
Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Welcome to Leo Season! The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, kicking off a month full of creativity and ingenuity. Inquisitive Mercury, who’s in Cancer, connects with inspirational Uranus, who’s in Taurus, on the 22nd. When these two planets collide, we can expect to hear and feel flashes of brilliance brewing within. We will be ready to take action on making these visions a reality, when Mercury and Mars, who’s in Aries, link up in the cosmos. Both of these planets are the “doers” of the zodiac. Therefore, we can be assured that change is in the air. Tender Venus, who’s in Gemini, squares off with illusive Neptune, who’s in Pisces, for the third time this year on July 27th (the other dates were May 3rd and May 20th). This transit is the final piece of the emotional puzzle that began on May 3rd. The same day, expansive Jupiter, who’s retrograde in Capricorn,  and Neptune retrograde come together for the second time this year (the first time these planets aspected was February 20th and the second one will be October 14th). Mars enters its pre-retrograde zone on July 25th, which means the action planet will start to slow down. Things may be hard to start and tensions will rise as a result of frustrations rising within. Mars retrograde begins on September 9th and lasts until November 13th. Mercury clears it’s retrograde shadow on July 26th, ending its retrograde journey of the summer. 


Your love life is a hot topic, especially since you’re currently lost in your emotions. Write out your feelings on a piece of paper to find clarity in how you feel. Then, you can make proper decisions based on your list. Be clear with your aim to receive your wishes. 


It may be challenging to get your plans moving in motion this week. However, with a little Abre Camino to light the way, anything is possible. Don’t give up! You have all the time in the world to get them rolling and flowing. Have patience with yourself and your visions. 


Sometimes having the last word doesn’t mean having the last word. It’s best if you take a step back from drama and don’t argue with those who are causing you pain. Avoiding confrontation this week will allow you to focus your energies on more important matters that demand your attention. 


Love is consuming this week because it’s more confusing than ever. The key to having a lasting partnership is to be honest about your expectations with them (same applies to friendships). You’ll find that being accountable and not avoiding the truth will keep the spark shining bright and going strong. 


After months of shying away from the spotlight, the limelight is now on you. While you’re feeling yourself in your element, you’re longing for more privacy when it comes to public matters. You don’t have to overshare with others to be famous, just create a balance that works for you. 


Overthinking matters is causing bewilderment to brew within your already analytical mind. Stop replaying conversations within and trying to make sense of situations. Start feeling. Flex your heart muscles and make decisions based on your feelings — not your head. All the answers you long for are based on your emotions. 


It’s been a long time since you’ve openly discussed your hopes and dreams for the future. Now, you’re given the cosmic chance to take stock of your visions. You’ll find that you are at the impetus of greatness and all of your desires are achievable, if you keep the faith.  


Creative by nature, you’re finding that work has become more like an intense hustle than anything else. You’re longing for an inspirational break, which can be achieved by week’s end. Cleansing your space and energy with sage will help you to bring back your artistic flow. Trust the creative process. 


Allow your mind to decompress this week. This will require you to log off social media and disconnect from outside noises that are draining your mind. Not only will you feel revived by week’s end, but you’ll also be calm and be at peace within from having some down time. 


Before you express your feelings with your friends, take a moment to reflect on finding the right words to say. Although it is hard, doing this will allow you to speak honestly from the heart. Think before addressing your pals in order to avoid putting your foot in your mouth. 


It’s important for you to set boundaries within your one-on-one relationships this week, even though the urge to give your all is high. Take note and understand your limitations before you overpromise your time and energy to your one and only. Be cognizant of how much love you can give. 


Before you take on new projects, make sure that you have the time to complete them. Organizing your daily life can be frustrating and challenging; however, it’s more essential now than ever. This will also clear up your calendar to include fun activities in your schedule, which is a plus.