The Hoodwitch

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Libra Season

From September 22 to October 22, the Sun will be in Libra. With the Sun’s ingress comes the Fall Equinox, initiating a new season. The upcoming weeks bring balance, diplomacy, and harmony. We’ll want to put the effort in maintaining relationships and keeping the peace with others — even if that means putting our needs second. 

How Libra Season will affect you?

(Read your Sun & Asc sign)

Fire Signs

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) 

Think of how you can elevate friendships and relationships in the coming month to ensure they connect with your heart.

Earth Signs 

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) 

Your career and finances are moving forward with gusto, which means you’ll reach a high in both areas. 

Air Signs 

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

Defining relationships and connecting with others is going to bring you closer with those you care about. 

Water Signs 

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) 

You’re more powerful than ever! Use this time to reflect and meditate on what you want to bring to fruition. 

Key Libra Szn Dates 

September 22: The Sun enters Libra and the Fall Equinox commences. 

September 22: Venus enters Scorpio, intensifying and deepening romantic connections. 

September 26: Mercury flies into Libra, making communication concise, diplomatic, and informative. 

October 2: The solar eclipse in Libra urges us to balance out relationships and different aspects of life. 

October 9: Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini begins, lasting until February 4, 2025. This transit allows us to redefine our values. 

October 11: Pluto turns direct in Capricorn, ending the retrograde that began May 2 in Aquarius. Change is in the air, lean into transforming your lives!

October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio, pushing us to use our intuition to make sense out of matters. 

October 17: The Full Moon in Aries gives us the chance to manifest our desires. 

October 17: Venus enters Sagittarius, bringing autonomy and adventure in love.