions and what is in my heart, instead of allowing others to dictate what and how I should feel or behave. 


Although I want to help and give to others, I have to be clear about the amount of TLC I can give after I take care of my necessities first. 


I believe in myself. Therefore, I will choose to not let fear hold me back from attaining my own creative path that veers away from the collective. 


I will guard and protect my personal and home life at all costs. By doing this, I’ll focus solely on the heart of the matter and won’t engage in unnecessary drama. 


I will speak my truth with kindness and compassion. I won’t say things in the heat of the moment that are offensive and don’t express my truest sentiments. 


The relationship I have with the material works will evolve. I won’t let my desire for riches stand in the way of feeling confident and complete. 


I want to take charge and control of my life by making sure my needs are seen, heard, and understood by others in my social sphere. 


Even though I may not be receiving enough attention and love, I know that I am cared for by others — and I will not take that for granted. 


I won’t push my agenda on others. Instead, I will listen to their views without judgment and discuss their thoughts with a clear head and perspective. 


I will not feel guilty about being at the top of my career as I begin to lean into my professional purpose and power because I earned this glory.