Artwork by Billy Bogiatzoglou, aka Billelis

Artwork by Billy Bogiatzoglou, aka Billelis

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week kicks off with a Big Bang! The Capricorn Solar Eclipse occurs on December 25th at 9:13PM PST and December 26th at 12:13AM EST. This luminary marks the beginning of a new dream and vision for us all. The Sun and Jupiter align in Capricorn on December 27th, expanding our wallets and egos — only three days before our confidence takes a nosedive when the Sun and the South Node connect on December 30th. Mercury is extremely active this week. The chatty planet enters Capricorn on December 28th, followed by a wounding vibe from the asteroid Chiron, who’s in impulsive Aries, on the 29th. Words will hurt on the 29th. We must use ours with kindness and care. The week rounds off with Mercury and rebellious Uranus, who’s retrograde in Taurus, softly colliding in the cosmos. These planets will give us insight and clarity on all matters and events of the past few days and will even help to heal us on the last day of 2019. 


March 21 - April 19

Your competitive spirit is taking a back seat this week, even if it's a temporary sentiment. You’re still aiming for the top prize, but you’re not in the mood to use your authority to achieve success. Your change in attitude is mostly due to your newly found spiritual center, which is changing your mindset. You’re learning that winning isn’t everything — which will make you ponder what are you’ve been fighting for in the past.


April 20 - May 20

You usually use your wisdom to help guide others, but this week you’re bringing your knowledge inwards. Instead of giving your friends and family your two cents, you’re practicing what you preach. Meaning, you’re implanting your own advice into your existential quandaries. This will help you to gain clarity on matters that have been causing you major confusion over the last few weeks. After all, only you know what’s best for you and you alone. 


May 21 - June 20

Your anxiety may be high and low, as a result of inner confusion. Your third eye is in need of cleansing, which can be simply done by placing an amethyst crystal on the third eye chakra while meditating. Once you remove these blockages, you will be able to lean into your intuition and embrace your emotions. Stop relying on logical to understand others and the world around you — trust your gut to make decisions.


June 21 - July 22

It has been a long road towards building healthy boundaries with others. This week, you’re learning how to set limits while continuing to maintain partnerships. You’ll actually be surprised by how many of your friends will be on board with your new vibe. The caveat is that you’ll have to stick to them too, which will prove to be easier said than done. Don’t be a hypocrite — try to keep your emotions in check. 


July 23 - August 22

You’ve been giving too much of your energy away to others, now your cup is empty. Take a moment out of the holiday madness to give yourself a moment of TLC — this includes a hot bath or a walk around the neighborhood, anything that will allow you to decompress and help you become more present in the moment. Regardless of what you choose, it’s time for you to get your mind focused on you. 


August 23 - September 22

You’re known to be pragmatic in expressing your sentiments. Thisweek, your emotions will reach a boiling point. The reason being that you tend to hold in your feelings and not let them known until you are completely fed up. Learning to assert yourself in the moment is something you’ll need to actualize, as well as thinking before you speak in order to maintain the peace with others while not slighting yourself in the process. 


September 23 - October 22

You’re healing old wounds this week, which may cause you to re-feel the trauma. In order to not get re-triggered, it’s essential that you focus on yourself. Take deep breaths to calm your nerves and heart before asserting yourself. Once you’re relaxed, you can start to identify exactly what’s creating these emotions to flair up. Journal writing is a great way to keep your feelings in check. Then, you can start the path towards healing. 


October 23 - November 21

You’ve been a busy bee over the past few weeks and now you’re physically exhausted. Give yourself a break from life, if only for a day, for your body to catch up with your brain. Have a social media detox. Turn off your iPhone and computer to disconnect from other people's energy. Also, take a Himalayan or Epsom salt bath to detox your body and relax your muscles. It’ll prove to extremely restorative for you. 


November 22 - December 21

An off-handed comment will hurt your tender ego. Although you are known for your bravado, you may feel emotionally hurt and let down. Before you fire back with cruel words, which is your usual method of self-defense, decide if it’s worth the drama. Two wrongs never make a right. Instead of popping back, send them an email expressing your sentiments. This will give them time to process how they’ve wronged you and mend the situation. 


December 22 - January 19

You’ve been contemplating the next phase of your life for quite some time. While luck may be on your side this week, you’re not emotionally ready to move forward with your dreams. This can cause frustrations and anxieties to rise within. The only way to calm your nerves is to slow down. Don’t rush the process. Allow yourself time to figure out the proceeding steps. Success will only happen when you are ready for it. 


January 20 - February 18

Listen to your dreams this week, as they may lead you to greatness. Your psychic predictions, that come to you while you’re asleep, may craft a personal prophecy for you in the future. In order to remember your visions, try dream journaling. Every morning when you wake up, write down your dreams in your journal  to ensure you can comprehend them and note if they came to fruition — which will probably happen in time. 


February 19 - March 20

Change is in the air for you, but you’ll need help in moving forward. It’s time you used your professional network to help elevate your status. This will require you to connect with peers and colleagues who can help boost your career. They’ll be able to unlock doors and introduce you to people who can refer you to different jobs or positions. Even if you decide to stay put, at least you’re making important acquaintances.