The Hoodwitch

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The Cancer Sun and Saturn retrograde in Pisces link up on June 28, creating a beautiful and creative Grand Trine with the Scorpio moon. Mercury in Cancer shares a sweet connection with Saturn retrograde, urging us to impose boundaries on June 30. Neptune retrograde in Pisces commences on the 30th, urging us to see the truth in matters — even though we won’t want to. The Sun and Mercury unite on July 1, creating the cazimini effect. This will give us charisma and strength. July 1 also brings a connection between Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun, as well as Mercury, which will add flair to communication and help us process information. Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus square off on July 2, pushing us to break free from the past. The week ends with the Capricorn full moon urging us to reflect and contemplate our future.


Witchtip: Create a gratitude journal on July 1. Write down everything that you’re grateful for. This will help you understand how lucky and loved you are. It’ll be inspirational and motivate you in different ways — as long as you are honest and open with yourself about your feelings.



Anxieties are creeping up in your mind, making you fearful of things that haven’t happened. Before you go down the rabbit hole and start embracing your trepidations, take a step back and release your inner frustrations through breathe work and meditation. Let go of your annoyances and breathe in positivity.



You are your own moral compass, which means that embracing a philosophy that suits your values is important. Think of it this way: You  get to make the rules and call the shots in your personal life. No one can tell you what to do because you’re stronger than them.



Your agile mind is in overdrive this week. Developing your confidence means reassessing relationships and deciding what is working for you. This will cause you to overthink and overanalyze every interaction. Use your heart to decide how you feel, not your head. Only then can you make the right decisions.



Your intuition is currently on fire, helping you see who and what is standing in your way. Before running away, test out your comfort zone to see where and who has good energy. You have to dip your feet in the water to understand what works best for you now.



You may find yourself getting overwhelmed easily now. Truth be told, you’re putting a lot of pressure on your shoulders to be the best at everything that you do. You’ll soon find out that being #1 isn’t important and you can have a more successful life when you stop trying.



It is hard for you to let go of things easily. But, I’m order to make room for what you truly desire, you have to release the old. This could manifest as feelings, relationships, or items that are no longer relevant to your current state of mind and belief system.



There is no place like home and you’re lapping up every minute you spend in your dwelling. The caveat is that you’re longing to connect to your space on a spiritual level which could call for renovations or redecorating. Choose an aesthetic that speaks to your soul, while honoring your heritage.



Taking the higher road is something you’ll do begrudgingly this week. It’s not that you know you’re right — but you are aware that you’re not wrong. You just want to keep the peace and not have extra drama in your life. Therefore, you’ll have to bite your tongue in conversations.



Lately, your emotions have been getting the best of you. While you rarely have a sentimental display for others, you’re finding that the release is clearing out residual stress that you’ve been under. Sometimes a good cry is a great way to get rid of old wounds and buried frustrations.



You have very strong opinions, and you cannot hide what you are thinking under these skies. The spotlight is directly aligned with you You are the caterpillar turning into the butterfly right now, so it is time to spread your wings and take command. Fly away and soar to new heights.



Making amends with those you’ve hurt is a finding that it’s the only way to move on from toxic situations and to heal the past. Be the bigger person and reach out with an open heart to rectify the past before moving onwards.



There are a lot of people telling you what to do — the unsolicited advice is making you swim away from their suggestions. Now is the time to stand tall and take back your power. The more you assert your feelings, the easier it’ll be to fight for what you want.