The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week begins with the Super blue moon in Aquarius on August 19th, heightening our emotions and evoking community. The same day, Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces create a T-Square, inducing anxiety and stress. The end result is pushing us to let go of things and people we’ve outgrown and to evolve. The Sun squares Uranus on August 19, allowing us to embrace our true selves. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, giving us the drive to center and meditate on our emotions. Venus squares Mars in Gemini on August 22, bringing passion our way. Mercury retrograde in Leo harmonizes with Mars on August 24, energizing our lives and adding power to words.


Witch tip:

Don't underestimate the power of connection. Reaching out to the community this week is necessary to feel as though you are not going through these intense emotions alone. Discuss your feelings and let others share their sentiments. This will allow you to feel part of something bigger and universal. We are all in this together, which is why we need to help each other by listening with a compassionate ear and making others feel safe in their times of need.



It might be hard to understand your emotions at this moment. Take a few minutes out of each day and journal your thoughts in order to process your thoughts and contemplate your next moves. This exercise will help you find the answers to the questions surrounding your deepest heartfelt sentiments.



Finding a moment of calm might be hard, which is why it’s best to disconnect from the outside noise. Do a nice activity for yourself in order to center your energy and to feel better about matters. Being kind and gentle to yourself will help relax and rejuvenate your mind.



You may feel as though you’re the victim of projection from others. In such cases, it's best to remove yourself from the person or situation that’s causing you stress and insert their emotions onto you, by focusing on yourself. That way, you can connect with yourself on a higher vibration.



Your intuition might be turned on, but that doesn't mean it's correct. There may be parts of the situations that aren't clear, which are leading to internal stress. Therefore, you should think about how you feel and make decisions based on that sentiment. Let your heart guide you towards self-awareness.



You’re in a state of ambiguity right now because things aren’t happening on your timeline as fast as you would like. All the more reason for you to take a moment and slow down. Then, you can work with the universe instead of against it to bring matters to fruition.


It is a perfect week for you to take a step back and to meditate on your needs before giving energy to anyone else. Protecting yourself from outside frustrations will help you find the energy shift that you need, which in return will boost your overall chillness, confidence, and positivity.



The power struggle at play exists between you and your finances. If you're due for a raise at work, consider starting the discussion with your boss to make headway. They might not be able to make it happen immediately but the conversation puts matters in motion for the near future.



Focus your energy on the partnerships you have by giving these people TLC. The more energy you put into cultivating relationships and gardening to them, the easier it will be for you to feel as though you were part of a group of like-minded people that care about each other.



Be careful not to put your foot in your mouth. Think matters through before speaking and reread every email that you sent out before letting it loose in the universe. You can completely control the narrative and what you're putting out there in an effective manner that is not offensive.



Lately, you've been wanting to have more pleasure than putting in endless hours and burning the midnight oil at work. Connecting with your inner child gives you the chance to relive moments and to explore exciting possibilities in life. This allows you to feel better about yourself and your relationships.



A lot of things are changing in your life, but that doesn't mean you can't find your footing. It’s essential to keep a clear perspective on situations and relationships no matter how hard matters get. Utilize your community and ask for assistance when situations are hard. They’re here for you.



Self-care is an essential part of living well. Do unto yourself as you would tell others to do. Make sure that you are giving yourself time to take a luxurious Epsom salt bath, walk in your neighborhood, or have a massage. Anything that connects you to your body is key.