Full Pink Moon In Libra Wellness (lunar eclipse)

A Full Moon that occurs between March 21, and April 20th will be in Libra. This year we will also experience a lunar eclipse taking place at the same time. A lunar eclipse happens only at the time of the full moon, when the Earth gets between the sun and moon and the moon appears to turn  blood red at midnight. The total eclipse will last less than 5 minutes, making it the shortest total lunar eclipse of the century, according to EarthSky.org. It's the third in a series of four total lunar eclipses, known as a tetrad, over a two-year period. The fourth occurs Sept. 28.

Saturday, the total eclipse occurs just before 8 a.m. eastern time. Just after that, the moon will be full  at 8:06 a.m. The first full moon of spring is known as the Pink Moon, Egg Moon, Grass Moon or Easter Moon.

  • This Moon is good for rituals promoting:
  • justice and fairness
  • resolving breaches and enabling relationships to go smoothly.
  • partnership
  • legal matters
  • love rituals
  • airing differences
  • creating tact
  • balance & diplomacy
  • healing the kidneys

with the moon in Libra focus on relationships, and artistic pursuits. All of your partnership activities will be heightened during this Moon. For those who are not in partnerships, there may be heightened feelings of loneliness, but be aware of superficial bonding to ease the pain/ fear of loneliness. The moon being in Libra it is an excellent time to throw a gathering or party because everyone will be extremely social and try to please and flatter each other. During this time, its important to find balance. Enjoy  celebration with others, but also leave some time for healing work.

An excellent preventative measure during the Libra moon that we can do for our bodies and especially on  our kidneys is drinking plenty of fresh water between the hours of 3 and 7pm in order to give the kidneys and bladder a good "rinse through". Nettle tea, is also a really soothing aid for the bladder and kidneys. Exercises for the pelvic region are also particularly beneficial at this time.

Stones: Aquamarine, Beryl, Bloodstone, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Orange Calcite, smoky quartz, and Amber.