The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The week ahead brings a lot of transformation our way! The Sun and Pluto connect in Capricorn on January 18, creating power struggles and frustrations in relationships. Mercury turns direct on January 18 in Capricorn, ending the retrograde journey that began on December 29. Miscommunications and technological issues will now be cleared up. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20, starting a month-long journey around humanitarianism and uniqueness. The following day, the New Moon in Aquarius occurs, asking us to own our power and embrace our truest selves. Mercury and the Nodes of Destiny link up on January 22, bringing fated alliances our way. Venus and Saturn in Aquarius unite on the 22nd, heightening the need to commit to projects and relationships. Uranus in Taurus turns direct on January 22, ending the planetary moonwalk that began on August 24, 2022. Now, we can make changes and implement growth into our lives. The Sun and Jupiter in Aries harmonize on January 24, heightening our optimism and faith in the world. 

Witch tip: 

Grab a piece of paper and one white candle for this week's Witchtip. This spell focuses on inviting positive people, opportunities, or habits into your life. Think about healthy and uplifting things you wish to enjoy more of and write them down on your paper. As you make your list, begin by writing down “I bring in” and then note what it is you’re calling on (ie: job growth, supportive friendships, a supportive partner, confidence). Once you’ve finished, hold the list up to your heart for a moment, close your eyes and take deep breaths and allow positive feelings to fill your heart and aura. Imagine yourself surrounded by love and try to send love out to the universe. Then read your words out loud (don’t forget to state that you wish to call in the things noted on your list). Next, take your list and place it face up under a bowl of water and place your candle on top. Finally, light your candle while saying “So be it.” Take a moment of quiet and thank the universe (or your higher power) for working with you. 


People are trying to take advantage of your efforts in the past or even looked to you as a free service far more than they should have. Put a stop to this pattern. You are skilled at setting boundaries using your wise ways that can lead you to your current successes.


Expanding your visions will help create a more creative immediate environment — even with the multitude of messages floating around you from the universe. Now, you are able to find the right words that can express what is on your mind and help to bring your dreams to fruition this week.


There are plenty of times for you to shift your personal paradigm and reality with the incentive to confront your deepest fears head-on. Allowing your bold personality to be front-and-center while tackling business and personal projects will allow for financial gains especially as Mars continues to roll through your sign.


The challenge of the week is to let go of your preconceived notions about what success is supposed to be. You are changing the game and giving it a new name, making it a perfect time to communicate your ideas to others and giving your colleagues insight into your feelings.


Life is bringing you many spiritual lessons that can be applied in-depth to your career and life. You have been asking yourself the more profound questions of the Universe and are now ready to apply it to your everyday business proceedings to find meaning in all that you do.


Appreciate those around you, because they show you the deepest love you’ve ever had. The week ahead dazzles and enchants your heart in ways that you didn’t see coming. This will help you to find balance and center your energies in the weeks to come. This is a time of restructuring.


Let go of your need to be in control and take charge this week. It’s time to step back and see what comes to you. Try to appreciate the fact that slow and steady wins the race. This has now become a long marathon highlighting emotional maturity and stamina.


Don’t be afraid of your own shadow this week. You’re processing a lot of change at once. Stick to your strong value system and commit to your decisions. Take your power back and really contribute to the causes you are truly passionate about. This is most helpful to do midweek. 


You are opening your eyes to your truest wisdom this week. All of the insights that you are gaining have been coming to you for several months. But, now you are finally experiencing clarity on matters and life. Step back and see the transformation unraveling around you at this moment.


You’re at a crossroads this week which can feel like a boulder in your way. Try to be open to relaxation and meditation techniques throughout the week in order to find moments of calm. This will help you in seeing matters clearly and allow you to make the right decisions.


Stepping back from your ego will help you work through some essential pivotal self-care this week. Openly addressing and assessing your emotions is imperative, which is why it’s best to be open and honest about your feelings. This will help you to be more open to expanding your mindset and tender sentiments.


You’re going through an evolution where you’re getting a deeper understanding of yourself. This is a week of spiritual awakenings. You have many personal and powerful insights coming through. You’re a channel of true security supported by the universe. There is abundance and money flowing to you now.