The Hoodwitch

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From June 20 to July 22, the Sun will shine in the zodiac sign Cancer. The Summer Solstice commences the same day, bringing us into a new season. Emotions will be high, allowing us to express our heartfelt sentiments easily. We’ll also be drawn to who and what we love most — so choose wisely and with precision.

How Cancer Season Will Affect You?

Fire Signs

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) 

This is an ideal time to heal old wounds and mend relationships — especially with yourself. 

Earth Signs 

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

Understand the power your words hold and convey to express your sentiments clearly and effectively.

Air Signs

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

Focusing too much on work can lead to burnout. Allow yourself to decompose and relax when you’re at home.

Water Signs

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) 

Your creativity is potent in the upcoming weeks, so using your talents for a personal endeavor that can change your world is essential.

Cancer season Key Dates:

June 20: The Sun enters Cancer.

June 21: The Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn occurs, pushing us to reflect and connect with loved ones.  

June 29: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces starts and ends on November 15. This planetary moonwalk is urging us to succeed in all we do.

July  2:  Neptune Retrograde in Pisces begins and lasts until December 7, bringing the truth to our minds and hearts. 

July 2: Mercury enters Leo, making words poetic and dramatic.

July  5: The New Moon in Cancer heightens our emotions and desire to partner with others.

July 11: Venus enters Leo, allowing us to be shown affection and to give adoration to others. 

July 20: Mars enters Gemini, creating assertive communication that aims to win in any form of conflict. 

July 21: The Buck Full Moon in Capricorn boosts our intuition and allows us to understand our emotions.