The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Fortunately, there isn’t much action in the cosmos for this week. After weeks of nonstop drama, the planets are taking a moment of reprieve from the intensity and calming down. The Sun in Leo and Jupiter in Taurus square off on August 6th, bringing good vibes and abundance our way. This is a great day to reach for the stars and take risks because we could win big. The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus occurs on August 8th, pushing us to let go of the past and focus on the present.



Cleanse your aura during August 8th’s Last Quarter Moon in Taurus. Take a selenite crystal and use it like a wand around your body. This will pull negativity out of your energetic zone and heal your heart in the process.



Instead of running through life with high velocity and energy, you’re taking a more pristine approach to matters. The caveat is that it might be extremely repressive.  Don’t keep your heartfelt sentiments silenced. Allow yourself to speak up and be heard by sending a message that expresses how you feel.



Changes in the air, as well as your dedication to your home life. If you are happy and content in your personal environment, then you will begin to see yourself thrive in all areas of your life. Putting roots down will take you to new heights throughout the weeks ahead.



Although your mind is usually hyperactive and aware of everything going on around in your orb, you are in need of a break from the news and information surrounding you to find peace of mind. Rest and relaxation are important for you to revive and restore your senses this week.



Fear is standing in your way, which is why you are feeling stuck now. Rather than dwell on the past, focus on the present. The truth is that in order to have movement in your life, you’ll have to let go of former sentiments and accept it as a lesson.



There is a sense of empowerment surrounding you, but it could bring old wounds to the surface because of some residual relationship trauma from your past. Although they only reside in the depths of your own psyche, your reaction to such emotions can hurt others if you are not careful.



This is the ideal time to sit with your feelings and try to understand them. It is best to wrap your head around matters before making statements that don’t reflect your true heartfelt sentiments. Think first, then act second — but always come from a place of kindness and love.



The moment has come for you to redefine your hopes and aspirations. Use this week to set new goals for yourself that differ from the ones you implemented in the past. They should reflect the new path that you are on and all the professional visions you wish to attain.



Setting limits and boundaries will prove to be helpful, as the push and pull you’ve been experiencing within partnerships is proving to be super intense — even for a powerful sign like you. The more you stand up for yourself and bring the energy back onto you want — the easier it’ll be to break the cut the cord that is holding you back,



Feelings of insecurity might hold you back from going after what you want. In order to have a fulfilling and successful relationship with yourself, try saying words of affirmation at least twice a day to heighten your confidence. You will have a boost of energy and positivity in no time.



Relationships have the chance to grow and evolve this week — if you let them. Now is your chance to explore vulnerability with yourself and others that you’ve grown to trust. This will help bring you closer together, while allowing for new intentions to be set for your impending partnerships.



Your professional aspirations are in flux, due to your personal foundation shifting and intimate relationships are erratic. Find stability within yourself through meditation and embrace calmness to navigate through these fervid and intense energies. Then, you can find a moment of chill and peace that can help you move forward.



You’re the victim of emotional projection. Rather than allowing others to walk all over you, take a moment to solidify and implement boundaries so they don’t have another chance to do this again. Bring people into your life who lift you up and let go of those who do not.