Trick or Treat learn about the history and magic behind our favorite holiday!
Tagged with: samhain
Trick or Treat learn about the history and magic behind our favorite holiday!
The leaves begin to change colors; beautiful oranges, reds and yellows against some still-green foliage. The air becomes so crisp and clear with the far-away scent of burning wood as the sky turns dark overhead. Autumn, in all of its burning glory, is upon us. It is the time of Halloween and the thinning of the "Veil Between the Worlds" and contact with the Other Side.
The leaves begin to change colors; beautiful oranges, reds and yellows against some still-green foliage. The air becomes so crisp and clear with the far-away scent of burning wood as the sky turns dark overhead. Autumn, in all of its burning glory, is upon us. It is the time of Halloween and the thinning of the "Veil Between the Worlds" and contact with the Other Side.
Samhain marks the ending of summer as we journey deeper into the darker mysteries, to go within. All Hallow's eve is the fourth wiccan fire festival, where all crossroads come together.