The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Sun and Mercury align with the South Node of Destiny in Libra on October 18th and 19th, then connect on the 20th. Although we may feel unsure of our next moves, we’ll get clarity when the cosmos form the “cazimi” aspect on the 20th.

The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn occurs on October 21, urging us to break out of our routines. Mercury and the Sun square Pluto in Capricorn on October 20 and 21, pushing us to transform our lives. These growing pains will be intense, but pivotal for our personal development. Mercury and the Sun enter Scorpio on October 22 and 23, heightening our intuition, passion, and drive. Venus in Virgo aspects Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on October 22, expanding our hearts and wallets. Mercury and the Sun in Scorpio harmonize with Saturn retrograde in Pisces on October 22 and 24, which will restrict us and create roadblocks in the way of attaining our goals. Don’t push hard, the last eclipse of 2023 will do the heavy lifting and work for us on October 28.

Witch tip: 

Our insecurities will heighten throughout the week, which is why doing a self-affirming activity like noting what we love about ourselves and reciting them in front of a mirror. This will be especially beneficial in blossoming the relationship we have with ourselves and building our confidence back up.


Many plans are coming into play for your career life that requires careful thought. Remember to stand your ground and speak your truth no matter what to ensure that you find a healthy balance between your professional aspirations and your personal goals. Finding the equilibrium is key right now.


This is a wonderful week for you to experience tremendous healing and business changes, Taurus. Your outlook will take on a new level of awareness and can shift the focus towards your personal needs including starting something more tangible for yourself. Embrace the autonomy you’re seeking and create your vision. 


Taking a step in the right direction includes doing what’s best for yourself. The cosmic energy is helping you to release fear through your zone of transformation. It is important to honor your ancestral roots, and appreciate the intuitive guidance that they are lending you at this moment in time.


You might feel like you're serving as the rational party in an argument between your friends or family members. Be careful not to get locked into other people's situations, even if you are used to navigating through problems yourself. Stay clear of these triangular situations to avoid drama with others.


You need to have important conversations with a few of your colleagues throughout this week. There is a major shift in the energy at work, and you are picking up on this power dynamic on an extremely personal level which is why you should clear the air.


You have to focus on your self-expression to boost your finances. This world is all about living your dreams in order to accomplish your goals. If there is something you're yearning to do, now is the moment to start taking steps towards making it a reality.


This week proves to be quite refreshing for your airy sign of the Scales. Mercury’s movement into Scorpio opens up intellectual energies that serve to electrify the personal zone of cultivating self-expression and bringing life to your unique creative ideas. You will be able and willing to showcase your artistry.


This week’s transits are meant to uncover deep wounds from past career losses and allow you to take into account all that you've learned since then. There's a ton to be learned and understood if you are willing to see the truth around your own need to control the outcome.


There is plenty of abundance to be found this week, despite any backlash you might get from any jealous onlookers. Anytime that you grow out of the old ways of life, you might be met with some opposition, but that is a true sign of how much you have grown.


You are fully supported by the universe and the power of love. There is a surprise moving through your chart over the weekend that gives you support and brightens up your aura. Allow yourself to relish the moment and be happy. It'll put you in a better emotional place.


This is a week for your sign to be truly courageous in your actions. You have to trust yourself through the shifts and changes as the cosmic forces provide you with several circumstances to show your stuff. Don’t hold back and let your awesomeness be known in the days ahead.


You’re the glue to your family and this is an important week for you to see how much you mean to your loved ones. There is a strong emphasis on compassion and kindness that inspires you daily. Use that sentiment to connect with those you care about.