The Hoodwitch

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Written by Lisa Stardust

The Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year are here as the Sun moves into Aries at 8:06 PM Pacific Time and 11:06 PM Eastern Time on March 19. This planetary shift marks the start of the Aries season, which will last from March 19 to April 19. During this time, we can expect plenty of opportunities for personal growth and reflection as we navigate necessary changes.

How Aries Season Will Affect You:

Fire Signs 

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

Embrace your creativity and let it shine in the coming month. Share your talents with the world and don't be afraid to put them on display for others to see. 

Earth Signs 

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) 

Take a moment to reflect on yourself and determine what you want to add to your life and what you need to let go of to set clear goals.

Air Signs

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) 

Interpersonal relationships are more important than ever, which is why it's ideal to try to connect with people on an intimate level.

Water Signs

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) 

It's time to put yourself first and to focus on what makes you the happiest to feel emotionally fulfilled. 

Key Dates

March 19: The Sun enters Aries, bringing the Spring Equinox, the Astrological New Year, and Ostara.

March 22: Mars swims into Pisces, which provides us with the opportunity to dream about our future goals and contemplate our innovative ambitions.

March 25: The Lunar Eclipse in Libra occurs, allowing us to understand partnerships on a deeper level.

April 1: Mercury retrograde begins in the sign Aries, lasting from April 1 to 25, making it a time of reflection, revision, and reassessment.

April 5: Venus enters passionate Aries, pushing us to work hard for what we love.

April 8: The Great American Total Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs, making us fight for what we want and understand our personal needs.