Embracing Our Power with the Strawberry Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius



 Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Strawberry Lunar Eclipse occurs on June 5th in fiery Sagittarius. This is the first eclipse on the Gemini and Sagittarius Nodal Axis, which means it’s setting the tone for the energy of the next year and a half. This eclipse is the closing energy of the story that was created in June 2019. We are now letting go of the outdated vision that we started in 2019 and moving towards a deeper level of commitment in our ideology. 


A Lunar Eclipse falls on a Full Moon that is on the Lunar Nodes (AKA Nodal Axis of the Moon). During such luminaries, emotions are heightened, as we gain a deep understanding and clarity on matters. Being that this eclipse is in honorable and just Sagittarius, we can expect truths and injustices to be exposed on a global level. 


The Mutable T-Square that resides in the cosmos under this eclipse will force us to take immediate action around stopping the hateful forces in the world. Social justice advocate Venus, who’s retrograde in Gemini, opposes the eclipse point. Action planet Mars, who’s in Pisces, squares off with this luminary.

The Moon, Venus retrograde, and Mara all act as catalysts for change and transformation. Neptune is also active and heightening our emotions — but, also allowing us to dream of a better future. 


This eclipse falls on the Sagittarius ascendent of the U.S. birth chart. It also activates the U.S.’s natal Mars and Uranus in Gemini. Change is upon the U.S.A. Coincidentally, it also aspects Donald Trump’s Gemini Sun and Sagittarius Moon, which means that his actions right now will have an effect on the country for years to come. 


It’s time to embrace our power as citizens and fight back and take a stand. Our voices will no longer be ignored. Together, we can create the utopia we want. Get loud. The revolution is here. 


*The Lunar Eclipse occurs June 5th at 12:13PM PST and 3:13PM EST.



Ritual for the Strawberry Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius:




Light purple candles to honor Jupiter (the planetary ruler of Sagittarius). Pray to the spirits to protect the protesters and for karma to boomerang back onto the individuals who have abused their power and privilege. In true Sagittarius form, assert your sentiments and frustrations about the state of the world. We all have to protect the greater good of the universe. We can and will bring change. It’s time. No more hate. No more silence.  It’s time for us all to speak up. The collective must and will be heard.

Black Lives Matter.