The Hoodwitch

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The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


The lunar eclipse in Pisces occurs on September 17 at 7:34 PM Pacific Time and 10:34 PM Eastern Time. It is the last lunar eclipse of 2024 and serves as the intense Harvest Moon (because it is the closest Full Moon to the Fall Equinox on September 22). Also, this is a supermoon since the Earth and Moon are in perigee (which means they are in close proximity), and the effects will be amplified.

The lunation is heightening our intuition, desires, and creativity. Ample Jupiter in Gemini, revolutionary Uranus retrograde in Taurus, inventive Neptune retrograde in Pisces, and evocative Pluto retrograde in Capricorn connect with the eclipse. All of these planets together will bring out different aspects of our personality. Uranus retrograde urges us to revolt and fight for our passions, Neptune retrograde pulls the veil off our eyes, and Pluto retrograde adds power struggles to the mix. Jupiter is maximizing the energy, making everything seem more powerful, excessive, dramatic, and extreme. The fixed star Markab is cultivating jealousy, harsh sentiments, and bitterness.

Arguments could start from repressed emotions or frustrations. The only way to diffuse matters is to not engage with the projections people impose on us. Although stepping away from a situation might be hard, it’s the only option. The lunar eclipse is in Pisces, which isn’t a vocal sign so that feelings will heighten and tears flow, but it’ll be hard to find the right words to vocalize and express what is going on in our hearts. Journaling and reflecting will give us the understanding we need to resolve situations by understanding our innermost thoughts and sentiments.

The Sabian symbol for the eclipse is “Watching The Very Thin Moon Crescent Appearing At Sunset; Different People Realize That The Time Has Come To Go Ahead With Their Different Projects.” Think about what you want to bring to life and this world. You can attain greatness if you choose to release the past and hidden feelings. Let go of them before they bring you down. Forge a new path.