The Hoodwitch

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Manifesting With The Cancer New Moon

The first New Moon of the summer occurs today, on July 9th in Cancer. This luminary is asking us to embrace our amazingness and to own our power. The caveat is that we have to heal the past in order to create the present and future that we want. 


This lumnation directly aspects the planet Uranus, which is currently in the sign Taurus. Emotions will be excitable, yet tender — particularly towards the way we care for ourselves. The fixed star Wasat aligns with the New Moon and pushes us to augment our pessimistic attitudes or feelings, due to the presence of Uranus, who serves as a transformative source of energies. 


Chiron, the healing centaur,  who is in Aries, will also lend its energy to the New Moon. This will bring unexpected and exciting emotions to the forefront of our hearts. It will urge us to discuss our sentiments with others, as well as make positive changes towards aligning ourselves with a higher vibration that can mend past wounds — even our emotional hurts that are ever present. 


The days surrounding the New Moon heighten the Venusian energy in the sky. Saturn, Uranus, and Mars (in that order) will set off tender Venus. This will motivate us to understand that we can create the loving environments and relationships that we want. But, it starts with the relationship we have with ourselves.


The first step to attaining your dreams is believing in yourself. Without the confidence and affection we feel for ourselves, then we can hinder our desires from taking flight out of fear. Letting go of 


*The Cancer New Moon occurs on July 9 at 6:16 PM PDT and 9:16 PM EDT. 



New Moon Ritual


Doing this luminary, it’s important to boost our self-esteem. Stating a positive affirmation in front of a mirror will allow us to inspire ourselves to believe that these sentiments are true (which they are). On a piece of paper, write down 5 positive and affirming statements about yourself. Repeat them twice a day at the same time for the next week while gazing at yourself in the mirror. The mirror will reflect the energy back to you and give you the strength you craze to create the positive mindset and confidence that we need to boost and heighten our inner vibration. Exhale and inhale between stating the affirmations out loud. You are exhaling the negative thoughts you have about yourself and inhaling the beautiful sentiments about yourself. Compliment yourself. Love yourself. Give yourself a smile.