The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The new moon in Aquarius occurs on February 9th at 2:59 PM Pacific Standard Time and 5:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. This will be a fascinating time in which we will be making major decisions about how we want to move forward in our lives.

This lunation squares wild card Uranus, which is the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius. As we venture into new projects in our lives, we are in for an unpredictable yet exciting time. The Aquarius sign, known for its innovation and progress, will influence our choices and the community as a whole. We will witness significant changes in the collective mindset as we move towards a more advanced way of thinking and living. Our focus will be on leaving the past behind and determining what we need to become better versions of ourselves and build a better society.

The Nodes of Destiny (which are on the Aries-Libra axis) are fueling the new moon with a critical decision on how we want to move forward, which is why we may feel as though this is our chance to make fated moves. Whichever path we choose to take, we must make sure that it is aligned with the greater good and not be afraid if it veers from the path that we currently are on. Sometimes, taking a different journey to reach our destination can yield better results and take us to a greater place than we originally anticipated.

The passionate asteroid Eris and healing centaur Chiron, both in Aries aspect, the new moon, allowed us to move towards what soothes our hearts and what we love most. With the asteroid Vesta in Gemini in play, it's time for us to tap into our deepest passions and turn them into a reality. Additionally, embrace our spirituality, aa the fixed star Castra suggests.

What Should You Manifest?

Focus on clearing negative thoughts or frustrations, and consider meditation before you begin your manifestation work. Once your mind is clear, begin writing in a journal. Use the journal to express the feelings and emotions you want to bring into your life. By recognizing and acknowledging your emotions, you can begin to improve them. If you find that you want to pay it forward and give back to society, consider connecting with others to raise awareness and bring more love into the world. This positive action can help you eliminate toxicity from your life while helping others at the same time. You can heal yourself and the world, 

How The New Moon Will Affect You?


You will be realigning with your visions and bringing in what speaks to you on a soulful level.


It's time to change and move towards a different mindset that veers from your older beliefs.


Exploring new ventures is possible if you think outside the box.


You have the power to evolve and grow, so move out of your comfort zone. 


You have a fresh opportunity to revitalize your relationships, should you decide to take it.


Rest and reflect to ensure you're not overwhelmed and overburdened by mundane activities.


Embrace your creativity during this new moon and allow it to flow freely into your artistry.


Utilize this moment of foundation shifting to establish a more robust structure.


Take moments out of your busy schedule to meditate and find the peace of mind you need.


Believe in yourself and focus on boosting your confidence to enhance your self-esteem.


This is a time of new beginnings, and you can use it to your advantage by bringing in exciting novel ideas and adventures.


This is a healing time, so you should use it to focus on what makes you happy.