The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Prepare yourselves for Venus retrograde! The planet of love, beauty, money, and social grace will be moving backward from July 22 to September 3. And, when we say “backwardS” we mean it! Venus is one of the two planets in the galaxy that move in the opposite orbit of Earth. Since the retrograde is slowing Venus down (this planet usually flirts its way from sign to sign every three weeks), we will have a chance to look carefully at our romantic and financial endeavors with a close eye.


The pre-shadow for Venus Retrograde began on June 19, when our personal stories started. The retro-shade (post-retrograde) ends on October 7 — clearing up all the emotional havoc from the last few months. The retrograde, which occurs every 18 months, makes Venus switch from being a morning star to an evening star. Meaning, visible at night as opposed to the day. It also marks an emotional check-in with ourselves to ensure that we are on the right path when it comes to what we desire most and want to attain. Being that this Venus retrograde occurs in the fire sign Leo, we have to lean into our innermost passions and make sure that they are in alignment with our hearts (since Leo rules the heart chakra).


The Venus Star Point (a term coined by the astrologer Arielle Guttman) occurs on August 13. This is the annual meeting of the Sun and Venus, through an astrological aspect called “cazimi” (a magical moment in which the Sun extends its energy to Venus and heightens its attributes). It’s an amazing day to make a commitment, take a chance, and speak from the heart. Also, this Venus Star Point is the second chapter of the events that commenced 4 years ago in the summer of 2019. Since Venus moves in an 8-year journey, we have the chance to rediscover, redefine, and reignite our old desires now. Manifest your dreams on August 13 because it’s a fateful time to take action.


Do’s and Don'ts for Venus Retrograde


- Implement a self-care regimen into your daily routine.

- Light pink candles and make an offering (a gift of flowers, jewelry, candy, or a small cup of champagne will do)  to Venus on Friday (this is Venus’s color and day). This will give you love and protection from Venus.

- Allow yourself to rest and relax.

- Embrace all of your emotions. Let them flow out.

- Welcome exes and old friends back into your life — if only for a moment.

- Roar your emotions out when you feel them. Let yourself be heard.

- Start a new financial or savings plan. Learn to budget.

- Be kind to yourself and others.

- Carry rose quartz with you to help induce self-love.

- Put your needs first.

- Keep an open mind and heart.

- Discuss the future of relationships.

- Venus represents hair in astrology. Do not get a new hairstyle or color.

- Don’t take your problems out on other people.

- Do not jump to assumptions. Wait for the facts before making decisions.

- Don’t make any cosmetic changes to your appearance.

- Don’t take on more than you can handle.